
October 24, 2007, 6:17 am

Your Brain and Your Memory in 3-D

Mapping Memory (

This month, National Geographic has a fascinating cover story on memory and why brains sometimes remember things and often forget. It starts off with a woman who remembers almost every minute of every day of her life since the age of 11, as well as a man whose brain, riddled by disease, knows nothing but the present.

After you read the article, be sure and check out the cool three-dimensional Mapping Memory graphic. It’s worth clicking around the entire image, but don’t miss the “forgetting” tab. It offers an unforgettable, albeit scary, glimpse of how memory loss progresses with age. The first image you’ll see is a flurry of synapses and flying neurons that represent a 16-year-old brain. Move the slider at the bottom of the frame to see how memory gradually declines with age. Another slider allows you to see the frightening progression of Alzheimer’s.

If you’re not too depressed, play the Memory Game. The game gives you 10 seconds to memorize the placement of nine tiles of different animals, landscapes, numbers or letters. The tiles scatter and you’re timed for how quickly and accurately you put them back. My first scores on all four games ranged from 7 seconds on the letters to 11 seconds for the scenery. Unfortunately, the site didn’t tell me if those scores are a sign of a healthy brain or one in decline.


  1. 1. October 24, 2007 9:28 am Link

    You can adjust the number of tiles and the countdown time. I think it’s just a game to help improve your memory, no matter where you start out. You CAN get better, as proven by the USA Memory Championships:

    Eds note: Yes, thanks for pointing out that there is more to this memory game than I described in my post. tpp

    — Marilyn
  2. 2. October 24, 2007 9:59 am Link

    “It starts off with a woman who remembers almost every minute of every day of her life since the age of 11, as well as a man whose brain, riddled by disease, knows nothing but the present.”above

    Tara, have any idea how much trouble for guys you’ve stirred up saying the above? For most guys forgetfulness associated with repression keeps a lot of relationships alive!

    Will be great for my GE shares as irate women demand forgetful partners get brain MRIs.

    — MARK KLEIN, M.D.
  3. 3. October 24, 2007 10:28 pm Link

    I think you are doing fine. Mine own scores ranged from seven to seventeen seconds (for some reason letters and numbers are much easier to remember, perhaps the trick is to name the pictures). I also had some dexterity problems, the image doesn’t appear all at once on my computer screen.
    Your point though is a very strong one– isn’t it amaging how well understanding can be conveyed using a series of interactive graphics? This technology will become a wonderful learning tool.

    I also had this thought. Although cognition and memory seems to decline with age, accumulated wealth appears to increase. The alzheimer’s pictures were very scary. Perhaps this also be used as a tool tool to convince us getting older Americans to make convince older Americans to make donations to the scientists who are today solving these problems.
    I do challange only one aspect of the presentation. While the adult brain, which i believe (although i may have forgotten) is thought to contain approximately 100 million neurons. There is agreement that that number certainly doesn’t increase with age, but i am not sure there is agreement that the decline is a sever in healthy brains.
    The pictures point something else about the tragedy of alzheimers, the cell death occurs first in the areas of the brain we would regard as the heart of what we define as ‘ourselves’.
    Thanks for pointing out this article.

    — na rich
  4. 4. October 25, 2007 11:12 am Link

    Very interesting, and a little depressing. I think your scores were good. I did well with animals and letters. Moderate with numbers, and abysmal with scenary. I wonder what the different types of memorization tell us about storage? I would guess some will store certain types better than others? Or, are relative time/accuracy scores the same?

    Eds note: Good questions. unfortunately the site doesn’t provide answers. I think it’s a bit of a dexterity test too. I found it difficult to manipulate the tiles with my laptop. I’ve retaken the test a few times and my scores don’t improve. tpp

    — Jeff
  5. 5. October 25, 2007 3:33 pm Link

    na rich said:
    “While the adult brain, which i believe (although i may have forgotten) is thought to contain approximately 100 million neurons. There is agreement that that number certainly doesn’t increase with age, but i am not sure there is agreement that the decline is a sever in healthy brains.”

    A fewer number of neurons does not necessarily indicate a decline in memory. Children will always have more neurons than adults, and it’s been shown that children who learn more and study harder also have the largest loss in neuron number. (I was told this by a neuroscientist; sorry I can’t provide the source). People now think that this is because “pruning” is important in letting the brain select what is important to remember and what isn’t.

    Of course, a decrease in synapses over time can affect the memory of an adult, but I don’t believe that we have too many cut-and-dry answers yet. That’s why we have neuroscience departments at universities!

    — Danielle Zheng
  6. 6. October 25, 2007 5:50 pm Link

    In the interactive brain graphic, you might wonder about why they spelled thalamus wrong.
    Needs to be in their spellcheck program?

    — Greg Allen MD
  7. 7. October 26, 2007 1:34 am Link

    Cogmed has developed a software program to improve working memory. The program was developed in Sweden at the Karolinska Institute and is clinically proven intervention to impove working memory, processing speed and sustained attention.

    — Rob Vande Steeg, Ph.D.
  8. 8. October 26, 2007 1:53 am Link

    A little bit complicated.

    — Honey
  9. 9. October 26, 2007 2:14 am Link

    I couldn’t physically get, drag and drop 9 tiles in 7 seconds in any order, let alone the correct one. I doubt anyone else over 15 can either!

    It’s much easier (for me) if memorize the names of the animals and landscapes rather than the pics - - makes the scores similar to the numbers and letters–11-13 seconds if all correct. Did anyone experience the opposite, ie, pics were easier?

    A more interesting test would be what you would score after 5 min or an hour. - -Dave

    — dcowandr
  10. 10. October 26, 2007 2:31 am Link

    I got headach mostly and my hair fall very badly. i am very worry about this situation. i had fallen down from the roof of the house in my childhood after that i got this problem. please give solution of this matter

    Eds note: You need to see your doctor, who may refer you to a neurologist. tpp

    — nazia syed
  11. 11. November 16, 2007 12:48 pm Link

    Would appreciate some knowledge about the 3-10% of
    the population , who experience, exactly
    the symptoms described for Transient Global Amnesia. No deviation from diagnosis ,except
    recurences …So far…two or three events
    a year for two years ( as catagorized,to represent 3-10% of those afflicted ) Is there a prognosis for those of us who run scared? I have been thoroughly tested twice in two years for Alzheimers
    I passed with flying colors….I am 87 going on 75
    HELP! for those of us repeaters! M.K.

    — Mag Knollman
  12. 12. March 30, 2008 12:11 am Link

    The human brain-body-consciousness is the greatest known creation in our universe. Thank The Brain for explaining to us what it is (thanks also to N. Geographic, S. American, NY Times, etc, etc) It’s now past the time for us to have the courage to learn what we are and what we can become (good or bad). But most people know more about cats or dogs. The world might improve if most of us would “look under the hood” and learn what we actually are. The NGM article mentioned implicit and explicit memory but the greater fact is that we all have, at the least, two minds in one brain. The explicit (conscious) mind and the implicit (subconscious or basic) mind. People are willing to learn about memory so perhaps they will learn that their subconscious mind is what is really “in control”. People could learn about their minds from many more than Dr. Schacter: try learning from Joseph LeDoux, Daniel Dennett, Gerald Edelman, Elkhonon Goldberg, Benjamin Libet, Michael Gazzagnia, etc. From such fine thinkers I have learned and accepted much about what I am. Now I am more comfortable and relaxed about my life. Your body and your brain is your greatest gift in this life. Please learn and become happier.

    — Michael D. Levens
  13. 13. April 8, 2008 12:29 am Link

    Lots of fun.

    Did great in animals, landscape, poor in numbers, so so in letters. Did it multiple times.

    I did it by association. birds, african animals, etc., same with landscape, ocean/water, expanse, trees, etc. 100%, 50%+ in numbers and 70%+ in letters. Didn’t know there was a timer.

    A few hours later as I’m writing this with a drink in me. I did check the timer, did animals 3x with 2x 100% and 1x 66% time was 7sec to 15sec (too much thinking), landscape was all below 75%, and numbers and letters really horrible.

    I guess that drink really killed my memory brain cells.

    — Anon
  14. 14. August 5, 2008 9:10 pm Link

    Odd thing happened to my husband last month- he forgot how to tie his necktie. Completely went blank.He has been to the doctor, been for an MRI., bloodwork,etc. No other symptoms + no abnormal results. After a month he has re-taught himself another knot, but doesn’t feel it’s ‘right’. Any ideas?

    FROM TPP — That is odd. I would consult a neurologist who specializes in memory. there are three types 1) procedural memory (how to walk, how to tie a shoe), 2) semantic (basic facts) and 3) episodic (experiences)

    procedural memory, which would seemingly involve how to tie a necktie, typically is the strongest we have. This is such a specific loss that I would think a qualified neurologist would be interested in your husband as a patient.

    — Leslie
  15. 15. January 13, 2009 6:07 pm Link

    i have dfsome time headache,more of time i have tanction
    some i will be ecxting.pls gice what da reson

    — gajendra

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