Barry Freifeld
Mechanical Engineer

Hydrogeology Department

Phone: 510-486-4381


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Barry Freifeld


Freifeld, B. M. & Trautz, R. C., 2006, Real-time quadrupole mass spectrometer analysis of gas in borehole fluid samples acquired using the U-tube sampling methodology. Geofluids *0* (0), ???-???. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2006.00138.x

Y.K. Kharaka, D.R. Cole, S.D. Hovorka, W.D. Gunter, K.G. Knauss, B.M. Freifeld, Gas-water-rock interactions in Frio Formation following CO2 injection: Implications for the storage of greenhouse gases in sedimentary basins, Geology, July 2006; v. 34; no. 7; p. 577–580; doi: 10.1130/G22357.1;

Freifeld, B.M., C.K. Doughty, and S. Finsterle, 2006, Preliminary
estimates of specific discharge and transport velocities near Borehole NC-EWDP-24PB, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Report LBNL-60740. (Download the pdf)

Hovorka, S.D., Benson, S.M., Doughty, C.K., Freifeld, B.M., Sakurai, S., Daley, T.M., Kharaka, Y.K., Holtz, M.H., Trautz, R.C., Nance, H.S., Myer, L.R., and Knauss, K.G., 2006, Measuring permanence of CO2 storage in saline formations—The Frio experiment, Environmental Geosciences, v. 13, p. 103–119.

Su, Grace W., Freifeld, Barry M., Oldenburg, Curtis M., Jordan, Preston D. & Daley, Paul F. , 2006, Interpreting velocities from heat-based flow sensors by numerical simulation, Ground Water, 44 (3), 386-393. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2005.00147.x

Freifeld, B.M., Trautz, R.C., Yousif K.K., Phelps, T.J., Myer, L.R., Hovorka, S.D., and Collins, D., The U-Tube: A novel system for acquiring borehole fluid samples from a deep geologic CO2 sequestration experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 110, B10203, doi:10.1029/2005JB003735, 2005.

Freifeld, B.M., T. J. Kneafsey, T.J., J. Pruess, and L. Tomutsa, Field characterization of hydrate-bearing core using x-ray computed tomography, presented at the GSA Hydrate Special Session, November 5, 2003.
[Download the PowerPoint presentation here]

Freifeld, B.M., You see ice-we see gas hydrates, "Fire in the Ice", the National Energy Technology Laboratory Methane Hydrate Newsletter, Fall, 2003. [Download the PDF]

Freifeld, B.M., T. J. Kneafsey, T.J., L. Tomutsa, and J. Pruess, Development of a portable x-ray computed tomographic imaging system for drill-site investigation of recovered core, Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Pau, France, September 21–24, 2003 [Download PDF]

Cook, Paul J.; Salve, R.; Freifeld, B.M. and Tsang, Y.T. A measurement system for systematic hydrological characterization of unsaturated fractured welded tuff in a mined underground tunnel. Ground Water (in Press).

Freifeld, B.M., T.J. Kneafsey, L. Tomutsa, L.A. Stern, S.H. Kirby, Use of computed tomographic data for analyzing the thermodynamics of a dissociating porous sand/hydrate mixture, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Yokohama, Japan, 2002. [Download PDF]

Tomutsa, L., B.M. Freifeld, T.J. Kneafsey, L.A. Stern, X-ray computed tomography observation of methane hydrate dissociation, Proceedings of the SPE 2002 Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Freifeld, B.M., Estimation of Fracture Porosity in an unsaturated fractured welded tuff using gas tracer test, Ph.D. dissertation, U.C. Berkeley Fall 2001

Freifeld, B. M. and C.M.Oldenburg, The restricted interval Guelph permeameter: theory and application, Water Resources Research, 36 (6) 1373-1380, 2000

Karasaki, K., B. Freifeld, A. Cohen, K. Grossenbacher, P. Cook, D. Vasco, A multidisciplinary fractured rock characterization study at Raymond field site, Raymond, CA, Journal of Hydrology 236, 17-34, 2000