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Ohio State University logo Office of the University Registrar Faculty/Staff Services

Registration News:
New language courses offered under UZBEK effective SP08
New civil engineering courses offered under ENV ENG effective AU08
FM RES M listed under CS FMRSM effective AU08
HOSP MGT listed under CS HSPMG effective AU08
TXTL&CLO listed under CS TXTCL effective AU08
IND ENG listed under ISE effective WI09
BIOCHEMP listed under OSBP effective WI09
BIOM INF listed under BMI effective SP09

Give Access Feedback and Report Concerns

Important Links

On-Line Service Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:00am - 1:00am
Saturday 7:00am - midnight
Sunday 11:00am - 1:00am

Class Rosters

Class Rosters
View a list of students enrolled in your course

Definitions: Class Rosters
View definitions for components of class rosters

Instructions: Class Rosters
View help for using on-line class rosters

Related Issues: Class Rosters
View a list of other issues regarding class rosters

Grade Rosters

View deadlines for grade posting and incompletes

Electronic Grade Posting Options
Enter your grades using the web

View Web-posted Grades
View a list of grades assigned via the web grading application to students in your class/section (does not reflect grade changes done on MARX)

View Missing Grade & Graduating Students Lists
View a list of students in your class/section with missing grades or students projected to graduate

Definitions: Grade Rosters
View definitions for components of grade rosters

Instructions: Grade Rosters
View help for using on-line grade rosters

Related Issues: Grade Rosters
View a list of other issues regarding class rosters

Quick References: Grade Rosters (Adobe File)
View a quick "how-to" for web rosters

Documentation, Policies and Forms

University policies related to enrollment

Online MARX Manual
View help for using the student database

MARX (CICS Access)
Form to request access to the MARX system

Frequently Used Forms
Obtain registrar forms/get clarification of use

Electronic Course Approval
Submit a new course proposal, change an existing course, or request a group studies or flexibly scheduled class offering.

FERPA Policy and Online Tutorial
Test your knowledge of FERPA via an online tutorial

Working Calendar

Student Information

Class Schedule (new window)
View a student's approved class schedule

Advising Report
Summary of Ohio State academic history

Degree Audit
Check progress toward a student's undergraduate degree or run a Transfer Credit Report
    Degree Audit Help (Adobe File)
    Get assistance with degree audit

Web Registration Demo
View the registration steps as seen by a student

Course Waitlist for Advisors
View the course waitlist for a student

Final Exams
View final exam schedule

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