Northeast Oregon Interagency Fire Center Logo"Our Mission Is Your Safety"










[Graphic] Fire Danger Low Today


The Northeast Oregon Interagency Fire Center (NOIFC) is home for the Northeast Oregon Interagency Dispatch Center (NOIDC), the La Grande Regional Fire Cache; and the LaGrande Air Tanker Base. NOIFC takes great pride in servicing an Interagency group of wildland fire protection agencies at the Local, Regional, and National levels.

The primary functions of the NOIDC are to coordinate initial attack and extended attack activities in accordance with the respective agency policy, track administrative traffic and be the contact for all emergency responses, including medical and other critical incidents. NOIDC also hosts the LaGrande IHC , Union IHC , Sled Springs Rappel Crew and the Blue Mountain Interagency Managment Team.

La Grande Fire Cache

The La Grande Fire Cache is part of the Region 6 Cache system. It's primary responsibility is to provide logistical support, in the form of supplies and equipment to incidents and projects in Northeast Oregon and Region 6. In addition it has responsibility to provide support to the National Cache System. 

LaGrande Air Tanker Base

As a National facility the LaGrande Air Tanker Base primarys purpose is to provide aerial support to fire fighters on the ground. The tanker base will host heavy air tankers under contract with the Forest Service and Oregon Department of Foresty. The tanker base is also used as a reload base for SEATS (Single Engine Air Tankers)