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A NASA TV Simulcast: NASA...On the Cutting Edge

"Awesome Asteroids"

Simulcast: March 11 1999, 11:00 - 11:30 am Pacific (2:00 - 2:30 pm Eastern)

Asteroids get a lot of attention. It's no wonder - small ones continually pelt the Earth and a large one may have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. But that's just part of their story. Space missions to orbit and map a near-Earth asteroid for the first time will help us discover more about these "minor planets," and could reveal clues about the formation of our solar system...Get answers to your questions about asteroids directly from the scientists keeping tabs on them. And, see a sneak preview of NASA's exciting plans to put a rover on an asteroid!

This 30-minute simulcast is now available as three Quicktime movies. A Quicktime 3.0 player is required to run the movies.

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