Solar Living Institute
Promoting Sustainable Living through Inspirational Environmental Education
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As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the programs of the Solar Living Institute are funded by its constituents - people like you, who believe in our mission and who want to help us make a difference for the environment. We invite you to make an inspirational gift to the Solar Living Institute. Your support is vitally important in sustaining our operations. Together we can make a difference!

Many different types of support help us to realize our goals. Become part of the solution by choosing one of these ways to give:

Individual Gift – We invite you to make a special inspirational gift to the Solar Living Institute. All donors will have their names acknowledged in our space-limited publications unless you desire to remain anonymous. The Solar Living Institute does not provide any goods or services in consideration of your contribution so the entire contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Your support is vitally important in sustaining our operations.

Monthly Giving Circle – We invite you to make a special monthly inspirational gift to the Solar Living Institute. You designate an amount that you want charged to your credit card monthly and let us know the date you want the charge made. Charges will continue until you tell us to stop. (Note: The first charge will be made to your credit card the date of your initial order. Subsequent months will be charged the date you specify.) All members will have their names acknowledged in our space-limited publications unless you desire to remain anonymous. The Solar Living Institute does not provide any goods or services in consideration of your contribution so the entire contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Endowment Fund – A gift to our endowment fund is a gift that continues to give year-after-year. The interest and earnings from the fund go toward helping the Institute in its annual operations, but the fund’s principle remains untouched and continues to earn money for the Institute for years into the future. All donors will have their names acknowledged in our space-limited publications unless you desire to remain anonymous. The Solar Living Institute does not provide any goods or services in consideration of your contribution so the entire contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Partners Program – The Partners Program is an annual “membership” program that includes the additional opportunity of becoming a Lifetime Partner. Your support helps us maintain and expand our environmental education programs and reach thousands of people who can become part of the solution to many of the most challenging environmental problems we face today. To become a partner, click here.

All donors will have their names acknowledged in our space-limited publications unless you desire to remain anonymous.

The Solar Living Institute has not provided any goods or services in consideration of this contribution. The entire contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to make your contribution in someone's name, you can enter that information in the Comments box on the Billing page that will come up after you leave the Shipping Information page.

If you don't want this extra benefit, just let us know in the "comments" section when you make your contribution. Thanks for your support!

Individual Gift Amount $
Monthly Gift Amount $
Endowment Fund Amount $
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