Pest Management - Insects

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West Virginia University Materials
Asian Lady Beetles Information
Household Pest Management
Private Applicator Pesticide Certification Information (PCI) Series
Pollination and Bees
Other On-line Resources
Insect Identification Online
Fruit Pest Management
Garden Pest Management
Greenhouse Insect Control
Household Insects
Row Crops and Forage Pest Management
Turf Pest Management
Stored Grain IPM
Tree, Shrub, and Woody Ornamental Pest Management
Bees/World's Beekeeping Directory
WVU Fruit Entomology Program
Public Health Entomology
Structural Entomology
Forest Entomology
Gypsy Moth
Identification Labs
Biological Control
Fun with Bugs

West Virginia University Materials

Some publications included below are in HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) and Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). HTML documents can be read directly with your browser. PDF documents can only be viewed and printed using the Adobe Acrobat software. The Acrobat Reader is available for Macintosh, Windows, DOS, and Unix systems. You may download it free of charge from Adobe. Choose the Acrobat Reader with Search version and the platform version you need from the pop-up lists at their site.

Genetic Engineering
Part 1: Basic Principles
Part 2: Pros and Cons of Genetically Engineered Crops
          Part 3: Current and Future Directions of Transgenic Crops
Pests of Ornamentals Series


Household Pest Management: Less Toxic Methods for Managing Your Uninvited Guests series, 1994-1995

Private Applicator Pesticide Certification Information (PCI) series
Set of study guides for use with supplementary certification materials.

Agronomic Crops, Important Weeds of - PCI 2 - 2 pp (12K)
Barley, Diseases of - PCI 10 - 8 pp (36K)
Christmas Trees, Diseases of - PCI 22 - 2 pp (15K)
Christmas Trees, Insect Pests of - PCI 21 - 6 pp (28K)
Corn, Diseases of - PCI 5 - 11 pp (48K)
Field Crop Insect Pests - PCI 4 - 7 pp (29K)
Forage Grasses & Legumes, Diseases of - PCI 3 - 11 pp (51K)
Forest Trees, Diseases of - PCI 23 - 10 pp (50K)
Forest Trees, Ornamental, and Turf, Vertebrate Pests of - PCI 18 - 9 pp (44K)
Fruit, Important Insect Pests of - PCI 6 - 9 pp (37K)
Fruit Trees, Some Important Diseases of - PCI 17 - 26 pp (115K)
Grapes, Diseases of - PCI 7 - 3 pp (18K)
Greenhouse Growers, Study Manual for - PCI 25 - 7 pp (26K)
Livestock, Insect Pests of - PCI 1 - 4 pp (19K)
Nuts, Important Pests of - PCI 12 - 4 pp (19K)
Nurserymen, A Study Manual for- PCI 20 - 6 pp (27K)
Pests - PCI 24 - 13 pp (43K)
Potatoes, Tuber Diseases of - PCI 13 - 5 pp (23K)
Oats, Diseases of - PCI 11 - 4 pp (19K)
Soybeans, Diseases of - PCI 9 - 7 pp (30K)
Turfgrass Pest Control - PCI 19 - 13 pp (55K)
Vegetable Crops, Diseases of - PCI 15 - 14 pp (72K)
Vegetable Crops, Insect Pests of - PCI 14 - 7 pp (30K)
Weed Identification & Control in Vegetable Crops - PCI 16 - 10 pp (51K)
Wheat, Diseases of - PCI 8 - 6 pp (27K)

Insect Identification Online

Household Insects

General Identification Guides

Household and Structural Pest Management Guide (Ohio State Univ.) PDF Format
National Park Service IPM Manual (Many Urban, Medical, and Forest Pests)
Northwest Wood Destroying Pests (Washington State Univ.)
Relative Toxicity of Some Common House and Garden Insecticides (West Virginia Univ., 1997)
Residential, Structural, and Community Pests (NC State Univ.)
Storm-Related Pest Problems in and Around Homes (NC State Univ.)
Structural, Industrial, and Medical Insects (Univ. of Kentucky)
Urban and Industrial Pest Management (Lists from Several States)

Pest Control Services in the Home
Tips on Selecting Pest Control Services (NC State Univ., 1998)

Pest Control Devices

Insect Repellent Information
Insect Repellent Products (NC State Univ., 1995)

Perceived Insect Problems
Common Causes of Itching and Common Treatments (Iowa State Univ.)
Illusory Parasitosis (Iowa State Univ.)

Specific Pests

What to Do About Household Ants (North Central Regional Publication, 1994)
Household Ants (Univ. of California)
Carpenter Ants (Cornell)
Carpenter Ants (Univ. of Toronto)
Grease Ants (Iowa State)

Bees, Wasps, and Yellowjackets
Bees in Turf (NC State Univ.)
Carpenter Bees (Univ. of Toronto)
Controlling Bald-faced Hornets and Yellow Jackets (NC State Univ.)
European Hornets (NC State Univ.)
Foraging Yellowjackets (Univ. of Kentucky)
Honey Bee Swarms and Bees in Walls (Univ. of Georgia)
Managing Yellowjackets (Univ. of Illinois)
Solitary Bees - An Addition to the Honey Bees - (Univ. of Idaho)

Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs (Univ. of Kentucky)

Boxelder Bugs
Boxelder Bugs (NC State Univ.)
Boxelder Bugs (Iowa State Univ.)

Carpet Beetles (Univ. of California)
False Powder-post Beetles (Univ. of Toronto)
Powder-post Beetles (Univ. of Toronto)

Centipedes and Millipedes
House Centipede (Iowa State Univ.)

Cockroach Identification Key (Univ. of Nebraska)
Cockroach Control Manual (Univ. of Nebraska)
IPM for Cockroaches (Cornell)
Managing German Cockroaches (Univ. of Illinois)

A Smarter Approach to Flea Control (Univ. of Kentucky, for Pet Owners)
Ridding Your Home of Fleas (Univ. of Kentucky)

"Attic Flies" or Cluster Flies in Winter (Iowa State Univ.)
Flies (NC State Univ., PDF Format)

Lady Beetles
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle (Virginia Tech)
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle (Cornell, good photographs)
The Asian Lady Beetle in Kentucky (Univ. of Kentucky)

Biology and Control of Human Lice (NC State Univ., 1995)
Frequently Asked Questions About Head Lice (NC State Univ., 1995)


Mites Affecting People (NC State Univ.)
Parasitic Mites of Humans (Univ. of Kentucky)

Mosquito Pest Management (Ohio State Univ.)
Mosquito Control in and Around the Home (Iowa State Univ.)
Community Mosquito Management (Univ. of Illinois)
Mosquito Control Around the Home and In Communities (NC State Univ., 1995)
Mosquito Control Methods (Rutgers)
Products and Promotions That Have Limited Value for Mosquito Control (Rutgers)

Spiders (NC State Univ., 1995)

Stored Product Pests
Controlling Stored Products Pests Using Low Temperature (Univ. of Kentucky)
Stored Product Pests in the Pantry (Univ. of Kentucky)
Protecting Home Cured Meats from Mites and Insects (Univ. of Kentucky)

Illustrated Termites of North America (Univ. of Toronto)
Termite Control Methods and Other Termite Information (Univ. of Toronto)
Termite Control (NC State Univ.)
Termites and Their Control (go to Ohio State, updated fact sheet)
Dr. Don's Termite Pages
Termite Baits: A Guide For Homeowners (Univ. of Kentucky)

West Virginia Tick Information (West Virginia Univ., 1997)
Deer Tick Homepage

Row Crops and Forage Pest Management

Row Crops
Corn Growers Guidebook (Purdue and other States including Ohio)
Field Crop Pest Management Circulars (Ohio State Univ.)
Field Crop Pest Management Circulars (Iowa State)
Insect Pests of Field Crops (Ohio State Univ.)
Multiflora Rose Control (Ohio State Univ.)
Predicting European Corn Borer Development (Univ. of Kentucky)
University of California Pest Management Guidelines (Univ. of California)
Pictorial key for identifying some common late-instar caterpillars found on corn (Iowa State)

Dairy, Livestock, and Poultry Pest Management

Veterinary Parasitology Website (Univ. of Missouri)

Forage Information System (Oregon State Univ.)
Pests of Alfalfa Hay (Univ. of California)
Clover Root Curculio in Alfalfa (Univ. of Kentucky)
University of California Pest Management Guidelines (Univ. of California)

Turf Pest Management

West Virginia Lawn Care Calendar (West Virginia Univ.)

General Information

Cornell Pest Management Recommendations for Commercial Turfgrass
Pests of Turfgrass (Univ. of California)
Pesticide Selection for Water Quality Protection
(NC State Univ.)

Specific Pests

Bees in Turf (NC State Univ.)
Cicada Killer Wasps (NC State Univ.)
Mole Cricket Management (NC State Univ.)
Scoliid Wasps (NC State Univ.)
Spittlebug (Twolined) (NC State Univ.)
Sod Webworm (NC State Univ.)
White Grubs in Turf (NC State Univ.)
White Grub Pests on Turfgrass, Identification and Control (Univ. of Georgia)

Fruit Pest Management

Tree Fruits

Kearneysville Tree Fruit Research and Education Center (West Virginia Univ.)
Tree Fruit Research and Education Center (Washington State Univ.)

General and Comprehensive Guides
Index of Fruit Insect Pest and Natural Enemy Photographs
(West Virginia Univ.)
Fruit Crop Disease, Insect, and Weed Control Recommendations (University of Illinois)
Virginia Home Orchard Management Guide (PDF Format)

Guides for Specific Crops
Apple IPM Manual (New York)
Tree Fruit Insect Fact Sheets (Cornell)
Grape IPM (Virginia Tech Comprehensive Page)

Specific Pests
Apple Maggot Management in Home Gardens
(Univ. of Minnesota, 1997)
Lesser Peachtree Borer (Univ. of Kentucky)
Peachtree Borer (Univ. of Kentucky)

Garden Pest Management

Firewood Insects (Ohio State Univ.)
Common Insect and Mite Pests of Vegetables (Virginia Tech)
Images of Vegetable Pests (Virginia Tech)
Mail Order Catalogues and Comments on Companies (to help select pest resistant varieties)
2002 Ohio Vegetable Production Guide (Ohio State Univ.)
Vegetable Crops Disease, Insect, and Weed Control Recommendations (University of Illinois)
University of California Pest Management Guidelines (Univ. of California)

Organic Pesticides for Common Vegetable Pests (Virginia Tech)
Control Garden Insects (Mississippi State Univ., Comprehensive Chemical/Pest Tables)
Pesticide Information Sources Listed on This Site

Specific Garden Pests
Aphids on Various Vegetables (Virginia Tech)
Apple Maggot Management in Home Gardens (Univ. of Minnesota, 2002)
Asparagus Insects and Their Control (NC State Univ.)
Asparagus Production, Management, and Marketing Bulletin (Ohio State Univ.)
Asparagus Beetle (Virginia Tech)
Bean Aphid (Virginia Tech)
Bean Leaf Beetle (Virginia Tech)
Beet Webworm (Virginia Tech)
Blister Beetles (Virginia Tech)
Cabbage Aphid (Virginia Tech)
Cabbage Looper (NC State Univ.)
Cabbage Webworm (Virginia Tech)
Carrot Caterpillar (Virginia Tech)
Carrot Rust Fly (Virginia Tech)
Celery Leaf Tier (Virginia Tech)
Celery Worm (Virginia Tech)
Colorado Potato Beetle (Virginia Tech)
Corn Earworm (Virginia Tech)
Corn Sap Beetles (Virginia Tech)
Cowpea Curculio (Virginia Tech)
Cucumber Beetles (NC State Univ.)
Cutworms (Virginia Tech)
Diamondback Moth (NC State Univ.)
Eggplant Lacebug (Virginia Tech)
European Corn Borer in Potatoes (NC State Univ.)
European Corn Borer (Virginia Tech)
Fall Armyworm (Virginia Tech)
Flea Beetles (Virginia Tech)
Garden Symphylan (Virginia Tech)
Grasshoppers (Virginia Tech)
Grub, White, Control Options (Univ. of Maryland)
       Grubs, see also, white grubs
Harlequin Bugs (Virginia Tech)
Hornworms (Virginia Tech)
Imported Cabbageworm (Virginia Tech)
Japanese Beetle (NC State Univ., 1997)
Japanese Beetle (Virginia Tech)
Leafhoppers (Virginia Tech)
Leafminers (Virginia Tech)
Lima Bean Pod Borer (Virginia Tech)
Lygus Bugs (Virginia Tech)
Mexican Bean Beetle (Virginia Tech)
Mole Crickets (Virginia Tech)
Onion Maggot (Virginia Tech)
Onion Thrips (Virginia Tech)
Orange Tortrix (Virginia Tech)
Parsleyworm (Virginia Tech)
Pea Weevil (Virginia Tech)
Pepper Worms and Their Management (NC State Univ.)
Pickleworm (Virginia Tech)
Potato Tuberworm (Virginia Tech)
Raspberry Crown Borer (Virginia Tech)
Raspberry Fruitworms (Virginia Tech)
Red-Necked Cane Borer (Virginia Tech)
Rhubarb Curculio (Virginia Tech)
Root Maggots (Virginia Tech)
Rose Chafer (Virginia Tech)
Rose Scale (Virginia Tech)
Seed Corn Maggot (Virginia Tech)
Six-Spotted Leafhopper (Virginia Tech)
Slugs and Snails (comprehensive) (NC State Univ., 1994)
Slugs and Snails (Univ. of California)
Slug Control (Univ. of Illinois, 1994)
Slug Biology (Univ. of Illinois, 1994)
Slug Barriers (Univ. of Illinois, 1994)
Slug Baits (Univ. of Illinois, 1994)
Snails and Slugs (Univ. of California)
Spider Mites (Virginia Tech)
Spotted Cucumber Beetle (Virginia Tech)
Squash Bug (Virginia Tech)
Squash Bug (Ohio State Univ.)
Squash Bug and Other Bugs (North Carolina State Univ, 1994)
Squash Vine Borer (Virginia Tech)
Stalk Borer (Virginia Tech)
Stink Bugs (Virginia Tech)
Striped Cucumber Beetle (Virginia Tech)
Sweetpotato Weevil (Virginia Tech)
Tomato Fruitworm (Virginia Tech)
Whitefly (Silverleaf) (North Carolinia State Univ.)
White-Fringed Beetles (Virginia Tech)
White Grubs (Virginia Tech)
White Grub Control Options (Univ. of Maryland)
Wireworms on Sweet Potatoes (NC State Univ.)
Wireworms (Virginia Tech)

Lists of Garden Pests and Control Recommendations
Common Insect and Mite Pests of Vegetables (Virginia Tech)

Stored Grain IPM

Management of Stored Grain With Aeration (Univ. of Minnesota, 1997)
Fumigating Stored Grain (Univ. of Minnesota)
Preventing Stored Grain Insect Infestations (Univ. of Minnesota)

Tree, Shrub, and Woody Ornamental Pest Management

Implementing IPM for Nurseries and Landscapes in the Northeastern and North Central Regions of the US (Northeast Regional IPM Network)

General Recommendations
Insect Pests of Ornamental Plants Slide Show (Virginia Tech)
Forest and Ornamental Tree Insect Control (Univ. of Georgia)
Insecticide Suggestions to Manage Landscape Tree and Shrub Insects
(Univ. of Minnesota, 1997)
Insect and Mite Control on Woody Ornamentals and Herbaceous Perennials (Ohio State Univ.)
Caterpillars That Feed on Trees and Shrubs (NC State Univ.)

Christmas Trees
Christmas Tree Production (Univ. of Georgia)
Christmas Tree Pests Slide Show (Virginia Tech)

Specific Pests
Azalea Leaf Miner (NC State Univ.)
Azalea Stem Borer
(NC State Univ.)
Bagworms (NC State Univ.)
Boxelder Bugs
(NC State Univ.)
Boxwood Leafminer (NC State Univ.)
Bronze Birch Borer and Its Management (Univ. of Minnesota)
Caterpillars That Feed on Trees and Shrubs (NC State Univ.)
Cicadas (NC State Univ.)
Crape Myrtle Aphid (NC State Univ.)
Elm Leaf Beetle (Univ. of California)
Hemispherical Scale (NC State Univ.)
Japanese Beetle (NC State Univ., 1997)
Juniper Webworm (NC State Univ.)
Lace Bugs (Univ. of California)
Leafminer Flies (NC State Univ.)
Mealybugs (NC State Univ.)
Scales (Univ of California)
Scale, Euonymus (NC State Univ.)
Sooty Mold (NC State Univ.)
Spider Mites (Univ. of California)
Southern Red Mite and Spruce Spider Mite (NC State Univ.)
Spider Mite, Twospotted (NC State Univ.)
Spittlebug (Twolined) (NC State Univ.)
Thrips, Flower (NC State Univ.)
Twobanded Japanese Weevil (NC State Univ.)
Whitefly (Silverleaf) (NC State Univ.)

Greenhouse Insect Control
Entomology Research Laboratory (Univ. of Vermont, greenhouse IPM)
Texas Greenhouse Management Handbook (Texas A&M)

Greenhouse Pest Management Handbook (Texas A&M, excellent)
Greenhouse Tomato Frequently Asked Questions (Mississippi State Univ.)
Starting a Greenhouse or Nursery Business (Univ. of Vermont)

Pesticide Classes and Product Information (Texas A&M)
Pesticide Use Guide for the Texas Nursery and Floral Industry (Texas A&M)
Pest Suppression Products for the Ornamental Industry (Texas A&M)

Non-chemical Controls
Considerations for Purchasing and Releasing Biological Control Organisms (Texas A&M)
Biological Control in Greenhouses (NC State Univ.)
Greenhouse Screening For Insect Control (Rutgers Univ.)
Sticky Board Traps for Greenhouses (Rutgers Univ.)

Specific Pests
Aphid Management (Texas A&M)
Fungus Gnat (Texas A&M)
Mite Management in the Greenhouse (Texas A&M)
Sweet Potato Whitefly Management (Texas A&M)
Whitefly Control in Greenhouses and Interior Plantscapes (Univ. of Georgia)

Identification Labs

Purdue Virtual Diagnostic Lab
Virginia Tech Pest Identification Lab


Public Health Entomology

Mosquito Pest Management (Ohio State Univ.)
Iowa State List of Medical Entomology Resources
Structural & Public Health IPM (Univ. of Illinois)
EPA Chemical Substance Factsheets (Univ. of Virginia)

Structural Entomology

Household and Structural Pest Management (Ohio State Univ.)
Structural & Public Health IPM (Univ. of Illinois)

General Forest Entomology

Forest Entomology Textbook (FETCH)

Gypsy Moth

Homeowner's Guide to Gypsy Moth Management (West Virginia Univ.)
The Gypsy Moth Fungus (West Virginia Univ.)
Non-target Impact of Gypsy Moth Insecticides (West Virginia Univ.)
Gypsy Moth Server (Virginia Tech)

Biological Control

Nematodes as Biological Control Agents of Insects
Biological Pesticides for Use in Greenhouses (Univ. of Maryland, 1997)
Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America

Fun with Bugs

The Antlion Pit: A Doodlebug Anthology
Butterflies of the United States
The Butterfly Website
Monarch Watch