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Suspension of Foreclosure Sales and Evictions

Freddie Mac has extended the suspension of all foreclosure sales and scheduled evictions on occupied single family 1-4 unit residences with Freddie Mac-owned mortgages. Originally effective November 26, 2008 through January 9, 2009, the suspension is extended through January 31, 2009. Read our press release for more information about the suspension. If you aren't sure if Freddie Mac owns your mortgage, contact your lender or ask us.

Avoiding Foreclosure

The last thing any homeowner wants to think about is losing the family home. No one expects to lose their house to foreclosure, but by understanding the foreclosure process and what may lead up to it, you can be in a better position to recognize and address potential problems that may impact your ability to make every mortgage payment on time.

What is foreclosure?

In the contract you signed when your mortgage lender loaned you money to buy your house, you agreed that if you can’t repay the loan, the lender can foreclose to take ownership of the house.

If you do not pay your monthly mortgage payment, you are technically in default on your mortgage. State laws vary, but generally, a loan that is as little as 90 days delinquent can be considered in foreclosure.

Your lender may send you a notice indicating that they are starting foreclosure proceedings, but don't wait; take steps to prevent a foreclosure as soon as you realize you are having trouble paying the mortgage!

Have a Plan B.

Don't wait until you're in a financial predicament before assessing your options. The time to develop a backup plan is not when things have gotten so bad that you are facing foreclosure, but when things are going well and you can prepare for the unexpected "what if's" that happen in life.

© 2008 Freddie Mac