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Volume 68(5-6);  Sep–Dec 1995
"Extraordinarily interesting and happy years": Martha M. Eliot and pediatrics at Yale, 1921-1935.
M. Hunt
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 159–170.
PMCID: PMC2588940
Ella Clay Wakeman: Yale School of Medicine, 1921.
S. J. Baserga, D. W. Calhoun, and L. H. Calhoun
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 171–190.
PMCID: PMC2588935
Reflections on forty years of rendering medical care to women.
V. M. Stuermer
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 191–194.
PMCID: PMC2588944
Three current leaders in women's health research.
C. L. Beauregard and S. E. Nagae
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 195–200.
PMCID: PMC2588938
Women's health and health reform: who will deliver primary care to women?
E. Hoffman and K. Johnson
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 201–206.
PMCID: PMC2588945
Bridgeport Hospital autologous blood donation experience from 1992 to 1996.
L. H. Bernstein, M. Coles, and N. Viner
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 207–213.
PMCID: PMC2588941
Diplopia associated with hyperparathyroidism: report of a case.
B. H. Forman, K. Ciardiello, S. J. Landau, and J. K. Freedman
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 215–217.
PMCID: PMC2588946
Book Reviews
What makes Women Sick: Gender and the Political Economy of Health
Kimberly C. Mitchell
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 219–220.
PMCID: PMC2588937
As Long as Life, Mary Canaga Rowland, M.D., 1873-1966: The Memoirs of a Frontier Country Doctor
Valerie Kraemer
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 220–222.
PMCID: PMC2588936
To the Ends of the Earth: Women's Search for Education in Medicine
Chrys Delling
Yale J Biol Med. 1995 Sep–Dec; 68(5-6): 222–223.
PMCID: PMC2588947
Journal Matter
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