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Course Information

ENVS Courses

2008-2009 Environmental Studies Undergraduate Courses

Course descriptions can be found in the General Catalog

As of 11//08 - Subject to change

FALL 2008

ENVS 24  General Ecology WASHBURN
ENVS 80B Ecological Forecast/Global Warming  LOIK
ENVS 91F Community & Agroecology (PICA) 2 unit     GLIESSMAN
ENVS 100/L Ecology & Society/Writing Lab ZAVALETA/BURY
ENVS 115A/L Geographic Information Systems/Lab POLLOCK
ENVS 108/L General Entomology/Lab LETOURNEAU
ENVS 130A/L Agroecology & Sustainable Agriculture/Lab GLIESSMAN
ENVS 144   Blood & Oil RICHARDS
ENVS 160     Restoration Ecology S. LANGRIDGE
ENVS 165     Freshwater Issues & Policy HADDAD
ENVS 189      Environmental Studies Research Seminar, 1 unit ZAVALETA
ENVS 191F Community & Agroecology (PICA) 2 unit GLIESSMAN
ENVS 196V* Organic Agriculture SHENNAN


ENVS 25 Environmental Policy & Economics HADDAD
ENVS 91F  Community & Agroecology (PICA) 2 unit RABKIN
ENVS 120 Conservation Biology WILMERS
ENVS 130B Principles of Sustainable Agriculture GILLON
ENVS 142/L Energy Policy MULVANEY
ENVS 143 Sustainable Development COHEN
ENVS 149 Environmental Law & Policy R. LANGRIDGE
ENVS 159 Nature Writing RABKIN
ENVS 162/L Plant Physiological Ecology/Lab LOIK
ENVS 167 Freshwater & Wetland Ecology SHENNAN
ENVS 168 Biogeochemistry & the World Environment CHENG
ENVS 173 Intro to World Environmental History WORTHY
ENVS 189 Environmental Studies Research Seminar 1 unit ZAVALETA
ENVS 190* Capstone: Environmental Problem Solving HOLL
ENVS 191F Community & Agroecology (PICA) 2 unit RABKIN
ENVS 196J* Freshwater Management HADDAD


ENVS 15 Natural History of the UCSC Campus   LAY
ENVS 23 Physical & Chemical Environment CHENG
ENVS 80A The Future of Rainforests BARSIMANTOV
ENVS 91F Community & Agroecology (PICA) 2 unit RABKIN
ENVS 104A Intro. to Field Methods ZAVALETA
ENVS 107ABC Natural History Field Quarter TYLER
ENVS 110  Institutions, Environment & Economic Systems FITZSIMMONS
ENVS 123 Animal Ecology & Conservation LANGRIDGE
ENVS 129/L Integrated Pest Management/Lab SWEZEY
ENVS 138/L Field Ethnobotany/Lab GLIESSMAN
ENVS 140 National Environmental Policy PRESS
ENVS 150 Coastal Marine Policy TZANKOVA
ENVS 151 Environmental Assessment SCHIFFRIN
ENVS 156 Environmental Action Through Writing RABKIN
ENVS 163/L Plant Disease Ecology/Lab GILBERT
ENVS 179 Environmental Interpretation DOWD
ENVS 189 Environmental Studies Research Seminar 1 unit ZAVALETA
ENVS 191F Community & Agroecology (PICA) 2 unit RABKIN
ENVS 196A* Management of Protected Lands HAYES
ENVS 196S* Monitoring a Changing Environment LOIK

* Senior comprehensive option

Students are responsible for accurately and timely enrolling in appropriate classes and related sections or labs.

Enrollment deadlines are posted in the Academic Calendar for each quarter