Frequently Asked Questions about Volunteering for ACDI/VOCA

How do I apply?

Please create an e-profile and attach a current résumé. This will allow you to apply easily and quickly to volunteer and/or consultant assignments posted on our web site. It will also enable us to contact you regarding future assignments that match your experience and skills. A willingness to volunteer, however, does not guarantee automatic placement since the process is driven by our overseas clients' demand for particular skills.

What skills are you typically looking for?

ACDI/VOCA is always looking for expert volunteers to support our international development activities. We have ongoing needs for candidates with ten years of experience in business, agriculture, banking and financial services, marketing, cooperative and association development, food processing, community development and other areas.

Do I need to speak the local language?

Foreign language skills are not required, but can be an asset. In cases where the volunteer does not speak the local language and the in-country host does not speak English, an interpreter is provided.

In which countries do you need volunteers?

Throughout Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, Latin America and the Middle East. Click here to view a list of current projects.

How long are the assignments?

From 2 to 4 weeks, typically.

Will there be any cost for me to volunteer?

Volunteers contribute their time and expertise while ACDI/VOCA pays for all assignment-related expenses. These include round-trip coach airfare, passport, visas, lodging, meals and incidentals, immunizations, supplemental health insurance and even emergency medical evacuation if required.

What kind of housing is provided?

This varies from country to country and depends somewhat upon whether the volunteer is based in an urban or a rural area. In urban areas, you may be housed in comfortable hotels, guesthouses, or apartments that the project leases. In rural areas, you may be asked to stay with the host, or in more rustic settings. Lodging information is provided in the scope of work for each assignment. You may not have all the comforts of home, but as Chesterton said, “Adventure is inconvenience rightly considered.”

May I take my spouse or other family member?

We cannot pay expenses for a spouse or other family member. If you would like to schedule a post-assignment vacation, we encourage family and friends to meet you after you have completed your obligations. Schedules may change, however, during your assignment, which may cause difficulty in coordinating with people who are not participating in the assignment.

Are there any further obligations on the part of the volunteer?

You will be asked to complete a project assignment report and an expense report. Many volunteers serve repeatedly so if it’s mutually acceptable you may want to entertain another assignment. And we always appreciate volunteers’ efforts to spread the word about ACDI/VOCA’s brand of development assistance among family and friends as well as civic and professional groups.