Web Site Accessibility

What is Web Site accessibility?

Some individuals may require auxiliary aids, adaptive equipment or specialized software to navigate through or access information on a Website. Relatively simple Website design features can facilitate access by these users. A poorly designed Website, on the other hand, may be inaccessible to some users. Often design decisions made to improve access for users with disabilities will benefit other users as well. [Read more]

We have endeavored to make the ASU Web accessible to all users, compliant with ASU's policies, and compatible with screen readers as well as other assistive technologies. However, this is an ongoing process and it is possible that some users may encounter problems accessing some pages.

ATTENTION!! Questions about email, system outages and myASU should be directed to the appropriate email address listed below:

Questions about email and other computing-related questions? see the Technology Knowledge Base.

Questions about accessing online courses (myASU) should be directed to myasu-q@asu.edu.

Need information on computing systems status and outages?
Call the IT Help Desk at (480) 965-6500 for recorded information and/or to speak to a help desk representative or go to the Systems Status web site: http://systemstatus.asu.edu. This site lists current system and network outages and outages that have occurred within the last 4 hours.

General questions about ASU should be directed to askasu@asu.edu.

Need more help? Detailed contact information available from the Contact ASU page. Use the online Directory to locate a specific individual.

Admissions questions: For undergraduate admissions, please contact Undergraduate Admissions. For graduate admissions, please visit the Graduate College website for more information.

If you encounter a Web accessibility-related problem (e.g., screen reader doesn't display properly in JAWS, etc.) on any page of the ASU Web please let us know. Your email address is required for a response.