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Pedersen, K., Hurley, K., Hjorth, J., Smith, D., Andersen, M., Christensen, L., Cline, T., Fynbo, J., Goldsten, J., Golenetskii, S., Gorosabel, J., Jakobsson, P., Jensen, B., Milvang-Jensen, B., McClanahan, T., Moller, P., Palshin, V., Schartel, N.,
Multiwavelength Studies of the Optically Dark Gamma-Ray Burst 001025A, Ap. J. 636, 381. 2006.

Hurley, K., Stern, B., Kommers, J., Cline, T., Mazets, E., Golenetskii, S., Trombka, J., McClanahan, T., Goldsten, J., Feroci, M., Frontera, F., Guidorzi, C., Montanari, E., Lewin, W., Meegan, C., Fishman, G., Kouveliotou, C., Sinha, S., and Seetha, S.,
"The Interplanetary Network Supplement to the BATSE Catalogs of Untriggered Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts", Ap. J. Supp. Ser. 156, 217, JPL958056, NAG5-1560,NAG5-9701, NAG5-3500, NAG5-9503.

Kane, S. McTiernan, J., and Hurley, K.
"Multispacecraft Observations of the Hard X-ray Emission from the Giant Solar Flare on 2003 November 4", Astron. Astrophys. 433, 1133, 2005106

Atteia, J.-L, Kawai, N., Vanderspek, R., Pizzichini, G., Ricker, G., Barraud, C., Boer, M. Braga, J., Butler, N., Cline, T., Crew, G., Dezalay, J.-P., Donaghy, T., Doty, J., Fenimore, E., Galassi, M., Graziani, C., Hurley, K., Jernigan, J., Lamb, D.,
"HETE-2 Observations of Two Gamma-Ray Bursts at z>3", Ap. J. 626,292,2005107


Boggs, S., Wunderer, C., Hurley, K., and Coburn, W.,
"Testing Lorentz Invariance with GRB021206", Ap. J. 611, L77, NAG5-11451, NAG5-12614, NAG5-13080, JPL958056.

Ibrahim, A., Markwardt, C., Swank, J., Ransom, S., Roberts, M., Kaspi, V., Woods, P., Safi-Harb, S., Balman, S., Parke, W., Kouveliotou, C., Hurley, K., and Cline, T.,
"Discovery of a Transient Magnetar: XTEJ1810-197", Ap. J. 609, L21, JPL958056.

Sakamoto, T., Lamb, D., Graziani, C., Donaghy, T., Suzuki, M., Ricker, G., Atteia, J.-L., Kawai, N., Yoshida, A., Shirasaki, Y., Tamagawa, T., Torii, K., Matsuoka, M., Fenimore, E., Galassi, M., Tavenner, T., Doty, J., Vanderspek, R., Hurley, K.,
"High Energy Transient Explorer 2 Observations of the Extremely Soft X-Ray Flash XRF 020903", Ap. J. 602, 875, JPL958056, MIT SC-R-293291.

Vanderspek, R., Sakamoto, T., Barraud, C., Tamagawa, T., Graziani, C., Suzuki, M., Shirasaki, Y., Prigozhin, G., Villasenor, J., Jernigan, J., Crew, G., Atteia, J., Hurley, K., Kawai, N., Lamb, D., Ricker, G., Woosley, S., Butler, N., Doty, J.,
"HETE Observations of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB030329: Evidence for an Underlying Soft X-Ray Component",Ap. J. 617, 1251, MIT-SC-R-293291, JPL 958056, FDNAG5-11451.


Crew, G., Lamb, D., Ricker, G., Atteia, J.-L., Kawai, N., Vanderspek, R., Villasenor, J., Doty, J., Prigozhin, G., Jernigan, J., Graziani, C., Shirasaki, Y., Sakamoto, T., Suzuki, M., Butler, N., Hurley, K., Tamagawa, T., Yoshida, A., Matsuoka, M.,
"HETE-2 Localization and Observation of the Bright, X-Ray Rich Gamma-Ray Burst GRB021211", Ap. J. 599, 387, MIT-SC-R-293291, JPL958056, NAG5-11451.

Feroci, M., Mereghetti, S., Woods, P., Kouveliotou, C., Costa, E., Frederiks, D., Golenetskii, S., Hurley, K., Mazets, E., Soffitta, P., and Tavani, M.,
"The 2001 April Burst Activation of SGR1900+14: X-ray Afterglow Emission", Ap. J. 596, 470, JPL958056, NAG5-9126, NAG5-10710.

Golenetskii, S., Aptekar, R., Frederiks, D., Mazets, E., Palshin, V., Hurley, K., Cline, T., and Stern, B.,
"Observations of Giant Outbursts from Cygnus X-", Ap. J. 596, 1113, JPL958056.

Gotz, D., Mereghetti, S., Hurley, K., Deluit, S., Feroci, M., Frontera, F., Fruchter, A., Gorosabel, J., Hartmann, D., Hjorth, J., Hudec, R., Mirabel, F., Pian, E., Pizzichini, G., Ubertini, P., and Winkler, C.,
"Observation of GRB030131 with the INTEGRAL Satellite", Astron. Astrophys. 409, 831, JPL958056, NAG5-12614.

Lenters, G., Woods, P., Goupell, J., Kouveliotou, C., Gogus, E., Hurley, K., Frederiks, D., Golenetskii, S., and Swank, J.,
"An Extended Burst Tail from SGR1900+14 with a Thermal X-ray Spectrum", Ap. J. 587, 761,JPL958056, NAG5-11451.

Price, P., Kulkarni, S., Berger, E., Fox, D., Bloom, J., Djorgovski, G., Frail, D., Galama, T., Harrison, F., McCarthy, P., Reichart, D., Sari, R., Yost, S., Jerjen, H., Flint, K., Phillips, A., Warren, B., Axelrod, R., Chevalier, R., K,Hurley,
"Discovery of GRB020405 and its Late Red Bump", Ap. J. 589, 838,JPL958056, NAG5-11451, HST-GO-09180.07.


Berger, E., Kulkarni, S., Bloom, J., Price, P., Fox, D., Frail, D., Axelrod, T., Chevalier, R., Colbert, E., Costa, E., Djorgovski, S., Frontera, F., Galama, T., Halpern, J., Harrison, J., Holtzman, J., Hurley, K., Kimble, R., McCarthy, P., Piro, L.,
The Faint Optical Afterglow and Host Galaxy of GRB020124: Implications for the Nature of Dark Gamma-Ray Bursts, Ap. J. 581, 981

Bloom, J., Kulkarni, S., Price, P., Reichart, D., Galama, T., Schmidt, B., Frail, D., Berger, E., McCarthy, P., Chevalier, R., Wheeler, J., Halpern, J., Fox, D., Djorgovski, G., Harrison, F., Sari, R., Axelrod, T., Kimble, R., Holtzman, J., Hurley, K.,
Detection of a Supernova Signature Associated with GRB011121,Ap. J. 572, L45

Castro-Ceron, J., Castro-Tirado, A., Gorosavel, J., Hjorth, J., Fynbo, J., Jensen, B., Pedersen, H., Andersen, M., Lopez-Corredoira, M., Suarez, O., Grosdidier, Y., Casares, J., Perez-Ramirez, D., Milvang-Jensen, G., Mallen-Ornelas, G., Hurley, K.,
The Bright Optical Afterglow of the Long GRB001007, Astron. Astrophys. 393, 445

Gorosabel, J., Andersen, M., Hjorth, J., Pedersen, H., Jensen, B., Fynbo, J., Lehto, H., Katajainen, S., Hurley, K., and Lund, N.,
Constraints on the Optical Afterglow Emission of the Short/Hard Burst GRB010119, Astron. Astrophys. 383, 112.

Hurley, K., Berger, E., Castro-Tirado, A., Castro Ceron, J., Cline, T., Feroci, M., Frail, D., Frontera, F., Masetti, N., Guidorzi, C., Montanari, E., Hartmann, D., Henden, A., Levine, S., Mazets, E., Golenetskii, S., Fredriks, D., Morrison, G., Oksanen.,
Afterglow Upper Limits for Four Short-Duration, Hard Spectrum Gamma-Ray Bursts, Ap. J. 567, 447.

Lenters, G., Woods, P., Goupell, J., Kouveliotou, C., Gogus, E., Hurley, K., Frederiks, D., Golenetskii, S., and Swank, J.,
An Extended Burst Tail from SGR1900+14 with a Thermal X-ray Spectrum, Ap. J. 587, 761.

Park, H., Williams, G., Hartmann, D., Lamb, D., Lee, B., Tucker, D., Klose, S., Stecklum, B., Henden, A., Adelman, J., Barthelmy, S., Briggs, J., Brinkmann, J., Chen, B., Cline, T., Csabal, I., Gehrels, N., Harvanek, J., Hennessy, G., Hurley, K.,
LOTIS, Super-LOTIS, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and Tautenburg Observations of GRB010921, Ap. J. 571, L131, MIT-SC-R-293291.

Price, P., Berger, E., Reichart, D., Kulkarni, S., Yost, S., Subrahmanyan, R., Wark, R., Wieringa, M., Frail, D., Bailey, J., Boyle, B., Corbett, E., Gunn, K., Ryder, S., Seymour, N., Koviak, K., McCarthy, P., Phillips, M., Axelrod, T., Hurley, K.,
GRB011121: A Massive Star Progenitor,Ap. J. 572, L51.

Price, P., Kulkarni, S., Berger, E., Djorgovski, G., Frail, D., Mahabal, A., Fox, D., Harrison, F., Bloom, J., Yost, S., Reichart, D., Henden, A., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Hurley, K., Atteia, J.-L., Kawai, N., Fenimore, E., and Graziani, C.,
GRB010921: Discovery of the First High Energy Transient Explorer Afterglow, Ap. J. 571, L121, MIT-SC-R-293291.

Price, P., Berger, E., Kulkarni, S., Djorgovski, G., Fox, D., Mahabal, A., Hurley, K., Bloom, J., Frail, D., Galama, T., Harrison, F., Morrison, G., Reichart, D., Yost, S., Sari, R., Axelrod, T., Cline, T., Golenetskii, S., Mazets, E., Schmidt, B., Trombka,
The Unusually Long Duration Gamma-Ray Burst GRB000911: Discovery of the Afterglow and Host Galaxy, Ap. J. 573, 85.

Ricker, G., Hurley, K., Lamb, D., Woosley, S., Atteia, J.-L., Kawai, N., Vanderspek, R., Crew, G., Doty, J., Villasenor, J., Prigozhin, G., Monnelly, G., Butler, N., Matsuoka, M., Shirasaki, Y., Tamagawa, T., Torii, K., Sakamoto, T., Yoshida, A.,
GRB010921: Localization and Observations by the High Energy Transient Explorer Satellite, Ap. J. 571, L127, MIT-SC-R-293291.

Smith, D., Levine, A., Bradt, H., Hurley, K., Feroci, M., Butterworth, P., Golenetskii, S., Pendleton, G., and Phengchamnan, S.,
X-Ray Light Curves of Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected with the All-Sky Monitor on RXTE, Ap. J. Supp. Ser. 141, 415.

Stern, B., Atteia, J. L., and Hurley, K.,
Evidence for a Fast Decline in the Progenitor Population of Gamma-Ray Bursts and the Nature of their Origin, Ap. J. 578, 304.


Andersen, M., Hjorth, J., Pedersen, H., Jensen, B., Hunt, L., Gorosabel, J., Moller, P., Fynbo, J., Kippen, R., Thomsen, B., Olsen, L., Christensen, L., Vestergaard, M., Masetti, N., Palazzi, E., Hurley, K., Cline, T., Kaper, L., and Jaunsen, A.,
VLT Identification of the Optical Afterglow of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB000131 at z=4.50, Astron. Astrophys. 364, L54.

Berger, E., Diercks, A., Frail, D., Kulkarni, S., Bloom, J., Sari, R., Halpern, J., Mirabal, N., Taylor, G., Hurley, K., Pooley, G., Becker, K., Wagner, R., Castro-

Feroci, M., Hurley, K., Duncan, R., and Thompson, C.,
The Giant Flare of 1998 August 27 from SGR1900+14. I. An Interpretive Study of BeppoSAX and Ulysses Observations, Ap. J. 549, 1021.

Fynbo, J., Gorosabel, J., Dall, T., Hjorth, J., Pedersen, H., Andersen, M., Moller, P., Holland, S., Smail, I., Kobayashi, N., Rol, E., Vreeswijk, P., Burud, I., Jensen, B., Thomsen, B., Henden, A., Vrba, F., Canzian, B., Castro Ceron, J., Hurley, K.,
The Optical Afterglow and Host Galaxy of GRB000926, Astron. Astrophys. 373, 796.

Jensen, B., Fynbo, J., Gorosabel, J., Hjorth, J., Holland, S., Moller, P., Thomsen, B., Bjornsson, G., Pedersen, H., Burud, I., Henden, A., Tanvir, N., Davis, C., Vreeswijk, P., Rol, E., Hurley, K., Cline, T., Trombka, J., McClanahan, T., Starr, R.,
The Afterglow of the Short/Intermediate-Duration Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 000301C: A Jet at z=2.04, Astron. Astrophys. 370, 909.

Kehoe, R., Akerlof, C., Balsano, R., Barthelmy, S., Bloch, J., Butterworth, P., Casperson, D., Cline, T., Fletcher, S., Gisler, G., Hurley, K., Kippen, M., Lee, B., Marshall, S., McKay, T., Rykoff, E., Smith, D., Vestrand, T., and Wren, J..,
A Search for Early Optical Emission from Short and Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts, Ap. J. 554, L159.

Kouveliotou, C., Tennant, A., Woods, P., Weisskopf, M., Hurley, K., Fender, R., Garrington, S., Patel, S., and Gogus, E.,
Multiwave Length Observations of the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR1900+14 During its 2001 April Activation, Ap. J. 558, L47.

Piro, L., Garmire, G., Garcia, M., Antonelli, L., Costa, E., Feroci, M., Frail, D., Harrison, F., Hurley, K., Meszaros, P., and Waxman, E.,
The X-Ray Afterglow of GRB000926 Observed by BeppoSAX and Chandra: A Mildly Collimated Fireball in a Dense Medium?, Ap. J. 558, 442.

Price, P., Harrison, F., Galama, T., Reichart, D., Axelrod, T., Berger, E., Bloom, J., Busche, J., Cline, T., Diercks, A., Djorgovski, G., Frail, D., Gal-Yam, A., Halpern, J., Holtzman, J., Hunt, M., Hurley, K., Jacoby, B., Kimble, R., Kulkarni, S.,
Multicolor Observations of the GRB000926 Afterglow, Ap. J. 549, L7.

Reichart, D., Lamb, D., Fenimore, E., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Cline, T., and Hurley, K.,
A Possible Cepheid-Like Luminosity Estimator for the Long Gamma-Ray Bursts, Ap. J. 552, 57.

Smette, A., Fruchter, A., Gull, T., Sahu, K., Petro, L., Ferguson, H., Rhoads, J., Lindler, D., Gibbons, R., Hogg, D., Kouveliotou, C., Livio, M., Macchetto, D., Metzger, M., Pedersen, H., Pian, E., Thorsett, S., Wijers, R., Fynbo, J., Hurley, K.,
Hubble Space Telescope STIS Observations of GRB000301C: CCD Imaging and Near-Ultraviolet MAMA Spectroscopy, Ap. J. 556, 70.

Terndrup, D., Statler, T., Wik, D., Mazets, E., and Cline, T.,
GRB000418: A Hidden Jet Revealed, Ap. J. 556, 556.

Tirado, A., Sokolov, V., Gorosabel, J., Castro Ceron, J., Greiner, J., Wijers, R., Jensen, B., Hjorth, J., Toft, S., Pedersen, H., Palazzi, E., Pian, E., Masetti, N., Sagar, R., Mohan, V., Pandey, A., Pandey, S., Dodonov, S., Hurley, K.,
The Extraordinarily Bright Optical Afterglow of GRB991208 and its Host Galaxy, Astron. Astrophys. 370, 398


Berger, E., Sari, R., Frail, D., Kulkarni, S., Bertoldi, F., Peck, A., Menten, K., Shepherd, D., Moriarty-Scieven, G., Pooley, G., Bloom, J., Diercks, A., Galama, T., and Hurley, K.,
A Jet Model for the Afterglow Emission from GRB 000301C, Ap. J. 545, 56

Cline, T., Frederiks, D., Golenetskii, Hurley, K., Kouveliotou, C., Mazets, E., and van Paradijs, J.,
Observations of a Possible New Soft Gamma Repeater, SGR1801-23, Ap. J. 531, 407.

Hurley, K., Cline, T., Mazets, E., Aptekar, R., Golenetskii, S., Frederiks, D., Frail, D., Kulkarni, S., Trombka, J., McClanahan, T., Starr, R., and Goldsten, J.,
Interplanetary Network Localization of GRB991208 and the Discovery of its Afterglow, Ap. J. 534, L23, NEAR.

Hurley, K., Feroci, M., Cinti, M.-N., Costa, E., Preger, B., Frontera, F., Dal Fiume, D., Orlandini, M., Amati, L., Nicastro, L., Heise, J., in't Zand, J., and Cline, T.,
Integrating the BeppoSAX Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor into the Third Interplanetary Network, Ap. J. 534, 258.

Hurley, K., Kouveliotou, C., Cline, T., Cole, D., Miller, M., Harmon, A., Fishman, G., Briggs, M., van Paradijs, J., Kommers, J., and Lewin, W..,
Precise Interplanetary Network Localization of the Bursting Pulsar GRO J1744-28, Ap. J. 537, 953.

Hurley, K., Laros, J., Brandt, S., Fenimore, E., Klebesadel, R., Terrell, J., Cline, T., Barat, C., Boer, M., Dezalay, J.-P., Sunyaev, R., Terekhov, R., Kuznetsov, A., Sazonov, S., Lund, N., Claret, A., Paul, J., and Castro-Tirado, A.,
Gamma-Ray Burst Arrival-Time Localizations: Simultaneous Observations by Ulysses, Pioneer Venus Orbiter, SIGMA, WATCH, and PHEBUS, Ap. J. 533, 884

Hurley, K., Lund, N., Brandt, S., Barat, C., Cline, T., Sunyaev, R., Terekhov, O., Kuznetsov, A., Sazonov, S., and Castro-Tirado, A.,
The Ulysses Supplement to the GRANAT/WATCH Catalog of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst, Ap. J. Suppl. Ser. 128, 549

Klose, S., Stecklum, B., Masetti, N., Pian, E., Palazzi, E., Henden, A., Hartmann, D., Fischer, O., Gorosabel, J., Sanchez-Fernandez, C., Butler, D., Ott, Th., Hippler, S., Kasper, M., Weiss, R., Castro-Tirado, A., Greiner, J.,Hurley, K., others,
The Very Red Afterglow of GRB000418: Further Evidence for Dust Extinction in a Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxy, Ap. J. 545, 271

Zand, J., Kuiper, L., Amati, L., Antonelli, L., Hurley, K., Coletta, A., Costa, E., Feroci, M., Frontera, F., Gandolfi, G., Heise, J., Kuulkers, E., Muller, J., Nicastro, L., Piro, L., Smith, M., and Tavani, M.,
X-Ray Afterglow Detection of the Short Gamma-Ray Burst GRB991014,Ap. J. 545, 266, JPL958056, NAG5-9126.


Hurley, K. and T. Cline,
Presentation at a meeting,"The Past, Present, and Future of the Third Interplanetary Network, in Gamma-Ray Bursts: 30 Years of Discovery", Eds. E. Fenimore and M. Galassi, AIP Conf. Proc. 727 (AIP: New York), pp. 613-617, JPL 958056, NAG5-11451, NAG5-12614, NAG5-13080.

Kane, S., McTiernan, J., and Hurley, K.,
Presentation at a meeting,"Stereoscopic Observations of the Hard X-ray Source in the Giant Solar Flare on 4 November 2003",B.A.A.S. 36(2), paper 47.06, JPL958056.


Hurley, K.,
Presentation at a meeting, "A Gamma-Ray Burst Bibliography,1973-2001", in Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001: A Workshop Celebrating the First Year of the HETE Mission, Eds. G. Ricker and R. Vanderspek, AIP 662,
p. 153, JPL958056.

Hurley, K.,
Presentation at a meeting, "Recent Results from the Interplanetary Network", in The Gamma-Ray Universe, Proc. XXXVII Rencontres de Moriond 2002, Eds. A. Goldwurm, D. Neumann, and J. Van, p. 251, JPL958056, NAG5-11451.

Hurley, K., Atteia, J-L., Crew, G., Ricker, G., Doty, J., Monnelly, G., Vanderspek, R., Villasenor, J., and Cline, T.,
Presentation at a meeting,"HETE-II and the Interplanetary Network", in Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001: A Workshop Celebrating the First Year of the HETE Mission, Eds. G. Ricker and R. Vanderspek, AIP 662, p. 42, JPL958056, MIT-SC-R-293291.

Hurley, K., Cline, T., Mitrofanov, I., Mazets, E., Golenetskii, S., Frontera, F., Montanari, E., Guidorzi, C., and Feroci, M.,
Presentation at a meeting,"The Current Performance of the Third Interplanetary Network", in Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001: A Workshop Celebrating the First Year of the HETE Mission, Eds. G. Ricker and R. Vanderspek, AIP 662, p. 473, JPL958056.

Ricker, G., Atteia, J.-L., Crew, G., Doty, J., Fenimore, E., Galassi, M., Graziani, C., Hurley, K., Jernigan, J., Kawai, N., Lamb, D., Matsuoka, M., Pizzichini, G., Shirasaki, Y., Tamagawa, T., Vanderspek, R., Vedrenne, G., Villasenor, J., Woosley, S.,
Presentation at a meeting,"The High Energy Transient Exporer (HETE): Mission and Science Overview", in Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001: A Workshop Celebrating the First Year of the HETE Mission, Eds. G. Ricker and R. Vanderspek, AIP 662, p. 3, JPL958056, MIT-SC-R-293291.

Stern, B., Atteia, J.-L., Hurley, K., Tikhomirova, Ya., and Svensson, R.,
Presentation at a meeting,"Evidence for a Fast Decline in the Progenitor Population of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Their Luminosity Function", in The Gamma-Ray Universe, Proc. XXXVII Rencontres de Moriond 2002, Eds. A. Goldwurm, D. Neumann, and J. Van, p. 255, JPL958056.


Hurley, K.,
Invited talk, "The Four and One-Half (Plus or Minus One-Half) Soft Gamma Repeaters in Review,in X-Ray Astronomy - Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-Ray Background, AIP Conf. Proc. 599, 160, JPL958056, NAG5-7810.


Hurley, K.,
Invited talk, "The 4.5 +/- 0.5 Soft Gamma Repeaters in Review", Gamma-Ray Bursts, 5th Huntsville Symposium, Eds. R. Kippen et al., AIP Press 3, JPL958056, NAG5-7810.

Hurley, K.,
Invited talk, "The 4.5 +/- 0.5 Soft Gamma Repeaters in Review", in Proc. 5th Compton Symposium, AIP Conf. Proc. 510, AIP (New York), p. 515, JPL958056, NAG5-7810.

Hurley, K.,
Presentation at a meeting, "A Gamma-Ray Burst Bibliography, 1973-1999", Gamma-Ray Bursts, 5th Huntsville Symposium, Eds. R. Kippen et al., AIP Press 3, JPL958056, NAG5-7810.


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