Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Historical Air Traffic Data
Monthly: Year 1994

(all figures in thousands)

  Scheduled Service Non-Scheduled Service
Revenue Passenger Enplanements Revenue Passenger Miles Revenue Passenger Originations Aircraft Revenue Departures Revenue Passenger Miles Revenue Passenger Originations
Jan 37,093 37,341,150 -------- 596,010 1,522,412 --------
Feb 36,275 34,616,727 -------- 551,518 1,451,808 --------
Mar 45,283 43,640,264 -------- 637,013 1,793,578 --------
Apr 42,790 40,941,445 -------- 614,582 1,476,718 --------
May 44,502 42,986,028 -------- 632,684 1,311,182 --------
Jun 46,665 46,535,292 -------- 626,832 1,633,804 --------
Jul 49,489 50,249,273 -------- 649,940 2,161,706 --------
Aug 50,098 51,256,706 -------- 663,416 1,978,346 --------
Sep 43,215 43,392,936 -------- 630,480 1,284,687 --------
Oct 45,702 44,519,199 -------- 652,952 1,326,204 --------
Nov 43,655 41,217,917 -------- 627,242 1,012,401 --------
Dec 44,084 42,684,751 -------- 648,357 1,183,365 --------

Source: Air Carrier Traffic Statistics-Monthly," a publication of hte U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board, based upon the Form 41 T-Schedule traffic collected pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 241.
Final Data (1974-1998) includes figures from DataBank 28.

NOTE: The traffic data presented on this page is reported to the Department of Transportation on BTS Form 41 by Large Certificated Air Carriers to include carrier groups: Majors, Nationals, Large Regionals, and Medium Regionals. Traffic statistics for Small Certificated Air Carriers and Commuter Air Carriers are not included.

Numbers are subject to revision.