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Sidney Udenfriend (1918-2001)

Dr. Sidney Udenfriend, a member of the Goldwater antimalarial group, subsequently worked with Dr. Bowman at the National Heart Institute (NHI) and analyzed and catalogued substances using the spectrophotofluorometer (SPF). Udenfriend had earned his master's degree at New York University (NYU) when he joined the Goldwater group in 1942. He and Dr. Brodie developed the special test with the photofluorometer to screen and test antimalarial drugs during World War II. After the war, Udenfriend returned to graduate school at NYU to finish his doctorate. Dr. Udenfriend came to work at the NHI in 1950 at Dr. Shannon's invitation, following a postdoctoral fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis. At NHI he helped his colleague Robert Bowman develop the SPF.

Dr. Udenfriend left NIH for private industry in 1967 to become the founding director of the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology (RIMB), a position he held until1983. Formerly located in Nutley, New Jersey, RIMB was originally staffed by many of Udenfriend's former colleagues from Dr. Brodie's lab at NIH. When RIMB closed its Nutley laboratories in 1995, Dr. Udenfriend, who still maintained an active lab there until the closure, called the institute "the envy of scientists around the world, a camelot of the biological sciences."

Photograph of Dr. Sidney Udenfriend

Sidney Udenfriend

Dr. Sidney Udenfriend's article, "Development of the Spectrophotofluorometer and its Commercialization."

In 1995 Dr. Sidney Udenfriend wrote a history of the SPF, "Development of the Spectrophotofluorometer and its Commercialization."

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