Our Work

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Creating True and Lasting Development

“The future generation is the most important thing.”


A recognition of the long-term consequences of our work motivates ACDI/VOCA to help beneficiaries achieve true and lasting development.

It also helps us remember our proper role: providing opportunities to our beneficiaries. We make those opportunities viable in each individual environment in which we work, which compels us to be sensitive to local conditions as well as proficient in making our work last.

Our values statement reads: “Our respect for host societies and our commitment to the involvement of beneficiaries as true partners in development projects result in improved local capacities, enhanced opportunities, and vibrant, sustainable communities, cooperatives and enterprises….To maximize the effective use of public resources and sustainable impact, we favor expandable, replicable methods, local ownership, an emphasis on broad-based participation and alliances with the private sector and other partners.”

A key to sustainability is investing in youth capacity building, including leadership and entrepreneurship. Youth development has been a key component under ICAP, CRDA, CAIP and EnRICH projects.

The best measure of sustainability is our success in leaving behind a legacy of effective, self-sustaining organizations that offer real-world business solutions. Visit some of our successor groups.


July 19, 2008

Frontiers LLC Celebrates Fifth Anniversary

March 10, 2008

CredAgro Wins National Award

January 23, 2008

NASFAM Celebrates 10 Years

Media Coverage

June 5, 2007

MicroCapital: IFC Support to Assist MFI Bai Tushum with Transformation

June 1, 2007

Microfinance Gateway: First Kyrgyz MFI to Transform into Commercial Bank