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GIS Info for Incident Support

The 2007 Fire Season is upon us and several changes have occurred in the past year that relate to GIS Fire Support. The following page is an effort to compile relevant information via web links and documentation to assist you with providing GIS incident support for this season.

GIS Incident Data Posting

View complete FTP instructions for posting Incident GIS Data to Northwest Coordination Center including ftp server name, directory locataions, required file formats and contact information.

Please remember to include projection information with your fire points and perimeters.

GIS Data & Fire Links

View a number of GIS data and fire links, including the USGS Fire Data Ordering Site, Oregon Spatial Enterprise Office, fire incident mapping tools, GEOMAC, active fire information, etc.

Geospatial Standard Operating Procedures - GSTOP

Fire Incident Mapping Tools – FIMT

The latest version of FIMT is available at :

GIS Fire Web Resources

Read about and Two interagency websites and servers who both provide a central listing of Incident Specific Public Information Websites maintained by Incident Management Teams (IMTs).

Northwest GIS Contacts

PNWCG GIS Working Team

Kim Kelly
NWCC - GIS Coordinator
Phone 503-808-2741