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    (updated 12/7/07) (updated 10/29/08)    

New issues from Xspec 12.4.0

All platforms: In order to build from source code using g++ v4.3.0 (or later), CCfits v2.0 is required and XSPEC must be patched to level 12.4.0x or higher. These versions are now automatically included when downloading a new distribution of XSPEC from the current HEAsoft release page.

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latest update 12.4.0ar Oct 29, 2008

Requires patch installer v2.4

To apply patches, you'll need to have downloaded and already built the source code distribution of XSPEC. For details and more information about the patch installer, click here. Otherwise, just follow the instructions below.

(Note: This assumes you have already set your HEADAS environment variables with the headas-init script, as you would if you were running XSPEC.)

To make sure your XSPEC installation is up to date with ALL listed patches:

1.    If you don't already have the patch installer v2.4 tcl script, download and place it in the XSPEC src directory. This directory should be at heasoft-6.5/Xspec/src from the source code distribution.

2.    Download the latest patchfile into the same directory. There is no need to unzip/untar the patchfile since the installer will do that.

3.    At the command line, launch the script by typing 'tclsh patch_install_2.4.tcl', and that's all. The script should detect which patches you've installed previously, copy the new code files to the necessary directories, determine whether complete or only partial rebuilds are necessary, and finally perform the rebuilds.

Numbers listed in red indicate that the patch modifies the interface to one or more of XSPEC's libraries. These patches will generally cause longer rebuilds. If you have a local model library, it is recommended (though not always necessary) that you rebuild it with initpackage after applying red patches.

12.4.0a This fixes some cases where invalid input leads to segmentation faults: The model command crashes for certain forms of invalid model syntax. The tclout command crashes for some of its options when the invalid spectrum number 0 is specified while there are data sets loaded. Our thanks to Jeremy Sanders for pointing this out. Report added on Dec 10, 2007.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ HandlerUtils.cxx, XSUtil/Parse/ Expression.cxx, and XSPlot/Plot/ Plot.cxx

12.4.0b For the model command, entering the abbreviated name bkn should select the bknpower component and not the bkn2pow component. Our thanks to Davide Donato for pointing this out. Report added on Dec 18, 2007.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/manager/ model.dat

12.4.0c DOS-mode scripts (with their extra carriage-return characters) are not properly handled for multi-line commands. Our thanks to Laura Brenneman for pointing this out. This also fixes another scripting bug in which a line with 'n' followed by blank spaces is wrongly interpreted as 'newpar' rather than 'no'. Report added on Dec 27, 2007.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/UserInterface/ execscript.cxx, XSUtil/Parse/ XSparse.cxx

12.4.0d The tclout rate option should also provide access to the percentage of net rate to total rate. This is now the 4th output value, following net rate, variance, and model rate. Our thanks to Anna Lia Longinotti for suggesting this. Report added on Jan 15, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ xsTclout.cxx

12.4.0e plot ufspec does not plot spectral data points whose corresponding folded model values are negative. Our thanks to Marco Ajello for pointing this out. Report added on Jan 29, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSPlot/Commands/ PlotUnfolded.cxx

12.4.0f This modifies the ignore and notice command handling for the case of where whitespace is left after the colon in an expression of the form:
      ignore < spectrum range>:      < additional arg>
XSPEC will now assume < additional arg> is the channel (or energy) range to be applied to < spectrum range> (unless < additional arg> contains another colon). Previously XSPEC would assume the channel range was missing and simply apply the default values. Report added on Feb 01, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/Data/ SpectralData.cxx and XSUser/Handler/ HandlerUtils.cxx

12.4.0g XSPEC's response matrix convolution algorithm previously was limited to matrices of size MxN < 2^31. This patch greatly increases the size limit, which is needed for analyzing with the latest Con-X response matrix. Report added on Feb 01, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/Data/Detector/ MultiResponse.cxx, .h, RMF.cxx, .h

12.4.0h The Y-axis label for plot chisq should include sign(data-model) rather than |data-model|. Report added on Feb 11, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/manager/ plotLabels.dat,

12.4.0i Table model calculations ignore the redshift parameter z if it is set to a negative value. Our thanks to Achille Nucita for pointing this out. Note: This fix will still only allow z > -1.0, otherwise it throws an error. Report added on Feb 11, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/Component/OGIPTable/ OGIPTable.cxx,

12.4.0j When loading its model initialization file, XSPEC is not properly parsing model parameters with multi-word unit labels, such as the xi parameter of the pexriv model. This results in the parameter's initial value and ranges being set to zero and marked as frozen. Report added on Feb 21, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/Parameter/ ModParam.cxx,

12.4.0k Unfolded spectrum plots (plot ufspec, eufspec, eeufspec) cannot be performed on energy bins with widths smaller than 10^-4 keV. Our thanks to Ranjan Vasudevan for pointing this out. Report added on Feb 21, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSPlot/Plot/ Plot.cxx,

12.4.0l Once the error command is run for a parameter belonging to a named model, it does not allow the user to specify unnamed-model parameters during future error runs. Our thanks to Kip Kuntz for pointing this out. Report added on Feb 25, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ xsError.cxx,

12.4.0m The start-up statistic, method, and weight settings in the user's Xspec.init file are effectively ignored. Instead these always start with Xspec's hardcoded default settings (chisq, leven, and standard respectively). Our thanks to Maurice Leutenegger for pointing this out. Report added on Mar 05, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/main/ xspec.cxx and src/XSUser/Global/ Global.cxx

12.4.0n If the precise best-fit values are input as starting parameter values to a Levenberg-Marquardt fit, for certain data sets and models the fit may run through a large number of redundant loop iterations and produce "SVDCMP" warning messages. Our thanks to Jeremy Sanders for pointing this out. Report added on Mar 06, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFit/FitMethod/LevMarq/ LevMarq.cxx

12.4.0o For xmmpsf and suzpsf mixing components, Xspec is unable to parse RA and DEC strings with colon delimiters (entered with the xset command). Report added on Mar 06, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUtil/Numerics/ AstroFunctions.cxx

12.4.0p The suzpsf mixing model component was assuming that the WMAP was in sky coordinates, which is no longer true. With this patch it now assumes detector coordinates for the WMAP. Report added on Mar 07, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/Model/MixFunction/ PsfTraits.cxx

12.4.0q The CHANTYPE value is not being picked up from the RMF file when doing a fakeit none. The spectrum created is given CHANTYPE=PHA, which generates a warning message when using the file in XSPEC if the RMF had CHANTYPE=PI. Report added on Mar 14, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/main/ xsTypes.h, src/XSModel/Data/ OGIP-92aData.cxx, SpectralData.cxx, src/XSModel/Data/Detector/ MultiResponse.cxx, OGIP-92aResponse.cxx, RMF.cxx, .h, RealResponse.cxx, src/XSModel/Model/MixFunction/ Psf.h, headas/Xspec/Integral/ SPI_Data.cxx, and SPI_Response.cxx

12.4.0r This is an enhancement patch for the fakeit command. Previously, fakeit could only produce OGIP data files based on one model and response per spectrum. This will allow it to take advantage of XSPEC12's multiple models scheme. The faked spectrum will now be generated from however many response and model pairs were assigned to the original spectrum. Report added on Mar 14, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/Data/ DataSet.h, EinsteinData.cxx, .h, FakeDataInputRecord.cxx, .h, OGIP-92aData.cxx, .h, SfData.cxx, .h, src/XSModel/GlobalContainer/ DataContainer.cxx, ModelContainer.cxx, src/XSUser/Handler/ xsFakeit.cxx, headas/Xspec/Integral/ SPI_Data.cxx, and .h

12.4.0s plot efficiency produces wild values for the Y range when used on a response with just one bin. It also crashes if run on a spectrum with no responses. (This patch also improves the behavior of plot model and plot insensitivity when the min and max Y values of the plotted points are the same.) Report added on Mar 19, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSPlot/Commands/ PlotEfficiency.cxx, PlotInsensitivity.cxx PlotModel.cxx, and src/XSPlot/Plot/ Plot.cxx

12.4.0t Running the data command with empty quotes for a file argument (data "") causes a segmentation fault. Our thanks to Jeremy Sanders for pointing this out. Report added on Mar 19, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/Data/ DataUtility.cxx and src/XSUser/Handler/ xsData.cxx

12.4.0u The XSutility.cxx file should explicitly include the standard header < climits> . Otherwise for certain compiler configurations, an undefined symbol build error may occur for PATH_MAX. Our thanks to Francesco Tombesi for pointing this out. Report added on Mar 28, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSutil/Utils/ XSutility.cxx

12.4.0v This patch adds the ability to use the model command's active/inactive/none options on unnamed models. (See FAQ for an explanation of named vs. unnamed models.)
The syntax for this is:     model   unnamed   [active | inactive | none]
Report added on Mar 28, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ xsModel.cxx

12.4.0w When using non-standard variance weighting (selected from the weight command), if the chosen fit statistic is then toggled between chisq and cstat, the reported weighting scheme also changes between non-standard and standard, as only standard weighting can be used with cstat. However, XSPEC is not properly forcing a recalculation of the variances in this situation, as can be seen by the unchanging error bars on data plots. Our thanks to Stefano Bianchi and Fabrizio Nicastro for pointing this out. Report added on Mar 28, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFit/Fit/ StatMethod.cxx, XSFit/StatMethod/ChiSquare/ ChiSquare.cxx, XSFit/StatMethod/Cstat/ Cstat.cxx, XSFit/StatMethod/Lstat/ Lstat.cxx, src/XSUser/Global/ Global.cxx, XSUser/Handler/ xsStatistic.cxx, and xsWeight.cxx

12.4.0x This synchronizes the patchfile with the version of XSPEC12 released with the new HEAsoft 6.4.1, which is required for compiling with g++-4.3.0. (Note that g++-4.3.0 also requires v2.0 of the CCfits library, which is automatically included with new HEAsoft downloads.) This patch also now makes it possible to use gcc in general when building on Solaris platforms. Report added on Apr 21, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/main/ xspec.cxx, src/xslib/ syscsol.c, src/XSUtil/ Error.cxx, Expression.cxx, XSparse.cxx, XSstream.cxx, XSutility.cxx, src/XSFunctions/ XSF77.cxx, XSCCall.cxx, src/XSModel/ DataInputRecord.cxx, FakeDataInputRecord.cxx, MultiResponse.cxx, RealResponse.cxx, RMF.cxx, EinsteinIO.cxx, OGIP-92aIO.cxx, SumComponent.cxx, AddTableComponent.cxx, CGroupBase.cxx, ConComponent.cxx, MixBase.cxx, MixComponent.cxx, MulTableComponent.cxx, ScaleParam.cxx, src/XSFit/ ChainIO.cxx, src/XSUser/ XSGlobal.cxx, xsLmod.cxx, xsShow.cxx, Help.cxx, HelpComposite.cxx, TclRedAlert.cxx, TclStream.cxx, execscript.cxx, unknow.cxx, TclRegEx.cxx, src/XSModel/Model/MixFunction/ PsfImage.cxx, Psf.h, src/initpackage/ processModelFile.cxx, initpackage.cxx

12.4.0y A couple of fixes relating to the case where a fit parameter is pegged in a Lev-Marq fit due to a zero or negative pivot element in the Hessian matrix. When this occurs the reported covariance matrix is accordingly reduced in size, but XSPEC should also set the parameter's reported +/- value to -1.0 to show that it was unable to calculate a sigma from the covariance matrix. It currently leaves the +/- unchanged from its previous fit value (if any). Also in this case tclout simpars will cause the program to abort, whereas it should just report an error and return to the prompt. Our thanks to Ranjan Vasudevan for pointing this out. Report added on Apr 23, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFit/FitMethod/LevMarq/ LevMarq.cxx and src/XSUser/Handler/ xsTclout.cxx

12.4.0z If a valid fit exists, XSPEC will no longer consider it invalidated if only the fit method is then changed. This will allow the use of the improve command on a Levenberg-Marquardt fit, without having to first re-fit with a Minuit fitting method. Our thanks to Terry Gaetz for pointing this out. Report added on May 01, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFit/Fit/ Fit.cxx and src/XSUser/Handler/ xsMethod.cxx

12.4.0aa The fakeit command does not allow an absolute pathname when prompting for the fake dataset's output filename. Our thanks to Curtis McCully for pointing this out. Report added on May 01, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUtil/Parse/ XSparse.cxx

12.4.0ab This adds the goodness option to the tclout command, which will write the results of the most recent goodness run to the $xspec_tclout variable. This option had been listed in the tclout command summary but was unimplemented. Our thanks to Phil Evans for pointing this out. Report added on Jun 10, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ xsTclout.cxx

12.4.0ac After running dummyrsp in its no-channel mode, plot command options which require defined channel energies may cause a crash. This includes plot ufspec variants and plot data when in energy mode. Our thanks to Ranjan Vasudevan for pointing this out. Report added on Jun 17, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSPlot/Plot/ Plot.cxx

12.4.0ad The default upper limits for the plasma temperature parameter in the vapec and bvapec models should be lowered from 79.9 to 68.447 keV. This is the maximum temperature for which there is data in the apec_v[version]_coco.fits and apec_v[version]_line.fits files. Our thanks to Pat Broos for pointing this out. Report added on Jun 17, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/manager/ model.dat

12.4.0ae When using the gsmooth or swind1 models, certain combinations of parameters can cause an invalid array access. On 64-bit Linux systems this will cause a crash. Our thanks to Curtis McCully for pointing this out. Report added on Jul 08, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFunctions/ xsgsmt.f

12.4.0af When settings have changed through either the xsect or cosmo commands, the model calculations should be immediately updated. (This patch also improves the cosmo command-line parser.) Our thanks to Stefano Bianchi for pointing this out. Report added on Jul 08, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ xsCosmo.cxx and xsXsect.cxx

12.4.0ag The kerrd and nsa additive models will cause XSPEC to crash in certain cases, the latter primarily on Intel/Mac platforms. Report added on Jul 14, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFunctions/ kerrdisk.f and nsa.f

12.4.0ah The flux command with the err option is unable to calculate flux errors for the case where there are gaps in the model source numbers assigned to a spectrum. (This exists when source numbers are NOT numbered consecutively starting at 1, and occurs only when analyzing with multiple models). Our thanks to Kalman Knizhnik for pointing this out. Report added on Jul 23, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFit/Fit/ Fit.cxx

12.4.0ai When proportional deltas are in use (via xset delta), the save model command will write the parameter information string in a format that is not properly handled when the saved file is reloaded at a later time. Our thanks to Pat Broos for pointing this out. Report added on Jul 24, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/GlobalContainer/ ModelContainer.cxx and XSUser/Global/ XSGlobal.cxx

12.4.0aj When the energies command is applied to an inactive model (a model without an associated response), it is not immediately updating the model's calculation. Report added on Jul 31, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ xsEnergies.cxx

12.4.0ak The cutoffpl model can show a distortion for very low energies (approx. E/B < 10^-3). The incomplete gamma function calculation which this is based on needs to be improved in this region. Our thanks to Joern Wilms, Moritz Boeck, and Manfred Hanke for pointing this out. Report added on Aug 28, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/manager/ model.dat, src/XSUtil/ Makefile, src/XSUtil/Numerics/ ExpInt.cxx, .h, IncGamma.cxx, .h, src/XSFunctions/ Makefile, cutoffPowerLaw.cxx, functionMap.cxx, .h, xsFortran.cxx, .h

12.4.0al This adds the Fortran wrapper function xgtcht(console,log) for those wishing to retrieve XSPEC's console and log chatter level settings from inside their own Fortran local models. The function is equivalent to the xgtcht contained in the xanlib library used by XSPEC11. Report added on Aug 28, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFunctions/ xsFortran.cxx, .h

12.4.0am Enhancement patch required for reading data sets and responses in the new format used by GLAST GBM files. The modifications include the removal of the SPEC_NUM column for type-II data files, and the storing of multiple response matrix extensions into one response file. XSPEC will now distinguish among multiple response extensions by appending a curly-bracket specifier to the response file name: myResponse.rsp{n} where n is the EXTVER keyword value of the extension. Report added on Aug 28, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/heacore/CCfits/ CHANGES, FITS.cxx, headas/Xspec/src/XSModel/Data/ DataSet.cxx, .h, OGIP-92aData.cxx, .h, src/XSModel/Data/BackCorr/ OGIP-92aBackground.cxx, src/XSModel/Data/Detector/ OGIP-92aResponse.cxx, RealResponse.cxx, src/XSModel/DataFactory/ OGIP-92aIO.cxx, .h, src/XSUser/Handler/ xsResponse.cxx, src/XSUtil/Parse/ XSparse.cxx, .h, headas/Xspec/Integral/ SPI_Data.cxx, .h

12.4.0an The energies command is not working when used on table model components. (This is a side-effect of the forced recalculation that was added with patch 12.4.0aj.) Our thanks to Roderick Johnstone for pointing this out. Report added on Sep 03, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ xsEnergies.cxx

12.4.0ao Bug fix for the margin command. The bin at the low end of the range (in each dimension) is also being assigned counts that fall within 1 bin width below the edge. Report added on Sep 04, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUtil/Numerics/ Histogram.h

12.4.0ap In a Levenberg-Marquardt fit, the zero threshold for the diagonals of the second-derivatives matrix needs to be reduced. This is relevant for cases where fit parameters may differ by enormously large (~10^20) magnitudes. Our thanks to Roderick Johnstone for pointing this out. Report added on Oct 21, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFit/FitMethod/LevMarq/ LevMarq.cxx

12.4.0aq The tclout model command no longer appends a newline character to the model name. This allows its output value to be used more easily as an argument to another XSPEC command. Our thanks to Jeremy Sanders for pointing this out. Report added on Oct 23, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSUser/Handler/ xsTclout.cxx

12.4.0ar This adds automatic normalization to the covariance calculation performed at the end of a Levenberg-Marquardt fit, which makes it more robust when dealing with large differences in magnitude among the fit parameters. Report added on Oct 29, 2008.

This patch modifies headas/Xspec/src/XSFit/FitMethod/LevMarq/ LevMarq.cxx

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Last modified: Thursday, 20-Nov-2008 10:21:33 EST