NINDS Neuroscience Funding Announcements

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New Information from NINDS Application processes at NIH are changing. Applicant organizations are encouraged to start preparing for this transtion by registering with and NIH eRA Commons now.

Research Supplements for Individuals with Disabilities
Release Date: April 9, 2001
Announcement Number: PA-01-080
Application Receipt Date:

Funding Contact: Alfred GordonPh.D.
Program Area: Office of Minority Health and Research
Also See:

Brief Description:
The President's Task Force on Women, Minorities, and the Handicapped in Science and Technology has documented a very low participation rate for Americans with disabilities in the science and engineering work force. To address this problem for the biomedical and behavioral research workforce, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its awarding components have developed an initiative that is designed to extend opportunities to individuals with qualifying disabilities who are capable of entering or resuming research careers. Under this initiative the NIH will offer supplemental awards to certain ongoing research grants to encourage individuals with disabilities to pursue biomedical, behavioral, clinical or social science research careers. It is hoped that the availability of support for research experiences at several different stages in a research career will substantially increase the number of individuals with disabilities in the health-related sciences. The NIH hereby notifies principal Investigators holding certain NIH research grants of the availability of funds for administrative supplements to existing grants for the support and recruitment of scientists and students with disabilities into research careers. In addition, this program will provide support to accommodate the disabilities of established investigators who become disabled.

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