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Declaring a Major

Getting Started

UCSC students: Most students complete the six prerequisites during their first two years, then begin the nine upper division courses in fall of their junior year. Some students complete all six prerequisites in their first year; they have the option of beginning the upper division courses in fall of their sophomore year. Effective January 2004, Environmental Studies will no longer require students to apply to the major; students can declare the major on the same cycle as any other major provided they first attend a preliminary advising meeting.

Transfer students: Students planning to transfer in junior standing should complete the major prerequisites before arriving at UCSC. Students attending California community colleges should consult ASSIST to determine equivalent courses. The Environmental Studies upper division major begins with Envs 100/100L, offered once each year in fall quarter. Therefore, transfer students are urged to prepare and apply for fall transfer only. Students who transfer in winter quarter will spend their first two quarters at UCSC working on complementary coursework such as unfinished prerequisites or courses in another department. The "supplemental application" mentioned in the Office of Admissions materials will no longer be required.

Declaring the Major

Once you've decided to major in environmental studies, you'll need to file a Declaration of Major (transfer students do this in their first or second quarter at UCSC). The Declaration notifies your college and the Registrar of your major and, once recorded, enables you to enroll in courses restricted to majors (provided you have completed the prerequisites). Please be sure to consult the Registrar's Undergraduate Handbook, The Navigator, for important guidelines and due dates.

Here are the steps you need to take:

Step 1: Go to your college to get a Declaration of Major form. Ask the college staff how they would like you to complete "Section I College."

Step 2: Pick up a Study Plan from the Department Office or download one here:

Step 3: Plan the courses you'd like to take by studying the areas of emphasis and reading course descriptions in the General Catalog, and referring to information from Declaration of Major advising meeting. Pencil in the courses you need and/or want to take on the Study Plan. Make sure you've completed this before you go to Step 4.

Step 4: Take your completed Study Plan and your Declaration of Major form to one of the faculty during their office hours. Discuss and refine your Study Plan with the faculty, fill in the course schedule in "Section II Department Advising" of the Declaration of Major and have the faculty advisor sign both the Declaration of Major form and your Study Plan. Current faculty office hours are posted in the department display case, and on faculty websites.

Step 5: After the Declaration of Major Section II and the Study Plan are complete and signed by both you and a faculty advisor, drop the two forms off at the Environmental Studies Department Office for the "Section III Department Approval."

- If you are doing a double major, major with minor, or ENVS combined with Biology, Earth and Planetary Sciences, or Economics, you must go to the other department for advising and signatures.

- If you need to extend your enrollment beyond the quarter projected by your college in Section I, take the Declaration of Major back to your college for approval in "Section IV Extension of Enrollment."

The last office to sign the form will send a copy to you, the Registrar, your college and if applicable other departments.