College of Agriculture and Life Scienes

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Welcome back, Dr. Bazer!

Returns to Animal Science as O.D. Butler Chair
Fuller W. Bazer, associate vice president for research at Texas A&M University, has resigned his administrative position with the Division of Research and Graduate Studies to devote full-time to teaching and research as the O.D. Butler Chair in the Department of Animal Science with joint appointments in the Departments of Veterinary Anatomy and Public Health, and Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology.

He also is a Regents Fellow and Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M.

Bazer has served as associate vice president for research since January 2005.

Additional administrative appointments include associate vice chancellor and associate director, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and executive associate dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (2001-2004); vice president for research and interim dean of the graduate school of Biomedical Sciences (1999-2000) for the Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; interim director and director, Texas A&M’s and Texas A&M University System Health Science Center’s Institute of Biosciences and Technology in the Texas Medical Center (1994-2001); and director, Center for Animal Biotechnology and Genomics (1992-2001).

Bazer received his doctorate in reproductive biology from North Carolina State University in 1969. His research interests include reproductive biology with an emphasis on uterine biology and pregnancy.
Bazer has received numerous awards and honors. His most recent awards include the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award in Agriculture, 2000; 2002-2003 Wolf Prize in Agriculture; 2004 Doctor of Science, honoris causa, University of Guelph; SSR Carl Hartman Award, 2004; Vice Chancellor for Agriculture Award for Team Research in Uterine Biology and Pregnancy, Texas A&M, 2006; Society for Research and Fertility Distinguished Research Award, 2007; and the E.T. York Lecturer, University of Florida, 2007.

For more information: Dr. Fuller Bazer website 


Note: This story has been reprinted from the TAMU website. Our acknowledgements to the Office of Marketing and Communications.