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Value Chain Approach

Strengthening Value Chains to Promote Economic Opportunities

The central goal of ACDI/VOCA’s value chain approach to private sector development is to accelerate economic growth and poverty reduction. Toward this end, ACDI/VOCA uses a participatory, stake­holder-driven approach to exploit opportunities for investment and growth in industries with high levels of micro and small enterprise (MSE) involvement.

The value chain approach analyzes the firms in a market chain—from input suppliers to final buyers—and the relationships among them. It analyzes the factors in­fluencing industry performance, including access to and the requirements of end markets; the legal, regulatory and policy environment; coordination between firms in the industry; and the level and quality of support services.

Relationships among firms in an industry can facilitate production and mar­keting efficiencies and enable the flow of information, learning, resources and benefits. ACDI/VOCA works with industry stakeholders to strengthen or restructure relationships and address resource constraints to increase the global competitiveness of the industry and the ability of small firms to contribute to and benefit from this competitiveness.

Working with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), other donors, local governments and industry leaders, ACDI/VOCA promotes MSE access to critical technical, financial and business services to increase efficiency, improve quality and benefit from new markets. ACDI/VOCA provides technical assistance at the firm level to improve capacity to benefit from market opportunities, better inputs and more productive technology. At the market level, ACDI/VOCA alleviates constraints along competitive value chains by supporting suppliers of critical support services and by improving the business enabling environment to increase the contribution of the industry to economic growth and poverty reduction.

World Report Fall 2006: The Value Chain Approach; Strengthening Value Chains to Promote Economic Opportunities


November 24, 2008

Value Chain Training and Analysis in Uttar Pradesh, India

October 29, 2008

New Project Won—India: Partnership for Innovation and Knowledge in Agriculture

September 4, 2008

Campbell Presents at USAID Breakfast Seminar

August 21, 2008

IFFCO CEO and Managing Director Visits ACDI/VOCA Headquarters

Media Coverage

September 30, 2008

USAID Frontlines: Georgian Farmers Create Alternative Markets After Russian Embargo (PDF, 133 KB)

July 15, 2008

Competitiveness at the Frontier: The Value Chain Framework

January 23, 2008

The Economic Times: Retailers Negotiating Deal with Cooperatives at Farmgate