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ACDI/VOCA's Commitment to Gender Equity

In both developed and developing countries, women typically earn less than men for the same work, and are concentrated in lower paying jobs, the informal sector and family labor. Women often work longer hours under the double burden of domestic and remunerative labor. Women constitute the majority of the world’s agricultural laborers, but receive only a small fraction of the available extension and support services. Female headed households are over-represented among the poor, and women and their children form the majority of refugees and displaced populations. Women are further disadvantaged economically and socially with approximately half the years of schooling than men receive, less access to healthcare services and fewer legal rights.

Over the years, development policies and practices have at times exacerbated the problems faced by women. Structural adjustment policies that have reduced health and education services have had a disproportionate effect on women. In rural areas, environmental degradation and an emphasis on cash cropping has led to shortages of fuel, water and forage foods which have placed greater demands on women’s time and energy. Urbanization and industrialization have often cut off families from traditional support networks and frequently increased women’s vulnerability. In some cases, changing social structures have marginalized women from decision-making roles.

ACDI/VOCA works to empower farmers and other entrepreneurs – both men and women – to succeed in the global economy. ACDI/VOCA recognizes that women’s earnings are a vital income stream for many households, and their participation is essential to the economic development of communities. It is often necessary to focus additional attention and resources to ensure that women are able to fully and equitably engage in the development process.

ACDI/VOCA’s commitment to gender equity applies to all aspects of its operations and programs. ACDI/VOCA will continually promote the equal participation of women at all levels of the organization and in our activities through equal access to resources, opportunities, and decision-making roles. We will encourage all personnel to integrate ACDI/VOCA’s commitment to gender equity into their work, and will support local initiatives that promote gender equity. To facilitate progress toward gender equity we will respect diversity, give emphasis to teamwork and promote transparency.