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Collaboration enables us to enhance the approaches and mechanisms we use to address development challenges, and to access new technical, human and financial resources to obtain better results. ACDI/VOCA’s work with its partners ensures that we act in synergy with other activities and resources. The following list includes past and current partners.

Private sector firms: * Local financial institutions: +

  • Abt Associates, Inc. *
  • Academy for Educational Development
  • Action for Enterprise
  • AECOM International Development *
  • Africare
  • Agrexco * (Israel)
  • Agribusiness Systems International
  • AgroCapital + (Bolivia)
  • Al-Amal Society for the Deaf (West Bank & Gaza)
  • Al-Zaytuneh Palestinian Olive Tree Association
  • All India Institute for Local Self Government
  • Alliance for Food Aid
  • American Evaluation Association
  • American Near East Refugee Aid
  • American Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce
  • Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem
  • Arab Agronomist Association (West Bank & Gaza)
  • Arcadis Euroconsult *
  • ARD, Inc. *
  • Asia Society
  • Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Association of Microfinance Institutions
  • Association of Microfinance Organizations of Kazakhstan
  • Associations of Microfinance Organizations of Tajikistan
  • Atlas Coffee Importers, LLC *
  • Australian Agency for International Development
  • Azerbaijan Bank Training Center
  • Azerbaijan Credit Unions Association
  • Azerbaijan Micro Finance Association
  • Ba Ria Vung Tau Agriculture Extension Center
  • Bai Tushum & Partners Microcredit Co. + (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Banyan Global
  • BearingPoint *
  • Ben Tre Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Bereke (Kazakhstan)
  • Blommer Chocolate *
  • Binh Phuoc Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Booz Allen Hamilton *
  • Briggs and Stratton Corp. *
  • Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, University of Arizona
  • Cabinda Gulf Oil Company *
  • Canada Fund
  • Cape Verde Directorate of Food Security Development of the Ministry of Environment & Agriculture
  • Cape Verde General Directorate for Agriculture, Forestry & Animal Husbandry
  • Cape Verde National Center for Nutrition Development
  • Cape Verde National Food Security Agency
  • Cape Verde National Institute for Agriculture Research
  • CARANA Corporation *
  • CARE
  • Catholic Relief Services
  • Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector
  • Center for International Conflict Resolution, Columbia University
  • Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness
  • Cereal Growers Association (Kenya)
  • Chemonics International *
  • Chevron *
  • CHF International
  • Cocoa Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.
  • Coffee Quality Institute
  • Conservation International
  • Continaf Asia * (Malaysia)
  • Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services
  • Cornell University
  • Corporate Council on Africa
  • Counterpart International
  • CredAgro, LLC + (Azerbaijan)
  • Dak Lak Agriculture Extension Center (Vietnam)
  • Dar Al Salam Women’s Society (West Bank & Gaza)
  • Deloitte Touche *
  • Democratic Development and Citizen Participation (Bolivia)
  • Development Alternatives, Inc. *
  • DFC Group (Spain)
  • Dong Go Experimental Center (Vietnam)
  • Duggleby & Associates, Inc.
  • Eastern Africa Fine Coffee Association
  • ECafe Foundation
  • Embden, Drishaus & Epping Consulting * (Germany)
  • Emerging Markets Group *
  • Enterprise Resource Group *
  • Eurasia Foundation *
  • European Bank for Reconstruction & Development
  • Exxon Neftegas, Ltd. *
  • Farm Credit Council *
  • Farm Inputs Promotion Africa
  • Federation of Cape Verde Micro Finance Associations
  • Fintrac *
  • Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Forest Science Institute of Southern Vietnam
  • Frontiers, LLC + (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Fundacion Desarrollo Comunitario (Panama)
  • FV-Mard + (Uzbekistan)
  • Gaza Agricultural Cooperative Union *
  • Gaza Strawberry Farmers Union Society *
  • Global Fund for Children
  • Godrej Agrovet, Ltd. * (India)
  • Green Cross International of Brazil
  • Helen Keller International – Philippines
  • Himalayan Action Research Centre (India)
  • Horizons Group, LLC * (Georgia)
  • IBM Business Consulting Services *
  • IITC Organic India Pvt., Ltd. *
  • Impact LLC +
  • Imperial Tobacco Company of India, Ltd. *
  • Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
  • Institute of Himalayan Environmental Research & Education (India)
  • Inter-American Development Bank
  • International Bank for Reconstruction & Development
  • International Center for Research on Women
  • International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture (India)
  • International Cooperative Alliance
  • International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (India)
  • International Executive Service Corps
  • International Food and Agribusiness Management Association
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • International Food Policy Research Institute
  • International Foundation of Hope
  • International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (Great Britain)
  • International Livestock Research Institute
  • International Organization for Migration
  • International Resources Group
  • IRIS Center
  • Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information
  • Junior Achievement International
  • KazMicroFinance LLC +
  • Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange *
  • KfW Bankengruppe (Germany)
  • Land O’Lakes *
  • Land Research Center (Israel)
  • Louis Berger Group, Inc. *
  • Ma’an Development Center (West Bank & Gaza)
  • Management Systems International
  • Mars, Inc. *
  • MBA Enterprise Corps
  • Medical Herbs & Organic Products Farmers Cooperative Association * (West Bank & Gaza)
  • Mercy Corps
  • MicroFinance Opportunities
  • MicroInvest + (Tajikistan)
  • Millennium Challenge Account – Armenia
  • Millennium Challenge Account – Honduras
  • Millennium Challenge Account – Madagascar
  • Millennium Challenge Corporation
  • Millennium Challenge Georgia Fund
  • Mindanao State University (Philippines)
  • Moore Stephens International * (Great Britain)
  • Narodny Kredit + (Russia)
  • National Cocoa Coordinating Committee of Vietnam
  • National Council of Farmer Cooperatives *
  • National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia*
  • National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi *
  • Natural Resources Institute (Great Britain)
  • Neighbors Population Development Services (Philippines)
  • Nong Lam University (Vietnam)
  • Northwest Medical Teams Int. Microfinance +
  • OCDC
  • Ohio State University
  • Opportunities International
  • Organic Olive Oil Producer Cooperative
  • Organização das Cooperativas do Brasil *
  • Organization of Associations of Farmers, Fishermen on the Island of Santiago *
  • Organization of Associations of the Island of Fogo
  • Organization of Development Associations of the Island of Santo Antao
  • Overseas Strategic Consulting *
  • Palestinian Agriculture Relief Committee
  • Palestinian Food Industries Association *
  • Palestinian Hydrology Group
  • Palestinian Olive Council
  • Palestinian Organic Olive Oil Producers Cooperative*
  • Paltrade (West Bank & Gaza)
  • Pantaloon Retail India, Ltd. *
  • Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa
  • Peace Corps
  • Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. *
  • Pragma *
  • President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers *
  • Program for Psychosocial Recovery and Development in East Timor
  • QED Group, LLC *
  • Roots of Peace
  • Rural Credit Cooperation Development Fund + (Russia)
  • Russian American Business Training Center
  • Sakhalin-1 Consortium (Russia)
  • Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, Ltd. * (Russia)
  • Sakhalin Small Business Cooperative Society + (Russia)
  • Sakhalin Small Enterprise Development Foundation+ (Russia)
  • Sakhalin Wild Natural Resources + (Russia)
  • Save the Children Federation, Inc.
  • SEEP Network
  • Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Indonesia)
  • Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas Tango (Brazil)
  • Society for Development Studies (Lebanon)
  • Specialty Coffee Association of America *
  • Sresta Natural Bioproducts Pvt., Ltd. * (India)
  • Symbiotics *
  • Tamoun Cooperative for Protected Agriculture * (West Bank& Gaza)
  • Tango
  • TechnoServe
  • Tecnologico Agropecuario Canadã (Bolivia)
  • Terra Institute, Ltd.
  • Texas A&M University
  • The AIDS Support Organization (Uganda)
  • Tien Giang Department of Science and Technology
  • Touton SA *
  • TransFair USA
  • Truth Technologies, Inc.
  • Ukrainian Agricultural Finance Development Foundation
  • Unidad Academica Campesina de Carmen Pampa (Bolivia)
  • United Kingdom Department for International Development
  • United Kingdom Embassy
  • United Nations Development Programme
  • Urban Institute *
  • U.S.-Angola Chamber of Commerce
  • U.S.-Kazakhstan Business Association
  • U.S. Agency for International Development
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • U.S. Department of State
  • U.S. Georgia Business Council
  • U.S. Global Leadership Campaign
  • U.S. Trade Development Agency
  • Vietnam Association of Rural Industrial Small & Medium Enterprises *
  • Vietnam National Cocoa Board
  • Vietnam National Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
  • Virginia State University
  • VISTAA *
  • Vitech Consulting s.a.l. (Lebanon)
  • VOCA Foundation
  • Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance
  • Washington State University
  • Winrock International
  • World Agroforestry Centre (Kenya)
  • World Bank
  • World Cocoa Foundation
  • World Vision International
  • World Wildlife Fund