The Earth Observer January/February 1995, Vol. 7 No. 1

Atmospheric Infrared sounder (AIRS) Algorithm Development Using Data Simulation

November 2-4, 1994, Lexington, Mass

H.H. Aumann (, AIRS Project Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The AIRS/AMSU/MHS instruments on the EOS PM satellite constitute an advanced infrared/microwave temperature and moisture sounding system that is designed to meet NASA's global change research objectives and NOAA's operational weather prediction requirements. The data from the three instruments will permit the retrieval of temperature and moisture profiles globally, day and night, with up to 85% cloudy conditions, with much higher accuracy and vertical resolution than the current operational sounding system--the High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS 2) and the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) on the NOAA polar-orbiting operational satellites. The AIRS covers the 3.7-15.4 µm spectral range with 2400 sounding channels, the AMSU has 15 sounding channels between 23 and 89 GHz, and the MHS has 5 sounding channels between 89 and 190 GHz. The instruments are designed to have the wavelength coverage, spectral resolution, and signal-to-noise ratios required to achieve 1 K rms accuracy for the temperature profiles with 1 km thick vertical layers in the troposphere, and 20% accuracy for the humidity profiles with 2 km thick layers (JPL 1991; Aumann and Pagano 1994). This accuracy and vertical resolution represent more than a factor-of-two improvement over the capability of the HIRS 2/MSU sounding system. With the help of these data the National Weather Service expects to achieve a significant improvement in the accuracy and the length of its weather forecasts.

M.T. Chahine, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is the AIRS Science Team Leader. He and the other members of the team have the responsibility of developing the computer program, referred to as the retrieval algorithm, which converts the radiances measured by the AIRS/AMSU/MHS instruments to the desired temperature and moisture profiles. The observational conditions, i.e., typical temperature and moisture profiles under a wide range of climatic, geographical, and day/night conditions, are reasonably well known from more than a decade of experience with the HIRS 2/MSU data (TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder, TOVS). The generation of simulated data (by converting the observational conditions to the radiances typical of those to be observed by AIRS, AMSU, and MHS) is a critical part of the AIRS algorithm development.

The AIRS algorithm development effort involves several independent groups within the AIRS Science Team:

  1. The geophysical data are generated by team members at NOAA's National Meteorological Center (NOAA/NMC) using experimental mesoscale models. The model used for the current simulation comes from the forecast for July 1, 1993. It covers about 3080 km in longitude, 4700 km in latitude with a 40 km spacing grid, and is centered on the western part of the United States. At every grid point the model lists the temperature, water vapor, and fractional cloud cover as functions of pressure between 30 mb and the surface. These data are called Level 2 geophysical data by EOS.

  2. The simulation team, located at JPL, selects satellite tracks from the mesoscale model and converts them to the radiances (called level 1 data by EOS) which the AIRS/AMSU and MHS instruments would observe. All important instrument-related effects, such as detector noise, gaps in the spectral coverage, wavelength, and the spectral response function of each channel, are included in the calculations of the Level 1 data.

  3. There are at present three teams involved in the temperature/moisture retrieval algorithm development. The teams are headed by Bill Smith (U. Wisconsin), Joel Susskind (GSFC), and Mitch Goldberg (NOAA/NESDIS). The selection of the retrieval algorithm, which may be some combination of the best modules from all teams, is scheduled for the end of 1995.

The simulated data are distributed electronically to the teams involved in developing retrieval algorithm concepts and prototype software. Three types of data are distributed to facilitate the task of the algorithm developers:

  1. Training data: This a set of about 2000 temperature/moisture profiles which are statistically representative of the mesoscale model data.

  2. Truth data: This is both Level 1 data and the exact retrieval solution (the Level 2 data which was used to create the Level 1 data). The developers can use this data to test and "tune" the accuracy of their algorithms.

  3. Test data: This is Level 1 data, which is statistically identical to the Level 1 truth data, but the corresponding Level 2 solutions are known only to the simulation team at JPL.

The algorithm development teams return their results from the test data and the truth data, together with the software used to obtain the results, to the simulation team at JPL. The retrievals are evaluated for accuracy. The software is evaluated for computer resource requirements (CPU and I/O utilization) and compliance with reasonable software engineering standards. Periodic meetings of the AIRS Science Team are used for discussions of simulation procedures, retrieval accuracy, and retrieval resource requirements.

The algorithm development using the separation between Level 2 data simulation, Level 1 data simulation, and Level 2 data retrieval as described above was started in 1992. The initial tests were simple: Night time, cloud free, surface with no elevation (i.e., at 1000 mb pressure) and with known, wavelength-independent emissivity and reflectivity. Since then the simulation has advanced to include daytime, wavelength-dependent and unknown surface emissivity and reflectivity, and realistic topography, but until recently it was still cloud free.

TOVS data from HIRS 2/MSU indicate that 45 percent of the time there are clear conditions, about 35 percent of the data are partly cloudy, but the retrievals are acceptable, while the remaining 20 percent of the data are so cloudy that the HIRS 2/MHS data can not produce usable retrievals. The first test data including clouds was released to the algorithm development teams in August 1994. This test was called the single layer gray cloud test. The statistical distribution and cloud granularity were patterned using the statistics obtained from the TOVS data. For this test the simulation program read Level 2 data from four satellite tracks crossing the model area from south to north (tracks A, B, C, D in Figure 1) and converted them to the spectral radiances as described above. (The curvature of the tracks is an artifact of the mercator map projection). As this was the first simulation of cloudy data, the data set was limited to a single cloud layer and the clouds were simulated as spectrally gray, i.e., the emissivity and reflectivity were unknown, but wavelength independent. Figure 2 shows the fractional cloud cover averaged along track B. The fractional cloud cover in the AIRS FOV ranged from 20 to 90 percent. The cloud top pressure ranged from 850 mb to 100 mb. Figure 3 shows the cloud liquid water content along track B. It averages about 0.01g/cm2, but exceeds 0.03 g/cm2 near latitudes N44 and N52. The onset of precipitation is between 0.02 and 0.04 g/cm2. This data set represented a severe test of the ability of the combined infrared and microwave sounding capability of AIRS/AMSU and MHS

cloudy test track map
Figure 1. The simulation used temperature and moisture profiles from a mesoscale model provided by the National Meteorological Center. Data from parts of flour satellite tracks (A, B, D, D) were converted to spectral radiances and used as input to the retrieval algorithms.

fractional cloud cover graphic
Figure 2. The fractional cloud cover averaged along track B is shown. the fractional cloud cover in the AIRS FOV ranged from 20 to 90 percent.

cloud liquid water content graphic
Figure 3. The cloud liquid water content along track B is shown. It averaged about 0.01g/cm2, but exceeds 0.03 g/cm2 near latitudes N44 and N52. The onset of precipitation is between 0.02 and 0.04g.cm2.

The key questions posed at the November 1994 team meeting to the core algorithm development teams were twofold:

  1. Is the cloudiness (fraction/height/amount and liquid water content) in the simulation representative of real data?

  2. Can good retrievals be made with AIRS/AMSU/MHS data under the simulated conditions?

Both questions were answered affirmatively.

Mitch Goldberg and Larry McMillin (NOAA/NESDIS) used an extension of the algorithm used operationally for the TOVS data. This is a sequence of four steps: First, the data are cloud-cleared, using the TOVS-tested N-star method (McMillan and Dean 1982). In the second step the cloud-cleared radiances are compared to the radiances produced by one of several thousand temperature/moisture profiles in the NOAA operational matchups library (McMillan 1991). In step three, the closest match from the library search is used as a first guess to a microwave only retrieval. The output from step three is used in the fourth step as the first guess to a physical retrieval using the infrared data. With this method Goldberg achieved 0.9 K rms retrieval accuracy.

Jun Li and Allen Huang (U. Wisconsin), members of Bill Smith's team, presented a new approach to cloudy profile retrievals. Their method first estimates the cloud top pressure and fraction. This is followed by the simul-taneous retrieval of atmospheric profile and cloud parameters from the AIRS and AMSU data. Unlike the N-star method (used in the NOAA TOVS operational retrievals), this method is claimed not to amplify the noise. The rms error in the cloud top height was 37 mb, rms fractional cloud cover error was 5 percent, rms error in the temperature was 1.33 K, and rms error in total water vapor was 9.8 percent. The algorithm reached the required accuracy for water vapor, but not for the temperature retrieval. This was attributed to the need of the algorithm for accurate component transmittances (rather than the combined transmittance of all active gases). Component transmittances will be posted on the network.

Joel Susskind and his team at GSFC use a nine step startup procedure followed by an iteration, which is based on experience with TOVS data (Susskind et al. 1983). AMSU and AIRS data are used first to evaluate a parameter eta, which is related to the fractional cloud cover and cloud contrast (Chahine 1974). A first guess temperature profile is then derived using the AMSU data only. The rms error for the first guess temperature retrieval from the AMSU data alone is typically 2.56 K (for the A- track). The first guess profile is used as the input to the iterative loop to evaluate the final temperature and moisture profile, the surface temperature, and the ozone burden. The iteration uses the combined AIRS/AMSU/MHS data. The rms retrieval accuracy improved (for the A-track data) from 2.56 K to 0.98 K. The performance of this retrieval algorithm meets the AIRS 1 K rms accuracy requirement. Susskind noted that the cloudy data set is good as a test of the retrieval algorithm under cloudy conditions, but the cloud contrast conditions are much more severe than the TOVS data indicate: with TOVS, 46% of the time the field of view is clear of clouds and the average eta for the remaining data is 1.27. As eta becomes larger, the cloud contrast decreases and high quality retrievals become more difficult. The simulated cloudy test data contained no clear fields, with the average eta=2.0. Susskind also felt that the liquid water effects on the AMSU data were stronger than expected.

The science team presentations and discussions showed that the simulated data are suitable to proceed with their use for the core algorithm development. No team was expected to present retrievals from all test data. The fact that retrieval results from the NOAA and GSFC teams already met the 1 K rms retrieval accuracy requirement for part of the test data is very encouraging. The next meeting of the AIRS Science Team will be held from February 21-23, 1995, at UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA. The focus of the meeting will be the final results from the single layer gray cloudy test and a discussion of the simulation approach for the next two data sets: multilayer gray clouds and non-gray clouds. Selection of the core algorithm from the combination of the best algorithm elements generated by the three teams will be based on multilayer non-gray clouds. This selection is scheduled for the end of 1995.


Aumann, H. H., and R. J. Pagano, 1994: "Atmospheric Infrared Sounder on the Earth Observing System." Optical Engineering, 33 (3), 776-784.

Chahine, M. T., 1974: "Remote Sounding of Cloudy Atmospheres. I. The Single Layer Cloud." J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 233-243.

JPL, 1991: "AIRS Science and Measurement Requirements." JPL Publication D6665.

McMillan, L.M., 1991: "Evaluation of a Classification Method for Retrieving Atmospheric Temperatures from, 432-446.

McMillan, L.M., and C. Dean, 1982: "Evaluation of a New Operational Technique for Producing Clear Radiances." J. Appl. Meteor., 21,1005-1014.

Susskind J., J. Rosenfield, and D. Reuter, 1983: "An Accurate Radiative Transfer Model for Use in the Direct Physical Inversion of HIRS 2 and MSU Temperature Sounding Data." J. Geophys. Res., 88 C, 8550-8568.

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