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Membership Process

Community Membership Process


Please note that we have temporarily closed our community to new members but we are open to taking on some short to mid term renters. We are in the process of restructuring what it means to be a member and re-examining our community agreements around membership.  We encourage anyone interested in becoming either a renter or member here to first take one of our educational programs or workshops, such as those offered by our Ecovillage and Permaculture institute. It is a great way for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you and for you to learn things that will help you in your experience here. Thanks.

After 20 years' experience in bringing new people into our community, we have developed a fairly elaborate process to determine whom to invite into our community. We do not consider ourselves to be better than anyone else or any other community, but we do know that joining community is a very big step for most people who have grown up in the dominant culture. Living in community is often a wonderful option, but it is certainly not easier than life in the "outside world" and may not be the right choice for everyone. Bringing new people into our community is a serious commitment on both sides and we try to do our best in inviting people into our extended family who are likely to be successful. By design, our process is comprised of gradual steps to bring new people into greater knowledge of themselves and of our community while we also get to know them as individuals. Moving toward membership is much like creating a new relationship with mutual discoveries. We encourage prospective members to share who they are as deeply and honestly as possible, so that we can all make the appropriate decision.

The process often begins with a call, letter, or e-mail in which a person expresses an interest. People then sometimes come for a tour or short visit or a weekend workshop. Then they typically attend a Community Experience Week, occasionally followed by one or two additional weeks to experience living in community. This is followed by an application for our Prospective Membership Months. If invited, prospective members live with us for 3 months before seeking acceptance into our year-long Exploring Membership process. At the end of this year the person may become a full Long Term Member.

At the beginning of the Exploring Member and Long-Term Member steps, there is an in-depth review with the entire community, and acceptance into either of these membership categories requires the full consensus of all current Long Term Members.

Below is more information about each step:


Step 1: Visiting Lost Valley (optional):


There are two preferred ways to visit Lost Valley. We have free tours twice a month (check Upcoming Events).to see our property and find a little bit about what we do. We also offer a 2 days/1 night (usually Wednesday/Thursday) Visitor Days once a month (check Upcoming Events) for those who want a slightly longer visit and a glimpse of community life through meals, an overnight, and participation in our weekly community cleaning party. If you would like to come for a Tour or overnight stay, please contact our Membership Coordinator to make a reservation. Another good way to experience the community is through participating in our workshops or interning in one of our programs. Call 541-937-3351 or check the rest of our web site for more information.

Scheduled tours are at 2 pm and free (with an invitation to donate) to everyone. They begin at the cob kiosk near the parking lot. People wanting to have a special tour will be invited to donate from $10-$25 per person or group (except for possible events presenters). Visitor Days have free 2 pm tours, but for those staying on for dinner, Wednesday evening meeting, Thursday breakfast, work party and lunch, we request a donation of $25-$75 per person or $35-$100 per family.


Step 2: Community Experience Week


CEW's begin with a free 2 pm tour followed by 5 days of sessions. Please check Upcoming Events for a listing of scheduled Community Experience Weeks.

This week is designed to offer an immersion experience in intentional community living for singles, couples, and families. During these five days, participants explore the basic vision, history, structure, processes, programs, and skills that make up the dynamics of living at Lost Valley. They create their own mini-community while interacting with community members at a "well-being" meeting, through the various sessions introducing our different departments and programs, and through hands-on work on the land, in the gardens, and in the kitchen. While this is the official first exploratory step toward becoming a community member, attendance does not necessarily imply acceptance into the community. Some participants may not be seeking membership in Lost Valley, but may be choosing to attend the Community Experience Week as a way of simply trying out the idea of community in general. Others have visions of creating community on their own and want to glean some of the wisdom and skills necessary to do so through the CEW. The flow and emphasis of the week will depend partly on the interests and make-up of the group.

Fees are on a Sliding Scale (based on your ability to pay and the value received). The week includes all meals, lodging, and a 1-year Supporting Membership in Lost Valley and a subscription to Talking Leaves journal.

* Single Adults: $250-$500
* Couples: $350-$700
* Children: $75-$150

Under certain circumstances, people may request a partial work-trade with not less than $150 in cash plus 20-30 hours of work exchange (to preferably be completed prior to the CEW experience).

To Register: Fill out the CEW Application and send by e-mail or by mail to the address below with a deposit ($100 adults, $50 children). Spaces are limited, so please begin the process in a timely manner. If you have questions, please contact Membership Coordinator, Sam Bascom, at or call him at 541-937-3351 x 125.


Step 3: Community Experience Apprenticeship (optional)


If, following your Community Experience Week, you want more time and experience to decide whether you want to apply for the 3-month Prospective Membership process, you may take up to 2 more weeks in a temporary Community Experience Apprenticeship. During these times you will spend at least 15 hours per week sharing in the work of our daily lives in areas you have a particular interest in or in a variety of areas. To be accepted for Apprentice Weeks, you will need to find a "Mentor" within the community to serve as your contact person for questions and oversight.

* Fees: $100 per week
(Covers meals,housing and mentor support)


Step 4: Prospective Membership Months (Required-generally a 3-month period)


The Prospective Membership Months provide an opportunity for those who are seriously interested in community membership to live and work as part of the community, and have an in-depth experience of life at Lost Valley. Participants will join in all aspects of community life, including well-being and community meetings, community service, rituals and celebrations, work parties, and the work of the nonprofit. Each participant will have a community member as a Mentor, as well as the Membership Coordinator, to provide support and answer questions. There will also be an opportunity to participate in some of the programs, conferences, and events that are happening during that month. While not required, participants are encouraged to take part in one of our Heart of Now workshops, since the Heart of Now language and skills strongly influence our ethic of behavior and values as Lost Valley Members. The workshop also allows for opening the heart and being seen at a deeper level than usual.

Prospective Membership Month(s) participants will be expected to hold all the same commitments as community members, as well as work 15 volunteer hours per week, in various areas of the community and nonprofit. We have found that working together is a great way to get to know and learn about each other. If your life circumstances don't allow you to put in the additional 15 hours per week we are open to considering another arrangement that is mutually agreeable.

If you are hired for an open staff position with our nonprofit (see our Job Openings page) that is more than half time, the additional 15-hour requirement is waived. Continuing in the position is contingent on being accepted as an Exploring Member at the end of your Prospective Membership Months.

There may be a review at the beginning of the Prospective Membership Months so that you can have clarity on what strengths and weaknesses are perceived by the community members, as well as have an opportunity to share your own feelings about these issues. This allows all involved more insight, understanding and transparency regarding the participant's journey toward membership.

* Fees: $350-$475 per adult per month

Note:This is based on the same fee scale that members pay and depends on where you are staying. The lower end of the scale is for camping, the higher end is for a private cabin or townhouse unit. Temporary or alternative living options may be possible if there are no available regular spaces. Prospective Members who want to participate in programs, conferences, and events at Lost Valley during their 3 months will receive a discount in most cases).

To Apply: After completion of the Community Experience Week, you may submit a Membership Application and return it to the Membership Coordinator. We tend to limit the number of people beginning the Prospective Membership Months to 1 or 2 per month and priority will be given to those whose skills, interests and circumstances best match our current community needs, so you may need to wait to begin this step. If you have any questions, call, write, or e-mail


Step 5: Exploring Membership (Required, 1-year commitment)


At the conclusion of the Prospective Membership Month, those deciding to apply for Exploring Membership will have an in-depth review with the entire community. If accepted (by full consensus of all Long Term Members), you will be an Exploring Member for one year. Exploring Members hold all the commitments, rights, and responsibilities of Long Term Members, give their input in the decision-making process, but may not "block" in consensus decisions.

Upon acceptance, new Exploring Members are expected to make a non-refundable $250 contribution to our Community Development Fund. If this money is not immediately available, it may be paid in installments throughout the year and is due even if you decide to leave Lost Valley.

We offer Exploring Membership as an opportunity to explore what it means to live in community, and specifically in our community. We realize that both intentional communities and Lost Valley are not for everyone. Being an Exploring Member can also be a valuable experience for people who are interested in eventually starting their own communities, or who want to acquire cooperative skills to take into other work or situations. However if you are not prepared to make a full year's commitment, other options may be more appropriate, such as internships, etc.


Step 6: Full Long Term Membership (indefinite period)


Full Long Term Membership is open to people who have completed their year as Exploring Members and who want to make a long-term commitment to Lost Valley. Long Term Members participate fully in the decision-making process, and will be eligible to become part of our Board of Directors, our envisioned community housing cooperative and perhaps an "Elders Council." Those choosing to apply for Long Term Membership will have an in-depth review with the entire community. Acceptance requires the consensus of all Long Term Members. Upon acceptance, new Long Term Members are expected to make an additional non-refundable $750 contribution to our Community Development Fund. If this money is not immediately available, it may be paid in installments throughout the year and is considered due to the community, even if you decide to leave the community.

Please review our section on community for more information on membership expectations and benefits. Our job openings list also gives an idea of the community's current needs. If you have additional questions, please contact our Membership Coordinator at or by phone at 541-937-3351 x125.