
June 23, 2008, 9:20 pm

The Challenge of Summertime Nutrition

Summer fun. (David Gonzalez/The New York Times)

Why is childhood nutrition tougher in the summertime than during the rest of the year?

That’s the question I explored in my Well column this week. Although schools often are blamed for contributing to childhood nutrition problems, some data suggest kids actually gain more excess weight during the summer. Researchers speculate that unstructured play, hot weather and camp junk food all may play a role.

What happens to your child’s eating and activity habits during the summer? Read the full Well column here and post your comments below.

From 1 to 25 of 83 Comments

  1. 1. June 23, 2008 9:40 pm Link

    I’d be interested in the location of the data. I grew up in the tropics and frankly it was a pretty lethagic time in high summer - so humid you really did less activity than in winter. Also I grew up in the country with the world’s highest melanoma statistics so there was good reason for the “stay indoors between 11am-3pm” rule. Also Christmas falls in midsummer in the southern hemisphere.

    Now most of those stats don’t apply to the US so I’m surprised. You really only have 4 July as a big feasty holiday in the summer, hardly comparable to Christmas (or your Thanksgiving). And the bit of the US I live in is not that hot. NYC summers are hot and humid by my standards for only about 6 weeks a year whereas Brisbane (let alone further north) is like that from mid October - early March!

    Then again I tend to eat less when its super hot and humid as well as exercise less, so perhaps it all balances out.

    But I think climate has a lot to do with it. It would be interesting to know if the data is mainly from temperate California or from the extremes of the midwest.

    BTW there is virtually no “camp culture” in the summers outside the US. I don’t know what camp food is like here, they just did not exist when I was a child and they’re still rare according to my cousins who have older kids.

    FROM TPP — The data represent a random national sample of U.S. children — so all over.

    — JillyFlower
  2. 2. June 23, 2008 10:32 pm Link

    I always lost weight over the summers as a child. I was a chubby child, but I did lots of sports camps and outdoor adventures during the summer months, things that my challenging academics wouldn’t allow during the school year.

    We’d go to the farmer’s market, and eat lots and lots of fruits and vegetables over the summer. They both looked more appetizing at the markets, when fresh and local, and our bodies craved vegetables and fresh food then much more than in winter.

    I remember eating lots of watermelon, with all that water weight - it was a delicious, unintentional diet food. I was simply eating fewer (but more delicious) calories and burning more.

    — allie
  3. 3. June 23, 2008 11:17 pm Link

    One of the reasons is that, during the time when there are no activities for a child, their problem of boredom turns to hunger. Only a bored adolescent could create and engulf a chocolate-marshmallow-cookie sandwich.

    — Anna Louise Kerri
  4. 4. June 23, 2008 11:23 pm Link

    I don’t comprehend how kids could GAIN weight during the summer …. fresh, delicious fruit is in season and they have all day to play outside… I’m totally stumped.

    — GBR
  5. 5. June 24, 2008 12:07 am Link

    When I was a kid, play wasn’t organized, it was spontaneous; there wasn’t much residential central air conditioning yet, so inside was probably hotter than outside; TV cartoons ended by around 9 a.m.; and there were no stereo systems, video games, computers, mobile phones, IM and internet to keep us distracted. So yes, can see why, today, kids may be gaining weight in the summer…

    — erigo
  6. 6. June 24, 2008 12:33 am Link

    Some of this speculation makes sense to me. During the school year, children are on a schedule, which includes structured meal times. In the summer, they may not be, which can lead to no breakfast and lunch, followed by one huge meal in the middle of the afternoon. That sort of eating behavior can lead to weight gain. There’s also the reality of summer in 2008. Parents work, kids are often left by themselves or with only older children to watch them. They can choose to go outside or they can choose to watch television, DVDs and play video games all day. Pretty obvious what a lot of kids will choose. (and it happens even when parents are stay-at-home!)
    I’d be surprised if camp is a contributing factor. All the camps I know tend to 1. keep junk food to a minimum and 2. increase activity levels of pretty much every kid. If nothing else, there is usually the daily swim time and walking to meal time.

    — Alex
  7. 7. June 24, 2008 1:38 am Link

    Commenter #4
    Fresh fruit may be in season, but fresh fruit is not in the households of all children.

    A lot of children no longer spend a significant amount of time playing outdoors. It may be actually dangerous for them to play outdoors if they live in an unsafe neighborhood, or, on the flip side, there are some parents who live in safe neighborhoods that are convinced that unsupervised outdoor time is dangerous because of the potential of kidnappings or pedophiles.

    — AH
  8. 8. June 24, 2008 3:39 am Link

    I agree with Anna Kerri. So many kids just sit home and watch TV all summer while the parents work. Unless the parents push them to get out of the house, many won’t. We installed a pool to make sure the kids would have plenty of distraction to keep them away from the TV. Living in the south, it’s easy to want to avoid being outside in the heat and humidity. My girls end up lean and brown by the end of the summer.

    As a child, we were very limited to TV (and only had three channels anyway). Who wanted to watch TV during the day - it was all soap operas anyway!

    Here in Iraq, I am definitely losing weight in the summer. Who wants to walk 1/2 mile to the dining facility in 116 degree heat and walk back with a full stomach? Ugh!

    — US Soldier
  9. 9. June 24, 2008 3:51 am Link

    actually, as far as i know, since children tend to spend a little too much time outside playing, and eat delicious fruits whenever they feel thirsty and hungry and in the amount of they could not feel full any more .And it’s not diffficult to understand the three regular meals of a day are neglected. As time goes by,this children definitely gain weight in summer than in winter.

    — elle
  10. 10. June 24, 2008 6:40 am Link

    Better School Food is a public health advocacy organization composed of health professionals, educators and concerned parents. Our mission is to support those advocating for a better food environment wherever kids meet and eat: childcare centers, preschools, K-12, after school programs and summer camps. Visit our website at for loads of free downloadable information designed specifically to support you in getting junk our of your child’s camp!

    — Dr.Susan Rubin
  11. 11. June 24, 2008 6:52 am Link

    As an author of three weight loss and fitness books (two were “New York Times” bestsellers) I have to blame childhood obesity on the parents. As a father of an 11-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son, I know what kids eat at school, at camp, parties, etc.

    It is for that reason that I pack their lunch everyday and keep the right food in the house. Sure, my kids eat some fast food and treats, but they balance it with tons of produce (from Costco, where it is affordable for those on a stricter budget), yogurt, string cheese, baked chicken nuggets, etc., and they see that both their mother and father exercise.

    Junk is going to be everywhere. Look, it’s at schools, homes, offices, events, you name it. The key is to educate our children and nothing works better than “Monkey See, Monkey Do.”

    I urge ALL parents to look at their own habits. Given that almost 65% of our American population is overweight or obese, realize that two-thirds of our children are being raised by an overweight parent or parents.

    Did you know that one-third of adults skip breakfast. What will motivate a child to eat the right food to start the day if mom and dad aren’t setting an example?

    We need to stop assigning blame to schools and camps. It’s the parents responsibility to educate on many topics, health being a priority.

    Jim Karas

    — Jim Karas
  12. 12. June 24, 2008 8:24 am Link

    My girls enjoy accompanying me to the farmer’s markets to pick out the best seasonal, local produce. But we also make sure to stop by the baker’s stalls for some cookies, pies, and fresh cider. These trips become an occasion in themselves.

    — NYC
  13. 13. June 24, 2008 8:28 am Link

    This is a huge issue that we are facing now. I wish every parent luck in finding that magic trick to get kids to eat healthier when they are out of school. Kids are so picky as it is, it’s difficult to plan healthy meals for them that they will eat. Try making a list of healthy snacks that they like and keep it on hand when you go grocery shopping. It’s hard to say no to the sugary snacks, but by providing some healthy choices may make it easier.

    — Wendy Ann
  14. 14. June 24, 2008 8:33 am Link

    Oh, summer. The fun of some unstructured time is always met with some issue. Parents like to take a break from the grind as well, and allow many treats that were not allowed during the school year. Summer eating has always been like summer itself; lazy, comforting, special. So many parents stock up on what they feel are the summer essentials: ice cream (in all shapes, flavors and forms), freezer-pops, lemonade, chips, soda, hot dogs, hamburgers, etc… Life is way to short not to indulge in these come summertime. Wht kind of childhood memories involve carrot sticks, yogurt and and string cheese? (No offense Jim Karas) I think that moderation has to be the key. Go ahead, have ice cream for breakfast! But then a nice garden salad for lunch and fish for dinner (grilled). Or how about the ubiquitous peanut butter and jelly; instead with natural peanut butter, organic jelly and whole wheat bread? Healthy, yet still great for camp (if they allow peanut products–a whole huge issue itself). As a camp nurse for a few weeks each summer, I see so many “lunchables”, juice boxes and peanut butter and fluff sandwiches (what is fluff anyway–just pack a bunch of marshmallows!). These things are not real food. Do not buy them. And one other thing–all those “healthy snacks and lunches” you send in thinking what a great parent you are? In the trash, usually. There are way too many kids willing to share their huge lunch of junk food that their “cool” mom packed. So relax, enjoy summer. Don’t worry so much. Teach moderation. There are so many other issues to worry about. Structure is good, but too much is a kill joy.

    — Janice Nelson
  15. 15. June 24, 2008 8:42 am Link

    I can see how kids gain weight in the summer. I’m not that far removed from childhood summers, and I definitely ate more junk food in the summer. I was pretty active, playing outside and attending active summer camps. While at home I lacked the meal time structure of school and was free to eat whenever I wanted. We didn’t have junk food at home, but I did have a bike and some spending money so it was pretty easy to go to fast food places for a snack and to hang out. At summer camp the meals were structured, but just as bad as school lunches and without the option of bringing your own. Plus we had dessert at every lunch and dinner, something I never had at home during the school year, and we went into town 2-3 times a week to get ice cream. Add in the contraband snacks we kept in our cabins and its no surprise kids gain weight.

    — MP
  16. 16. June 24, 2008 8:49 am Link

    Kids gaining weight over the summer?! Wow, that’s not the kind of summers I remember or that my kids enjoy. But then again we live in a New Hampshire town that my NYC friends say reminds them of the 1950s. We walk to the park and the pool. We enjoy the farmer’s market each Saturday. We go out and pick strawberries/blueberries in season. We ride our bikes to the library. During the week, my girls are at a day camp and I pack their lunches. Except for the uptick in ice-cream consumption, our summers are much more active and healthy than during the school year. Bring back good old-fashioned summertime for all!

    — anne
  17. 17. June 24, 2008 9:09 am Link

    In summer, you, the parent try to learn how to cook Japanese food programm. I think children’s could have a chance to taste the foreign food in the home. I do not think if the parent would like.
    to enjoy the good taste alone.

    So, let them have a chance to taste it.

    And you all would know how the food is healthy and tasty.

    — young
  18. 18. June 24, 2008 9:18 am Link

    Perhaps the study can be explained by the fact that so many parents have so little control over their children’s eating today. Parents so often let their kids fill up on junk all day long. At least when kids are in school, they eat at certain times, with limits on quantity.

    — Kim
  19. 19. June 24, 2008 10:17 am Link

    I loved this post

    I don’t comprehend how kids could GAIN weight during the summer …. fresh, delicious fruit is in season and they have all day to play outside… I’m totally stumped.

    — Posted by GBR

    It made me think of my summers as a child.

    I am only 38 yrs old, but when I look back at how I spent my summers as a kid, I feel like a dinosaur. I would say goodbye to my mom in the morning and wouldn’t see her or my dad again until supper time.

    What kid lives like that anymore?

    Why not?

    2 income families are the norm - True, but my mom only had a vague idea (heh,heh,heh)of what I was up to during the day. (Mainly sports, riding my bike and goofing around)

    We have made ourselves and our children terrified of the strangers out to get us all. Kids can’t go out and play - they have play dates.

    We structure our childrens’ lives down to the microsecond. When do they PLAY? I used to play “road hockey” (Canadian from Toronto) for hours and hours and hours

    We all eat a diet of processed foods. True, I ate my share of PB&J, but during the summer, my mom always made sure I threw some fruit into my knapsack to take with me on my journeys.

    If parents don’t set a healthy eating example, how can they expect their kids to avoid the junk food. Monkey see monkey do.

    The same applies to exercise. When was the last time your kids saw you run and jump and sweat? Do you exercise with them?

    And I am not talking about the Wii Fit -

    This isn’t rocket science folks.

    — DR
  20. 20. June 24, 2008 10:17 am Link

    I’m interested in the whole school food phenomenon. I don’t understand it. Back home there are tuckshops (canteens, usually outdoor kiosks really) that serve overpriced lunches, but it is rare for kids to have tuckshop lunch for more than an occasional thing. Something of a treat to get an Aussie meat pie or sausage roll for lunch instead of sandwiches from home. Some kids would regularly buy milk drinks to go with their lunch as these can’t be kept in the lunch boxes safely for 9 months of the year. But I doubt I can think of a child who has tuckshop lunch more than once a week at the most.

    Is it different here? Do people really let their kids buy their lunch at school every day of the week?? That must be pretty expensive!

    — JillyFlower
  21. 21. June 24, 2008 10:19 am Link

    I used to be a camp director (and oversaw the kitchen). We planned a menu that would be as healthful and nutritious as possible, and even fed the campers local produce. But not every camp prioritizes this. Camp food budgets are tight, and some camps serve a lot of pre-made SYSCO type meals. However, the camp industry is always looking to get better; I wouldn’t be surprised if the folks at the American Camp Association check out this article.

    Still, not every kid spends the summer at camp. It’s expensive, for one thing. For another, while the Northeast has a culture of full-summer camp, the Northwest and some other areas have traditions of 1- and 2- week summer camps. Not exactly representative of a full summer’s diet.

    For lower-income families, the additional cost of feeding the kids lunch during the week may contribute. If it’s a challenge to afford to feed your kids, you may end up feeding them lower quality food, like fast food or simple carbohydrates that are cheap.

    I also wouldn’t be surprised if some of the trend is about an increase in sugary treats during the summer. It’s the season of ice cream and lemonade, isn’t it?

    Food Is Love

    — Debs
  22. 22. June 24, 2008 10:24 am Link

    I agree so much with Janice Nelson! Why does childhood have to be so structured, so “healthy behavior”-oriented? When I was a kid, we ate whatever we wanted, went outside as much as we wanted and swam and played ball games, but sat inside the cool (not air-conditioned but airy and shaded) house watching cartoons or playing jacks or board games when it got a bit too hot. We ate ice cream, fruit, hot dogs, drank soda, ate more ice cream…. and guess what? At 53 I am still alive and quite well, and have memories of a carefree childhood to boot. Let the kids play. Let the kids eat kid food. Plenty of time later for restricted eating, ritual exercise and carrot sticks- for those who want them.

    — Annie
  23. 23. June 24, 2008 10:25 am Link

    Here we go again–blast the parents. I remember eating a lot of watermelon in summer–that was good, right? Of course, there were always s’mores. Oh–and muffins cooked in a reflector oven at Girl Scout camp. And sweet ice tea with mint leaves in it. And popsicles made of OJ in an ice cube tray and wrapped with a paper towel for sucking on.

    — Star
  24. 24. June 24, 2008 10:27 am Link

    #7, you are so right. In my nice, midwestern suburb, three pedophiles in cars tried to pick up kids right outside the schools after school this year and a pedophile nearly snatched my friend’s 10 year old right in front of her at a playground (none of these creeps were caught). When I was my son’s age (9), my friends and I disappeared all day to the parks and beach. I wouldn’t dream of letting him out of my reach until he’s old enough to use a cell phone in an emergency and not freeze in terror if some scumbag came up to him and his friends. I have him in a rec dept. program all afternoon where they constantly swim or bowl or run around playing games, plus swimming lessons daily, and we have him play Dance Dance Revolution and play in the backyards of people we know. He’s always been lean. But you have to work at getting them opportunities for safe physical activities.

    He knows that if he chooses not to eat all day because he’s having too much fun, his options for late night snacks are limited–lots of carrot sticks, deseeded cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, blueberries, and strawberries, and if he eats those, he can have whole grain popcorn or cereal with skim milk. The only junk we buy is ice cream and he gets a very small (1/2 cup) scoop once in a while.

    — JoanMolly
  25. 25. June 24, 2008 10:38 am Link

    A funny story for #11 - my daughter is worried about my eating habits. She’s 3 and we give her breakfast before she goes to preschool but rarely eat with her as we’re trying to dress and keep her engaged at the same time. We drop her off then get breakfast together and go to work. We eat healthier for not being rushed by a little one, but she never sees us eat weekday breakfasts.

    Then we do dinners early for her (and our newborn) and have dinner after she’s in bed (before another feed for the newborn). So she doesn’t see us eat dinner either! It’s just too hard to eat dinner ourselves while looking after 2 kids, 1 needs supervision with her eating (or she’d hide things under the sofa or get distracted with play) and the other needs constant holding. Not conducive to a healthy meal.

    So on wekeends she is always keen to FEED us. She gets very concerned that we don’t eat enough!

    I know the gurus say you should have family meals but I think those gurus all have kids who haven’t been 3, let alone 3 months, for a long long time.

    — JillyFlower

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