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What are the NASA SBIR and STTR Programs?

NASA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs are a three- phased approach for the small business concern to develop a technology in response to a specific set of NASA mission driven needs as presented in the NASA SBIR/STTR Annual Solicitation. The STTR program involves a research institution partnering with a small business to develop a technology based on specific mission needs. Please check out the NASA SBIR/STTR schedule for important dates.

I have a great idea, will NASA SBIR/STTR fund it?

The SBIR/STTR program provides the small business researcher, or research institution, with a technology or idea, the opportunity to adapt or apply that technology towards a specific subtopic for NASA mission needs. If the idea or technology is recommended by a Center in response to a topic or subtopic need, a Phase 1 contract will be negotiated. Search the NASA SBIR/STTR Archives Gateway for information on previous awardees, and their innovations. NASA will not accept unsolicited proposals.

Do I qualify for the NASA SBIR/STTR Program?

A small business concern must meet certain eligibility requirements for the SBIR program and the STTR program such as; be independently owned and operated in the United States by U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens; organized for profit; including any affiliates, and the company can employ no more than 500 people. In the STTR program, the small business concern must be affiliated with a non-profit research institution and meet other eligibility requirements.

Can I access samples of SBIR/STTR proposals and deliverables?

Samples of proposals and required forms as well as contract deliverables needed by the SBIR/STTR programs can be found in NASA SBIR/STTR Firms Library.

How do I propose my technology to NASA?

Please visit the NASA SBIR/STTR Firms Library for samples of proposals and other required forms. Complete instructions as to content of the proposal, number of pages, required forms, etc., are described in detail in the NASA SBIR/STTR Annual Solicitation. The NASA SBIR/STTR program uses an internet system called an Electronic Handbook for all submissions and program management. Please check the SBIR/STTR schedule for information about the next solicitation period. The NASA SBIR/STTR program does not accept unsolicited proposals.

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Curator: Samidha Manu
NASA Official: Carl G. Ray

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