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World Poultrymeat


Published every two weeks, World Poultrymeat gives you expert news, comment, analysis and statistics, and updates you on political and regulatory developments affecting the industry.

In every issue of World Poultrymeat:

World Poultrymeat Markets - production and prices; trade; chick placings; trends in consumption; value-added markets; by-products, including biofuels.

Regulation in the Major Producing Nations - production, welfare and marketing standards; food safety and hygiene; environment; feed additives and ingredient ventures; veterinary medicines.

Company News - financial reports; market share; mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures.

Research and Development - summaries of trade-related research from government sponsored, academic, industry and independent resources.

Statistical Annexe - monitoring trade around the world: imports, exports and volumes for the principal chicken/poultrymeat categories - whole birds and cuts, frozen and fresh/chilled.

Included in your regular subscription to World Poultrymeat:
24 Issues Online and in Print
Online Archive
Statistical Annexe

PLUS ... Upgrade your subsription to include World Poultrmeat Daily Online News and Price Graphing Tool.

Agra Europe Weekly
FOODNEWS Canned Foods World Trade Yearbook 2008
Brazilian Meat Monitor
Licht Interactive Data
CAP Monitor
FO Licht's World Grain Markets Report
FO Licht's World Molasses & Feed Ingredients Report
Livestock & Meat
AgraFood East Europe
The Public Ledger

Daily News

Cargill looks to cut costs in 2009
Russian shortfall pulls Brazilian trade down
Nepal reports first case of avian flu
Hong Kong accepts Thai chickens again
Sales surge for Slovenian poultry firm
Thai cooked chicken exports soaring
US hatcheries show signs of downturn
Tough times for Manila poultry farmers
Clean air promised in the battle against bugs
Brazil chicken export forecast questioned
KFC grills chicken to improve image
Turkey drags down Hormel profits
Less water found in Brazilian chickens
5% chicken export forecast for Brazil
China sucks in more Argentinian chicken
USDA buys chicken to bolster market
UK turkey firm boosts brand promotion
Canada irked by EU stance on chicken
Chinese poultry seized by Vietnamese
US nears Russia chicken quota

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