Solar Living Institute
Promoting Sustainable Living through Inspirational Environmental Education
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Student Stories

After participating in our workshops, many Solar Living Institute graduates have gone on to do amazing things to make a difference--from founding their own solar companies to teaching sustainability abroad, our students serve as an inspiration to us all.

If you are a Solar Living alumni and would like to share your story, contact us with a picture and bio!

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Mike Symons
Mike wrote in: We thoroughly enjoyed the straw bale class with Mark and Drew. I learned more in 2 days from them than all the books I have read about straw bale construction over the past decade. Thanks for having us. My fiancée would not say yes until I built her a strawbale home or, at least, convinced her that I was indeed serious about constructing one. The class convinced her, our strawbale plans have been submitted to SD County, and we got married in Las Vegas right after class last Tuesday.
Misty Cho

When I was first became interested in solar, about a year ago, I decided to take any workshop that I could register myself on time for. I believed in getting as much education as possible before going out in the field looking for a job. Out of the many classes I’ve attended, I must mention “Find your Dream Job in Solar” that was presented by Liz Merry. It was an all day workshop focused on group discussions and networking, which became a huge guideline for me in pursuing my dream of working in the solar industry.

By that time I was already noticing some of the same faces I’d seen in other classes and started exchanging words. The whole industry is rapidly growing now, but I remember it was still a small enough community back then that people shared much information. I had a big interest in hands-on positions such as being an installer or an inspector out in the field. One of the most effective recommendations that Liz gave us at her class was to get involved in volunteering with a local organization. I perceived it as the best way to network with others and became a volunteer to install PV systems for low income families right away. It turned out to be one of the best ...

Rebecca Waldo

Rebecca and Mark Waldo run a photovoltaic installation business out of their home. For three years Waldo Renewable Electric has been installing and servicing solar panel power systems all over Conneticut.

Rebecca received solar training at the Solar Living Institute’s PV Design and Installation class, as well as being an intern on site at the Solar Living Center. Rebecca, who issues quotations and deals with personal relations, has a Master of Science degree, awarded by Portland State University. Her husband, Mark, who deals with installation and other hands-on servicing, has been an electrician for 12 years. He previously installed photo-voltaic systems for Mr. Sun Solar in Portland, Oregon.

The Waldos are figuratively and literally a "Mom & Pop" business. They have only themselves in this new and exciting alternative energy business. Outside of work, Mark and Rebecca Waldo are committed to reducing their carbon footprint; so much, in fact, that they are striving to make their new baby, Gabe, entirely carbon-neutral.

You can read more at their website

Willie and Cody Shuken
My son, Cody, and I recently completed the Grid-Tied PV Boot Camp for Beginners and the Sustainable Beekeeping and Natural Honey Production courses. We had a fantastic experience.

The staff at the Institute was very friendly and helpful, including all of the interns. The property is beautiful and we
camped on-site. The courses were well planned and very informative.

The solar course alone will pay for itself within months with what we learned about becoming more efficient at home (even after having already installed a solar hot water heater, compact fluorescent bulbs and efficient appliances before the course). I would HIGHLY recommend the Solar course to anyone just for the information about becoming more efficient.

We have installed a grid-tied system at home and are finding great joy in watching the meter spin backwards. The beekeeping course was the highlight for my son and we'll be starting some hives immediately. The instructors, Serge Labesque and Douglas Livingston are experts and extremely enthusiastic.

It was a great experience to share this time with my son.
Ron Luikaart
In 2001, I attended the PV Installation & Design workshop which was a great introduction to solar photovoltaics. The next workshop I went to was Solar Business Startup. More good stuff. I then wanted some off-grid experience for the Caribbean Ecolodge that I hope to build someday. Intro to Off-Grid Photovoltaics and Off-Grid Systems for Professionals were super-informative, and I got some real-world experience in solar PV installation before jumping into sales. A number of customers have commented that they like the fact that I have actual installation experience and am knowledgeable in the field.

Next on the agenda was Payback: The Financial Case for Solar and Breakthrough Solar Sales & Marketing. It has helped me tremendously.

I'm now enjoying my career as a residential solar sales rep for Real Goods, representing the Sacramento region. It also helps that I truly love my job and feel that I'm contributing positively to help the planet breathe a little easier.

I highly recommend the Solar Living Institute as a path toward expanding your knowledge base, whether it’s for your own application or for a career.
Green Collar Jobs
Student Stories
2008 Workshop Catalogue

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