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Meeting Agenda

Are Endophenotypes for Genetic Studies of Suicidal Behavior within Reach?

June 25, 2007 –June 26, 2007
New York, New York

Time Event
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
6:00-9:00PM Reception and Working Dinner at Levana Restaurant, New York, NY
Welcome and introductions
Charge to the group
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
8:30-8:45AM Defining Suicide Morbidity is Fundamental to Finding Endophenotypes
Eve Mościcki, ScD, MPH
8:45-10:30AM Genetic Studies: Strengths and Weaknesses of Genetic Strategies for Identifying Candidate Genes Related to Suicidal Behavior
Chair: Shelli Avenevoli, PhD
Discussion Leader: Thomas Lehner, PhD, MPH
  • Strengths and Limitations of Association and Linkage Studies - Susan Hodge, DSc
  • Gene x Environment Interactions - Joe Terwilliger, PhD
  • Epigenetic Effects - Victoria Haghighi, PhD
  • Pharmacogenetic Studies and Suicidal Behavior - Francis McMahon, MD
  • Genetic Samples with Relevant Phenotypes in the Public Domain - Thomas Lehner, PhD, MPH
10:30-10:45AM Coffee Break
10:45AM-12:30PM Clinical, Cognitive and Other Potential Intermediate Phenotypes
Chair: Jane Pearson, PhD
Discussion Leader: David Brent, MD
  • Clinical Endophenotypes Transmitted in Families - David Brent, MD
  • Epigenetic Mechanisms Mediating Individual Differences in Gene Expression and Behavior - Frances Champagne, PhD
  • Cognitive Deficits as Endophenotype - Donald Daugherty, PhD
  • Cognitive Content and Information Processing Biases as Endophenotypes - Amy Wenzel, PhD
  • Borderline Personality Disorder as an Endophenotype - Barbara Stanley, PhD
12:30-1:45PM Working Lunch
1:45-3:30PM Suicide-Related Biology
Chair: Steven Zalcman, MD
Discussion Leader: Steven Zalcman, MD
  • Second messenger systems - Ghanshyam Pandey, PhD
  • Receptors and Enzymes - Victoria Arango, PhD
  • Gene Expression - Joel Kleinman, MD, PhD
  • Biology of Attempted Suicide - Maria Oquendo, MD
  • Functional imaging and suicidal behavior related phenotypes - John Mann, MD
3:30-5:30PM Summary and General Discussion
Discussion Leader: John Mann, MD
5:30 PM Adjourn