Solar Living Institute
Promoting Sustainable Living through Inspirational Environmental Education
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Come and Celebrate the Winter Solstice 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2:00-7:00 PM
The Solar Living Center, Hopland, California
2:00-4:30 - Music by Kristine Robin & Bob Laughton
4:30-5:00 -- Solstice Ceremony by Jini Reynolds
5:00-7:00 -- Music by the Frey Brothers Band

FREE: Music, Fire, Poetry, Singing & Cider

Imagine it is December 21. As the sun slowly sets behind the shoulder of Duncan Peak, drumming, dancing and celebrating begin to mark the end of the shortest day of the year. It is the "return of the sun," when the Earth reaches the point of orbit where the northern hemisphere is tilted furthest away from the celestial fire that makes all life possible on this planet.

Each December, we acknowledge the sun and celebrate the season of light and the return of longer days. Our giant solar calendar at the Solar Living Center is the perfect place for solstice celebrations with its bronze staffs marking sunrise and sunset for each week of the year. Beyond the calendar in the central oasis, upright stone markers, Stonehenge-like, mark the locations of sunrise and sunset for both the winter and summer solstices as well as for the equinoxes.

On June 21, we also celebrate the summer solstice when the sun is "highest" in the sky and we enjoy the longest solar day of the year. It's a time to celebrate abundant solar energy. Our hope is that more people will begin utilizing the clean and constant energy from the sun.

Everyone is invited to partake in the Solar Living Center solstice celebrations. Each celebration is free-form and unique but most involve drumming, singing, dancing and making positive affirmations for the coming season. Everyone is free to relate to the occasion spiritually and philosophically in a manner of their own choosing. Come and help us celebrate!

For information on Solstices or other events, contact the Solar Living Institute at (707) 744 2017 or email us.

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