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Eco-Homes: An Introduction to Ecological Building and Appropriate Technology

August 18 - September 3, 2009
A sustainable future begins in the home

...literally. With 6.7 billion humans on the planet (and counting), how can we create comfortable homes that will continue to support us and all the living beings around us? How does the home you live in stack up? What alterations, modifications or changes can you make that will make a difference? What can we do today to pave the way for the homes of tomorrow?

natural building

The Camassia Institute for Sustainable Communities is offering a summer Eco-Homes workshop. This two-and-a-half-week intensive offers a broad overview of the elements of home building and design with a focus on permaculture principles. While most permaculture courses focus on landscape and gardening, this course addresses what in permaculture terms would be considered Zone 0: the home.

Participants will experience a combination of classroom and hands-on activities, guiding them through several areas of home design and construction. Covering topics such as foundations, wall structures, ventilation, heating, lighting, roofs, water systems and energy systems, the course will present a variety of alternatives and ecological elements. All levels of experience are welcome. This course appeals to owner-builders, prospective new home owners, and individuals just starting out in natural building or appropriate technologies. Experienced builders will be exposed to a range of techniques that they can integrate into their work. Participants will create their own customized eco-home design plan.

Lost Valley offers a beautiful setting to camp out, to gather for delicious food and fun and to learn how to create positive change.

Accommodations: camping is included, indoor spaces may be available for additional cost.

To register, click here