NINDS Neuroscience Funding Announcements

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New Information from NINDS Application processes at NIH are changing. Applicant organizations are encouraged to start preparing for this transtion by registering with and NIH eRA Commons now.

Developing the Potential of Xenopus Tropicalis as a Genetic Model
Release Date: January 31, 2001
Announcement Number: RFA-HD-01-008
Application Receipt Date:
July 11, 2001   
Letter of Intent Date: May 16, 2001

Funding Contact: NINDS Funding
Program Area: Neurogenetics

Brief Description:
This Request for Applications (RFA) solicits research grant applications to examine the feasibility of using Xenopus tropicalis for standard genetic manipulations. The research proposed should optimize the conditions required to perform efficient, large-scale mutagenesis, and should use the optimized parameters to perform small-scale mutagenesis; phenotyping; and gene cloning, identification, and characterization. Mutant animals, protocols, and data produced by these projects should be made available to the scientific community. We anticipate that the mutants, data and procedures developed by the projects funded under this RFA will enable Xenopus tropicalis to play a significant role in identifying and characterizing genes that regulate cellular and developmental processes.

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