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Service Centers & Labs

Analytical Laboratories - Utah State University Analytical Laboratories (USUAL) help solve many gardening, lawn, plant, and animal feed problems as the only soil testing lab in Utah open to the general public. 

Center for Atmospheric Space Sciences provides strong interdisciplinary focus for applied and 
 theoretical research related to basic processes present in the upper atmosphere. 

Center for Integrated BioSystems - The CIB is a focal point for life science activities with a multifaceted core facility at USU.  Scientists and staff work together to further our core components; research, a core service lab facility and work force training.


Center for Water Efficient Landscaping - CWEL conducts research on effective irrigation techniques,  landscape water demand analysis, low-water use landscaping, and plant water needs.  Information is provided to water purveyors, the green industry, and local USU Extension offices.

Crop Physiology Laboratory -  The CPL specializes in the use of controlled environments to examine whole-plant physiological responses to the environment.  Primary studies are crop plants, however, research has evolved to include the use of plants to clean up contaminated soils.

Soil Physics Group - The environmental soil physics group is engaged in modeling, measurement and interpretation of mass, energy flow, and transformation in porous media; observation and modeling of liquid behavior in porous media under gravity and reduced gravity for space exploration; development and application of electromagnetic measurement techniques for hydrology; structural and mineral physics of transport properties, and in situ characterization of soils using electromagnetic mapping techniques for hydropedology.


Utah Agricultural Experiment Station - UAES generates knowledge and new technology for improving the diverse system of agriculture and natural resources that feeds, clothes, houses and enhances the environment.

Utah Climate Center - The UCC is a newly revised and cutting edge research service center that  collects, manages and disseminates reliable weather and climate data as well as performs independent research related to meteorology and climate issues.     



Utah Small Grains Research


Utah Water Research Laboratory - UWRL conducts state of the art research in the fields of hydrology and water resources, groundwater, hyudraulics and fluid mechanics to address the water research needs both statewide as well as nationally and internationally. 



Utah Crop Improvement Association
Official seed certification agency for Utah.  Listing of requirements and standards for the Utah seed industry (growers, wildland collectors, and conditioners) in the production of high quality seed of known origin and genetic identity.  Please visit



SARE Western Region - SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) is a federal competitive grants program with a regional orientation and leadership structure. Its mission is to expand knowledge and adoption of sustainable agriculture practices that are economically viable, environmentally sound and socially acceptable.


Poisonous Plant Lab USDA


Space Dynamics Lab

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