C-SPAN StudentCam 2009









C-SPAN StudentCam Entry Form

Upload Your StudentCam Documentary

Getting Started Making a Documentary

So you want help getting started with StudentCam? There are many more resources and "how-to's" available online, in books and through other sources, but here are some tips you may find helpful as you plan your StudentCam entry.

The Format

The contest calls for a specific format for your video--a documentary. The documentary could be described as a type of "non-fiction story." The video should "document" a current political issue facing the incoming President. The video elements (content, editing, voiceover, B-roll, music, titles) should be combined to explore the topic. It may include entertainment, instruction, or news, but the end product should tell a non-fiction story. The StudentCam documentary competition specifically calls for entries to integrate C-SPAN programming and, in keeping with C-SPAN's mission, must include more than one point of view.

Team Work

Before you get started, if you are working in a team you should consider how the team is going to divide up the responsibilities. Typical roles may include: writer, editor, director, videographer, producer. Of course one person can play more than one role! Select a current political topic that interests you. You may look through a variety of media resources including C-SPAN for help identifying an issue.


Find all the information--facts and opinions--you can on this issue. Keep note cards, a legal pad, a database; whatever method is best for you. Take note of sources and jot them down. It may be useful to keep notes with two columns; the left side with facts or information, and on the right side, ideas for video footage: "What or who can I show, with the camera, that will visually communicate this information to the audience?"


At this stage you may wish to write a "treatment"--a one-two paragraph description of your documentary's topic. You can refer to the treatment throughout the production process to keep the project focused.

Outline The Content

Before production, you may wish to create a script outline, including storyboards illustrating specific shots. It should include: locations to explore, people to be interviewed, events to capture, situations to show, documents or still photos to include, artwork, quotations, C-SPAN video clips to insert. **Be sure any copyrighted material is used under "fair" use guidelines.

Video Equipment

This is the production phase. If you have video and editing equipment --great. If not, consider asking your local cable provider (try their community relations or public affairs divisions), public access channel, or service organization for help with resources.

If you still have problems accessing equipment, contact C-SPAN Classroom at 1-800-523-7586 or educate@c-span.org, and we'll see if we can find some leads for you.

Shooting Video

There are some basic rules to follow when shooting your video footage. Consider lighting, framing, positioning, camera steadiness, speed of camera movement, sound, how many seconds you hold a shot, etc. A note about interviewing--think carefully about the questions and answers, the preparation, position, location and appearance of the interviewee. Careful planning can lead to better video footage for your final product.


Editing is a critical phase of creating your video. Think of the editing process as similar to the writing process, and your video footage as the words you will use to tell your story. Let the story "tell itself" through the video. In what order will you arrange the story? How will it end? What pieces work well together? What piece should be left out? You may want to look at all of your content then write out an "editing script.". You may also realize you are missing some pieces and have to shoot more video. This is OK. Write any narration or voice-over you may need from your editing script.


Ask a friend, family member, or teacher to watch your video and give you feedback about what worked well and what needs improvement.

ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE C-SPAN OFFICES by Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009.

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Created by Cable. Offered as a Public Service.
This project is funded by the C-SPAN Education Foundation