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Dan Drost

Dan Drost
Professor of Horticulture
and Extension Vegetable Specialist
Area of Study: Plant Science
Emphasis: Hort Science
Employee Type: Extension, Faculty
Office Phone:  435-797-2258
4820 Old Main Hill AGS 310
Logan Utah 84322-4820


Doctor of Philosophy: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Department of Fruit and Vegetable Science. Plant Physiology and Agronomy minors. 1992.
Master of Science: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Department of Horticulture. Agronomy minor. 1983.
Bachelor of Science: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Agricultural Education. 1980.


PlSc 4400, Modern Vegetable Production (3 credits; Fall Semester). A course that focuses on the theory and practice relevant to vegetable physiology and production in the context of US and world agricultural systems.

PSB 2800, Fundamentals of Organic Agriculture (3 credits; Spring Semester). This course will introduce students to the history, definitions, requirements, and transitioning of thoughts and farms to organic crop production. Examples from soils, pest management, animal science, field crops, and horticulture will be used to introduce students to the principles behind organic agriculture in the US and world.  


My research efforts have focused on vegetable crops with a emphasis on water use, nutrition, sustainable systems, and alternative crops. The following research papers illustrate these areas.


Drost, D.T. 1999. Soil water deficits reduce growth and yield of asparagus. Acta Horticulturae 479:383-390.
Drost, D.T. 1999. Irrigation effects on asparagus root distribution. Acta Horticulturae 479:283-288.
Drost, Daniel and Darlene Wilcox-Lee. 1997. Soil water deficits and asparagus: I. Shoot, root, and bud growth during two seasons. Scientia Horticulturae 70:131-143.
 Drost, Daniel and Darlene Wilcox-Lee. 1997. Soil water deficits and asparagus: II. Bud size and subsequent spear growth. Scientia Horticulturae 70:145-153.
 Drost, D.T. 1996. Irrigation budget and plant growth of asparagus. Acta Horticulturae 415:343-350.


Drost, D.T. 2005. High phosphorus applications at planting improve asparagus root growth and yield. Acta Horticulturae (in press)
Drost, D.T., R. Koenig and T. Tindal. 2002. Nitrogen use efficiency and onion yield increased with a polymer-coated nitrogen source. HortScience 37(2):338-342
Perrin, T.S., D.T. Drost, J.L. Boettinger, and J.M. Norton. 1998. Ammonium-loaded clinoptilolite: a slow-release fertilizer for sweet corn. Journal of Plant Nutrition 21(3):515-530.
Perrin, T.S., J.L. Boettinger, D.T. Drost, and J.M. Norton. 1998. Decreasing nitrogen leaching from sandy soil with ammonium-loaded clinoptilolite. Journal of Environmental Quality 27(3):656-663.
Boettinger, J.L., J.M. Norton, L.M. Dudley, D.T. Drost, T.S. Perrin, I.S. MacQueen, and P.T. Kolesar. 1997. Developing sustainable agricultural systems based on nitrogen cycling with clinoptilolite. Zeolite ‘97 Conference Volume. (peer reviewed compilation of presented papers)
Drost, D.T., J.W. MacAdam, L.M. Dudley, and N. Soltani. 1997. Response of bean and broccoli to high-sulfate irrigation water. HortTechnology 7(4):429-434. 
MacAdam, J.W., D.T. Drost, L.M. Dudley, and N. Soltani. 1997. Shoot growth, plant tissue elemental composition, and soil salinity following irrigation of alfalfa and tall fescue with high-sulfate waters. Journal of Plant Nutrition 20(9):1137-1153.

Sustainable Systems

Olsen, S., D. Drost, W. Bitner, J. Barnhill, and D. Alston. 1999. Corn earworm IPM education program in Utah. Journal of Extension 37(5) October 1999. (at 
Drost, D.T., G.A. Long, and K. Hales. 1998. Targeting extension efforts needed for adoption of sustainable farming practices. Journal of Extension 36(5) October 1998. ( 
Drost, D., G. Long, and K. Hales. 1997. Utah’s vegetable growers: Assessing sustainable agriculture. HortTechnology 7(4):445-450. 
Drost, D.T., G. Long, D. Wilson, B. Miller, and W. Campbell. 1996. Barriers to adopting sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of Extension 34(6):1-6.

Alternative Crops and Cropping Systems

Phillips, N., D. Drost and B. Varga. 2003. Chemical treatments enhance seed germination in Perideridia gardeneri. Acta Horticulturae 618:477-482.
Wilson, D.R., S.M. Sinton, R.C. Butler, D.T. Drost, P.J. Paschold, G. van Kruistum, J.T.K. Poll, C. Garcin, R. Pertierra, I. Vidal and K.R. Green. 2005. Carbohydrates and Yield Physiology of Asparagus – A Global Overview. Acta Horticulturae (in press)
Drost, D. and D. Wilson. 2003. Monitoring root length density and root biomass in asparagus with soil cores. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 31:125-137.
Drost, D.T. 2002.Estimating root length density and biomass in asparagus. Acta Horticulturae 589:287-296.
Drost, D.T. 2002. Asparagus cultivar trials in Utah. Acta Horticulturae 589:167-172.
Drost, D. and D. Wilcox-Lee. 2000. Tillage alters root distribution in a mature asparagus planting. Scientia Horticulturae 83:187-204.



Responsible for outreach efforts to vegetable growers across Utah. Significant work is done to help Utah's farmers and ranchers become more sustainable. These are accomplished through:

  • Conducting applied research on a variety of vegetable crops
  • Coordinating yearly workshops, field days, and educational events for farmers, ranchers and extension personnel
  • Publishing newsletters, research reports, and extension publications
  • Participating in commodity group meetings at the regional, national and international level


  • Turkmenistan. May 2005. Vegetable Crops Specialist.
  • Armenia. May-June, 2003. Vegetable Crop and Weed Extension Specialist. Temporary Duty assignment to USDA-Marketing Assistance Project.
  • Sabbatical Leave: September 1999 to July 2000. New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research. Lincoln, New Zealand. 
  • Chile. December 1999. Invited to evaluate research, teaching, extension needs for asparagus and to present research findings at Chilean National Asparagus Symposium.
  • Uruguay. November, 1996.Consultant to national research and extension personnel on the production of sweet onions for local and export markets.
  • Uruguay. August, 1996. Invited member of Utah State University team to evaluate research, teaching, extension needs for horticulture.
  • Armenia. March, 1993. Vegetable Extension Specialist. United States Department of Agriculture Extension Service. Invited member of extension team on temporary duty assignment that evaluated needs, priorities and focus for horticulture education, extension and outreach in Armenia.


     New Specialist Award.  Utah State University Cooperative Extension; 1994

Overall Specialist Award.  Utah State University Cooperative Extension; 2005

College of Agriculture – Outstanding Undergraduate Mentor; 2005

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