
November 26, 2008, 1:58 pm

Art for the Ages

INSERT DESCRIPTION“Feast of Saint Joseph” by artist Rose Fontanella. (Photo: Jaime Permuth)

Over at the New Old Age blog, my colleague Jane Gross has put together a wonderful slide show of elder art — paintings, drawings and collages done by elderly men and women at 20 senior centers in New York City.

The artwork is featured in a new exhibition called “A Long Way Home: Elder Artists in the Neighborhoods of New York.” The exhibition will be on display for a six-week run beginning January 29 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, at 54th St. and Madison Avenue in Manhattan.

Click here to find a link to the New Old Age slide show.. And for more health-related art, take a look at a previous Well post called “Pain as an Art Form,” that includes a slideshow of art from chronic pain sufferers.


  1. 1. November 27, 2008 9:57 am Link

    Poor little post! No takers yet.

    Well I’m no art critic, but I took the time to look at the slide show, and I’ll throw in my two cents.

    It was amazing to me how similar these paintings were to those I saw at the grade school art shows. Simple, joyful, forthcoming, familiar settings. Yet, the facial expressions reflected a lifetime of experience that kids simply haven’t had.

    FROM TPP — Thanks for chiming in. I imagine people are in kitchens cooking and celebrating with family. Perhaps post-Thanksgiving, this little art show will attract some visitors and comments. I love it and appreciate your insights.

    — jack
  2. 2. November 27, 2008 10:43 am Link

    Greetings from Toronto and Happy Thanksgiving to my neighbours south of the border.

    Beautiful paintings - I agree with the first post. I sense experience in these paintings especially from the incredible amount of detail. From the food details of the plates on the table and the lady sitting next to it, to the man ploughing a field to the expressions on the pets’ faces sitting in that living room. A richness of lives lived is in each one.

    — Kris
  3. 3. November 27, 2008 12:07 pm Link

    Oh, what a lovely slide show to view on a day like this.

    Our own most cherished pieces of art are paintings by my husband’s grandmother, done in her mid-nineties.

    From the show…is #6 a kick or what?

    — E
  4. 4. December 1, 2008 12:08 pm Link

    I own a little coffeeshop in a retirement village in the bay area, and recently hosted an ‘art stroll’ for the community, with the artist’s paintings and other works on display in my shop.
    Wow, the artists came out of the woodwork. The underground art community came alive, opened up their ’studios’ for the stroll and are now planning a spring event. Neighbors got to meet one another and discuss new ideas, and now other groups have been formed and have decided to do similar community-wide activities, and the snowball keeps growing.

    — anne
  5. 5. December 1, 2008 2:33 pm Link

    Art is life.

    — (S)wine

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