Technical Notes & Publications

The following are electronic versions of selected publications written by NIST staff which are frequently requested by colleagues elsewhere. If you are searching for a particular publication that is not included in this list, please contact us an we will try to provide it for you. Our publications have been declared the work of the U.S. Government and as such, they are not subjected to copyright protection in the United States.

Please select a topic from the following

Air Speed

T. T. Yeh and J. M. Hall, "Uncertainty of NIST Air Speed Calibrations," Proc. of the 2008 Measurement Science Conference, Anaheim, CA (2008).

T. T. Yeh and J. M. Hall, "Air Speed Calibration Service," NIST Special Publication 250-79, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD (2007).

Y. Terao, M. van der Beek, T. T. Yeh, and H. Muller, "Final Report on the CIPM Air Speed Key Comparison (CCM.FF-K3)," (2007).

V. E. Bean, and J. M. Hall "New Primary Standards for Air Speed Measurement at NIST," Proc. of the 1999 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Charlotte, NC (1999).

V. E. Bean, J. M. Hall and G. E. Mattingly "Preliminary Results from Interlaboratory Comparison of Air Speed Measurements Between 0.3 m/s and 15 m/s," Proc. of the 1999 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Charlotte, NC (1999).

N. E. Mease, W. G. Cleveland, Jr., G. E. Mattingly, and J. M. Hall, "Air Speed Calibrations at the National Institute of Standards and Technology," Proc. of the 1992 Measurement Science Conference, pp. 315-326, Anaheim, CA (1992).
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Uncertainty & Traceability

J. D. Wright, "Uncertainty of the Critical Venturi Transfer Standard Used in the K6 Gas Flow Key Comparison," Proc. of FLOMEKO 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa (2007).

T. T. Yeh, P. I. Espina, G. E. Mattingly, N. R. Briggs, and J. Aguilera, "An Uncertainty Analysis of a NIST Hydrocarbon Liquid Flow Calibration Facility," Proc. of HT/FED'04 2004 Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Charlotte, NC (2004).

J. D. Wright, A. N. Johnson, M. R. Moldover, and G. M. Kline "Gas Flowmeter Calibrations with the 34 L and 677 L PVTt Standards," NIST Special Publication 250-63 (2004).

 P. I. Espina, “A Question of Accuracy: What does it mean to be Traceable?,” Flow Control Magazine, 7 (1), pp. 30-35 (2001).

J. D. Wright and A. N. Johnson "Uncertainty in Primary Gas Flow Standards Due to Flow Work Phenomena," Proc. of FLOMEKO 2000, Salvador, Brazil (2000).

J. D. Wright, D. B. Ward, and G. E. Mattingly "Validating uncertainty analyses for Gas flow standards via intra- and Inter-laboratory comparisons," Proc. of the 1999 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Charlotte, NC (1999).

J. D. Wright and G. E. Mattingly "NIST Calibration Services for Gas Flow Meters: Piston Prover and Bell Prover Gas Flow Facilities," NIST Special Publication 250-49 (1998).

B. N. Taylor and C. E. Kuyatt, "Guidelines for the Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results," NIST Technical Note 1297 (1994).
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Critical Nozzles

A. N. Johnson and B. Johansen, "U.S. National Standards for High Pressure Natural Gas Flow Measurement," Proc. of the 2008 Measurement Science Conference, Anaheim, CA (2008).

A. N. Johnson and J. D. Wright, "NIST's 0.677 m3 and 26 m3 PVTt Primary Flow Standards Agree within 0.035 %," Proc. of the 2007 Measurement Science Conference, Anaheim, CA (2007).

J. D. Wright, J.-P. Kayl, A. N. Johnson, and G. M. Kline, "Gas Flowmeter Calibrations with the Working Gas Flow Standard," NIST Special Publication 250-78 (2008).

B. Mickan, R. Kramer, D. Dopheide, H.-J., Hotze, H.-M. Hinze, A.N. Johnson, J.D. Wright, and J.-P. Vallet, "Comparisons by PTB, NIST, and LNE-LADG in Air and Natural Gas with Critical Venturi Nozzles Agree within 0.05 %," Proc. of the International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Queretaro, Mexico (2006).

A.N. Johnson and J.D. Wright, "Evaluation of Theoretical CFV Flow Models in the Laminar, Turbulent, and Transition Flow Regimes," Proc. of the International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Queretaro, Mexico, (2006).

A.N. Johnson, C.L. Merkle., M.R. Moldover, and J.D. Wright, "Relaxation Effects in Small Critical Nozzles," ASME J. of Fluids Engineering," 128, pp. 170-176 (2006).

J. D. Wright "Gas Property Equations for the NIST Fluid Flow Group Gas Flow Measurement Calibration Services," (Gaithersburg, MD: NIST 2004).

J. D. Wright, A. N. Johnson, M. R. Moldover, and G. M. Kline "Gas Flowmeter Calibrations with the 34 L and 677 L PVTt Standards," NIST Special Publication 250-63 (2004).

J. D. Wright, "What is the “Best” Transfer Standard for Gas Flow?
," Proc. of the FLOMEKO 2003, Groningen, Netherlands (2003).

J. D. Wright, A. N. Johnson, and M. R. Moldover, "Design and Uncertainty Analysis for a PVTt Gas Flow Standard," NIST J. of Res., 108 (1) , pp. 21-47 (2003).

A. N. Johnson, "Numerical Characterization of the Discharge Coefficient in Critical Nozzles", Ph.D. Dissertation, Pennsylvania State Univ., College Station, PA (2000).

A. N. Johnson, J. D. Wright, S. Nakao, C. L. Merkle, and M. R. Moldover, "The Effect of Vibrational Relaxation on the Discharge Coefficient of Critical Flow Venturis," Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 11, pp. 315-327 (2000).

A. N. Johnson, P. I. Espina, G. E. Mattingly, J. D. Wright and C. L. Merkle, "Numerical Characterization of the Discharge Coefficient in Critical Nozzles," Proc. of the 1998 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Albuquerque, NM (1998).

J. D. Wright, "The Long Term Calibration Stability Of Critical Flow Nozzles And Laminar Flowmeters," Proc. of the 1998 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Albuquerque, NM (1998).
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Laminar Flow Meters

J. D. Wright, J.-P. Kayl, A. N. Johnson, and G. M. Kline, "Gas Flowmeter Calibrations with the Working Gas Flow Standard," NIST Special Publication 250-78 (2008).

J. D. Wright "Gas Property Equations for the NIST Fluid Flow Group Gas Flow Measurement Calibration Services," (Gaithersburg, MD: NIST 2004).

J. D. Wright, A. N. Johnson, M. R. Moldover, and G. M. Kline "Gas Flowmeter Calibrations with the 34 L and 677 L PVTt Standards," NIST Special Publication 250-63 (2004).

J. D. Wright, "What is the “Best” Transfer Standard for Gas Flow?
," Proc. of the FLOMEKO 2003, Groningen, Netherlands (2003).

J. D. Wright, "The Long Term Calibration Stability Of Critical Flow Nozzles And Laminar Flowmeters," Proc. of the 1998 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Albuquerque, NM (1998).
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Fluid Properties

J. D. Wright "Gas Property Equations for the NIST Fluid Flow Group Gas Flow Measurement Calibration Services," (Gaithersburg, MD: NIST 2004).

J. Hilsenrath, C. W. Beckett, W. S. Benedict, L. Fano, H. J. Hoge, J. F. Masi, R. L. Nuttall, Y. S. Touloukian, and H. W. Woolley, "Tables of Thermal Properties of Gases," NBS Circular 564 (1955).
Cover Page, Preface, Contents, Introduction, and References
Properties of Air
Properties of Argon
Properties of Carbon Dioxide
Properties of Carbon Monoxide
Properties of Hydrogen
Properties of Nitrogen
Properties of Oxygen
Properties of Steam

J. F. Swindells, J. R. Coe, Jr., and T. B. Godfrey, "Absolute Viscosity of Water at 20ºC," NBS J. of Res., 48 (1), pp. 1-31 (1952).
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Gas Flow Calibrations

J. D. Wright, J.-P. Kayl, A. N. Johnson, and G. M. Kline, "Gas Flowmeter Calibrations with the Working Gas Flow Standard," NIST Special Publication 250-80 (2008).

A. N. Johnson and B. Johansen, "U.S. National Standards for High Pressure Natural Gas Flow Measurement," Proc. of the 2008 Measurement Science Conference, Anaheim, CA (2008).

A. N. Johnson and J. D. Wright, "NIST's 0.677 m3 and 26 m3 PVTt Primary Flow Standards Agree within 0.035 %," Proc. of the 2007 Measurement Science Conference, Anaheim, CA (2007).

J. D. Wright, "Uncertainty of the Critical Venturi Transfer Standard Used in the K6 Gas Flow Key Comparison," Proc. of FLOMEKO 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa (2007).

J. D. Wright, B. Mikan, R. Paton, K.-A. Park, S.-I. Nakao, K. Chahine, R. Arias, "CIPM Key Comparison for Low-Pressure Gas Flow: CCM.FF-K6," Metrologia, 44 (2007).

A.N. Johnson and J.D. Wright, "Revised Uncertainty Analysis of NIST 26 m3 PVTt Flow Standard," Proc. of the International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Queretaro, Mexico (2006).

A.N. Johnson and J.D. Wright, "Gas Flowmeter Calibrations with the 26 m3 PVTt Standard," NIST Special Publication 250-1046 (2006).

A.N. Johnson and T. Kegel, "Uncertainty and Traceability for the CEESI Iowa Natural Gas Facility," J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., 109, pp. 345-369 (2004).

J. D. Wright "Gas Property Equations for the NIST Fluid Flow Group Gas Flow Measurement Calibration Services," (Gaithersburg, MD: NIST 2004).

J. D. Wright, A. N. Johnson, M. R. Moldover, and G. M. Kline "Gas Flowmeter Calibrations with the 34 L and 677 L PVTt Standards," NIST Special Publication 250-63 (2004).

J.D. Wright, M.R. Moldover, A.N. Johnson, and A. Mizuno, "Volumetric Gas Flow Standard with Uncertainty of 0.02% to 0.05%," ASME J. of Fluids Engineering, 125, pp. 1058-1066 (2003).

A. N. Johnson, J. D. Wright, M. R. Moldover, and P. I. Espina, "Temperature Characterization in the Collection Tank of the NIST 26 m3 PVTt Gas Flow Standard," Metrologia, 40, pp. 211-216 (2003).

J. D. Wright, "What is the “Best” Transfer Standard for Gas Flow?," Proc. of the FLOMEKO 2003, Groningen, Netherlands (2003).

J. D. Wright,
A. N. Johnson, and M. R. Moldover, "Design and Uncertainty Analysis for a PVTt Gas Flow Standard," NIST J. of Res., 108 (1), pp. 21-47 (2003).

J. D. Wright and P. I. Espina, “Flow Calibration Services at NIST,” Proc. of the ISA 46th International Instrumentation Symposium, Seattle, WA (2000).

J. D. Wright and A. N. Johnson "Uncertainty in Primary Gas Flow Standards Due to Flow Work Phenomena," Proc. of FLOMEKO 2000, Salvador, Brazil (2000).

S. Nakao, J. D. Wright, J. Barbe, B. Niederhauser, M. Quintilii, and D. Knopf, "Intercomparison Tests of the NRLM Transfer Standard with the Primary Standards of NIST, BNM-LNE, OFMET and PTB for Small Mass Flow Rates of Nitrogen Gas," Proc. of the 1999 Metrologie Conference, Paris, France (1999).

J. D. Wright, G. E. Mattingly, S. Nakao, Y. Yokoi, and M. Takamoto,  "International Comparison of a NIST Primary Standard with an NRLM Transfer Standard for Small Mass Flow Rates of Nitrogen Gas," Metrologia, 35, pp. 211-221 (1998).

J. D. Wright and G. E. Mattingly "NIST Calibration Services for Gas Flow Meters: Piston Prover and Bell Prover Gas Flow Facilities," NIST Special Publication 250-49 (1998).
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Liquid Flow Calibrations

I.I. Shinder and I.V. Marfenko, "Water Flow Calibration Facility," NIST Special Publication 250-73 (2006).

J.J. Aguilera, T.T. Yeh, and J.D. Wright, "Inside Diameter Measurements for the Cylinder of a 20 L Piston Prover," Proc. of the International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Queretaro, Mexico (2006).

I. Marfenko, T.T. Yeh, and J.D. Wright, "Diverter Uncertainty Less Than 0.01% for Water Flow Calibrations," Proc. of the International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Queretaro, Mexico (2006).

T.T. Yeh, J. Aguilera, and J.D. Wright, "Hydrocarbon Liquid Flow Calibration Service," NIST Special Publication 250-1039 (2005).

T. T. Yeh, P. I. Espina, G. E. Mattingly, N. R. Briggs, and J. Aguilera, "An Uncertainty Analysis of a NIST Hydrocarbon Liquid Flow Calibration Facility," Proc. of HT/FED'04 2004 Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Charlotte, NC (2004).

V. Gowda, T. T. Yeh, P. I. Espina, and N. P. Yende, “The new NIST Water Flow Calibration Facility,”
Proc. of the FLOMEKO 2003, Groningen, Netherlands (2003).

T. T. Yeh, N. P. Yende, and P. I. Espina, “Theoretical Self-Error-Canceling Diverters for Liquid Flow Calibration Facilities,” Proc. of the 2003 FLOMEKO, Groningen, Netherlands (2003).

T. T. Yeh, N. P. Yende, A. Johnson, and P. I. Espina, “Error Free Liquid Flow Diverters for Calibration Facilities,” Proc. of the 2002 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2002), FEDSM2002-31085.

J. D. Wright and P. I. Espina, “Flow Calibration Services at NIST,” Proc. of the ISA 46th International Instrumentation Symposium, Seattle, WA (2000).

G. E. Mattingly, "The Characterization of a Piston Displacement-Type Flowmeter Calibration Facility and the Calibration and Use of Pulsed Output Type Flowmeters," NIST J. of Res., 97 (5), pp. 509-531 (1992). 

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J. J. Aguilera, J. D. Wright, and V. E. Bean, "NIST Calibration Services for Hydrometers," NIST Special Publication 250-78 (2008).

J. J. Aguilera, J. D. Wright, and V. E. Bean, "
Hydrometer Calibration by Hydrostatic Weighing with Automated Liquid Surface Positioning," Meas. Sci. Technol., 19 (2008).

J. C. Hughes, "Testing of Hydrometers," NBS Circular 555 (1954).

G. K. Burgess, "Standard Density and Volumetric Tables," NBS Circular 19 (1924).

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Liquid Volume

R. Arias, J. Wright, C. Jacques, C. Lachance, P. Lau, H. Tobben, G. Cignolo, S. Lorefice, J. Man, and V.Y. Aibe, "Final Report on CIPM Key Comparison for Volume Intercomparison at 20 L and 100 mL," Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (2006).

V.E. Bean, P.I. Espina, J.D. Wright, J.F. Houser, S.D. Sheckels, and A.N. Johnson, "NIST Calibration Services for Liquid Volume," NIST Special Publication 250-72 (2006).

J. M. Maldonado, R. Arias, H.-H. Oelze, V. E. Bean, J. F. Houser, C. Lachance and C. Jacques
,  "International comparison of volume measurement standards at 50 L at the CENAM (Mexico), PTB (Germany), Measurement Canada and NIST (USA)," Metrologia, 39, pp. 91-95 (2002).

J. C. Hughes, "Testing of Glass Volumetric Apparatus," NBS Circular 602 (1959).  
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Laboratory Comparisons

Y. Terao, M. van der Beek, T. T. Yeh, and H. Muller, "Final Report on the CIPM Air Speed Key Comparison (CCM.FF-K3)," (2007).

J. D. Wright, B. Mikan, R. Paton, K.-A. Park, S.-I. Nakao, K. Chahine, R. Arias, "CIPM Key Comparison for Low-Pressure Gas Flow: CCM.FF-K6," Metrologia 44 (2007).

P. Espina, "Results of the North American Natural Gas Flow Calibration Laboratory Comparison: CEESI � SwRI � TCC," Proc. of the 2005 FLOMEKO, Peebles, Scotland (2005).

B. Mickan, R. Kramer, D. Dopheide, H.-J., Hotze, H.-M. Hinze, A.N. Johnson, J.D. Wright, and J.-P. Vallet, "Comparisons by PTB, NIST, and LNE-LADG in Air and Natural Gas with Critical Venturi Nozzles Agree within 0.05 %," Proc. of the International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Queretaro, Mexico (2006).

J. D. Wright, "What is the “Best” Transfer Standard for Gas Flow?," Proc. of the FLOMEKO 2003, Groningen, Netherlands (2003).

J. M. Maldonado, R. Arias, H.-H. Oelze, V. E. Bean, J. F. Houser, C. Lachance and C. Jacques,  "International comparison of volume measurement standards at 50 l
at the CENAM (Mexico), PTB (Germany), Measurement Canada and NIST (USA)," Metrologia, 39, pp. 91-95 (2002).

G. E. Mattingly, “Flow Measurement Proficiency Testing for Key Comparisons of Flow Standards among National Measurement Institutes and for Establishing Traceability to National Flow Standards,” Proc. of the ISA 2001 Conference, Houston, TX (2001).

S. Nakao, J. D. Wright, J. Barbe, B. Niederhauser, M. Quintilii, and D. Knopf, "Intercomparison Tests of the NRLM Transfer Standard with the Primary Standards of NIST, BNM-LNE, OFMET and PTB for Small Mass Flow Rates of Nitrogen Gas," Proc. of the 1999 Metrologia Conference, Paris, France (2003).

V. E. Bean, J. M. Hall and G. E. Mattingly, "Preliminary Results from Interlaboratory Comparison of Air Speed Measurements Between 0.3 m/s and 15 m/s," Proc. of the 1999 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Charlotte, NC (1999).

J. D. Wright, D. B. Ward, and G. E. Mattingly, "Validating uncertainty analyses for Gas flow standards via intra- and Inter-laboratory comparisons," Proc. of the 1999 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Charlotte, NC (1999).

J. D. Wright, G. E. Mattingly, S. Nakao, Y. Yokoi, and M. Takamoto,  "International Comparison of a NIST Primary Standard with an NRLM Transfer Standard for Small Mass Flow Rates of Nitrogen Gas," Metrologia, 35, pp. 211-221 (1998).

G. E. Mattingly, "A Round Robin Flow Measurement Testing Program Using Hydrocarbon Liquids: Results of First Phase Testing," NIST IR 88-4013 (1988).

G. E. Mattingly, W. C. Pursley, R. Paton, and E. A. Spencer, "Steps Toward an Ideal Transfer Standard for Flow Measurement," Flow Measurement of Fluids, eds. H. H. Dijstelbergen and E. A. Spencer, (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing Company) pp. 543-552 (1978).

G. E. Mattingly, P. E. Pontius, H. H. Allion, and E. F. Moore, "A Laboratory Study of Turbine Meter Uncertainty," NBS Special Publication 484, pp. 33-54 (1977).

W. J. Youden, "Statistical Aspects of the Cement Testing Program," Proc. of the Am. Soc. Testing Mats., 59, pp. 1120-1128 (1959).

W. J. Youden, "Evaluation of Chemical Analyses on Two Rocks," Technometrics, 1 (4), pp. 409-417(1959).
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Ultrasonic Flow Meters

P. I. Moore, U. Piomelli, A. N. Johnson and P. I. Espina, "Simulations of Ultrasonic Transit Time in a Fully Developed Turbulent Flow using a Ray-Tracing Method," Proc. of North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop, St Andrews, Scotland (2002).

T. T. Yeh and P. I. Espina, “Special Ultrasonic Flowmeters for In-Situ Diagnosis of Swirl and Cross Flow,” Proc. of the 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2001), FEDSM2001-18037.

T. T. Yeh, P. I. Espina, and S. A. Osella, “An Intelligent Ultrasonic Flow Meter for Improved Flow Measurement and Flow Calibration Facility,” Proc. of the 19th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Budapest, Hungary (2001), IMTC2001-3112.

G. E. Mattingly and T. T. Yeh, "NIST's Ultrasonic Technology Assessment Program to Improve Flow Measurements,"  NIST Technical Note -1429 (2000).

P. I. Espina, T. T. Yeh, P. I. Rothfleisch, and S. A. Osella, "Tele-Metrology and Advanced Ultrasonic Flow Metering (updated version)," Proc. of the International Conference on Metrology, pp. 137-147, Jerusalem, Israel (2000) and Proc. of FLOMEKO 2000, Salvador, Brazil (2000).

P. I. Espina, P. I. Rothfleisch, T. T. Yeh, and S. A. Osella, "Tele-Metrology and Advanced Ultrasonic Flow Metering," Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Denver, CO (1999).

T. T. Yeh and G. E. Mattingly, "Ultrasonic Technology: Prospects for Improving Flow Measurements and Standards," Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Denver, CO (1999) and Proc. of FLOMEKO 2000, Salvador, Brazil (2000).

T. T. Yeh and G. E. Mattingly, "Ultrasonic Flow Measurement Technology: Prospects for Transfer and Primary Standards," Proc. of FLOMEKO 1998, Lund, Sweden (1998).

J. D. Wright, "The Performance of Transit Time Flowmeters in Heated Gas Mixtures," Proc. of the 1998 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington, DC (1998), FEDSM98-5290.

T. T. Yeh and G. E. Mattingly "Computer Simulations of Ultrasonic Flow Meter Performance in Ideal and Non-Ideal Pipeflows," Proc. of the 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Vancoover, BC (1997), FEDSM97-3012.
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P. I. Espina, T. T. Yeh, P. I. Rothfleisch, and S. A. Osella, "Tele-Metrology and Advanced Ultrasonic Flow Metering (updated version)," Proc. of the International Conference on Metrology, pp. 137-147, Jerusalem, Israel (2000) and Proc. of FLOMEKO 2000, Salvador, Brazil (2000).

P. I. Espina, P. I. Rothfleisch, T. T. Yeh, and S. A. Osella, "Tele-Metrology and Advanced Ultrasonic Flow Metering," Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Denver, CO (1999).

P. I. Espina, "Flow Tele-Metrology," Proc. of the 16th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Venice, Italy (1999).

P. I. Espina, "Tele-Calibration of Gas Flow Meters," Proc. of the 1999 Measurement Science Conference, Anaheim, CA (1999). Winner of the 1999 MSC "Best Paper Award."

P. I. Espina, "Tele-Metrology: Remote Flowmeter Calibration," Flow Control Magazine, 5 (1), pp. 16-21 (1999).
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Exhaust Meter Calibration Facility

J. D. Wright and P. I. Espina, "Flow Calibration Services at NIST," Proc. of the ISA 46th International Instrumentation Symposium, Seattle, WA (2000).

J. D. Wright, "The Performance of Transit Time Flowmeters in Heated Gas Mixtures," Proc. of the 1998 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington, DC (1998), FEDSM98-5290.

J. D. Wright and P. I. Espina, "Flowmeter Calibration Facility for Heated Gas Mixtures," Proc. of the 1997 NCSL, I, pp. 401-421, Atlanta, GA (1997).
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Flow Meter Installation Effects

T. T. Yeh and G. E. Mattingly, "Laser Doppler Velocimeter Studies of the Pipeflow Produced by a Generic Header," NIST IR 1409 (1995).

T. T. Yeh and G. E. Mattingly, "Pipeflow Downstream of a Reducer and Its Effects on Flowmeter," Flow Measurement and Instrumentation Journal, 5 (3), pp. 181-187 (1994).

T. T. Yeh and G. E. Mattingly, "Summary Report of NIST's Industry-Government Consortium Research Program on Flowmeter Installation Effects: The 45 Degree Elbow," NIST IR 1408 (1994).

G. E. Mattingly and T. T. Yeh, "Flowmeter Installation Effects Due to Sevearl Elbow Configurations," Proc. of the 2th International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, pp. 271-283 (1992).

G. E. Mattingly and T. T. Yeh, "Summary Report of NIST's Industry-Government Consortium Research Program on Flowmeter Installation Effects with Emphasis on the Research Period February - December 1990: TEE, used as an Elbow Configuration," NIST IR 4753 (1992).

G. E. Mattingly and T. T. Yeh, "Effects of Pipe Elbows and Tube Bundles on Selected Types of Flowmeters," Flow Measurement and Instrumentation Journal: Installation Effects Special Issue, 2, pp.4-13 (1991).

G. E. Mattingly and T. T. Yeh, "Summary Report of NIST's Industry-Government Consortium Research Program on Flowmeter Installation Effects with Emphasis on the Research Period November 1988 - May 1989," NIST IR 4310 (1989).

G. E. Mattingly and T. T. Yeh, "NBS' Industry-Government Consortium Research Program on Flowmeter Installation Effects: Summary Report with Emphasis on Research Period January - July 1988," NIST IR 89-4080 (1989).

G. E. Mattingly and T. T. Yeh, "NBS' Industry-Government Consortium Research Program on Flowmeter Installation Effects: Summary Report with Emphasis on Research Period July - December 1987," NIST IR 88-3898 (1988).
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Gas-Metal Atomization

P. I. Espina, S. D. Ridder, U. Piomelli, and F. S. Biancaniello, "Numerical Simulation of Atomization Gas Flows," Proc. of the 1998 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, Granada, Spain (1998).

P. I. Espina and U. Piomelli, "Numerical Simulation of the Gas Flow in Gas-Metal Atomizers," Proc. of the 1998 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington, DC (1998), FEDSM98-4901.

P. I. Espina and U. Piomelli, "Study of the Gas Jet in a Close-Coupled Gas-Metal Atomizer." AIAA Paper 98-0959.

P. I. Espina, "Study of an Underexpanded Annular Wall Jet Past an Axisymmetric Backward-Facing Step", Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD (19970.

P. I. Espina and U. Piomelli, "A Validation of the NPARC Code in Supersonic Base Flows." AIAA Paper 97-0032.

S. A. Osella, P. I. Espina, S. D. Ridder, F. S. Biancaniello, and G. E. Mattingly, "Correlation of the Particle Size Distribution with Process Parameters for a Gas-Metal Atomizer," Proceedings of the 1994 Powder Metallurgy World Congress and Exhibition, I, pp. 391-394, Paris, France (1994).

P. I. Espina, S. A. Osella, S. D. Ridder, F. S. Biancaniello, and G. E. Mattingly, "A Hybrid Model of a Gas-Metal Atomizer and its Application to the Development of a Knowledge-Based Control System," Proc. of the 1994 Powder Metallurgy World Congress and Exhibition, I, pp. 349-352, Paris, France (1994).

P. I. Espina, S. A. Osella, S. D. Ridder, F. S. Biancaniello, and G. E. Mattingly, "The Evolution of Gas-Metal Atomization: From Discrete Jets to Annular Jets via Computational Fluid Mechanics," P/M in Aerospace, Defense and Demanding Applications, ed. F. H. Froes, (Princeton, NJ: MPIF), pp. 101-107 (1993).

P. I. Espina, U. Piomelli and G. E. Mattingly, "A Numerical Investigation of the Compressible Flow Field Produced in an Annular Jet, Close-Coupled, Gas Metal Atomizer," Computational and Numerical Techniques in Powder Metallurgy, ed. D. S. Madan, I. E. Anderson, and W. E. Frazier, (Warrendale, PA: TMS), pp. 41-53 (1993).

S. D. Ridder, S. A. Osella, P. I. Espina and F. S. Biancaniello, "Intelligent Control of Particle Size Distribution During Gas Atomization," Inter. J. of Powder Metall., 28 (2), pp. 133-147 (1992).

S. D. Ridder, S. A. Osella, P. I. Espina and F. S. Biancaniello, "Process Modeling and Control of Inert Gas Atomization", Thermal Structures and Materials for High-Speed Flight, Vol. 140, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, ed. E. A. Thornton, (Washington, DC: AIAA), pp. 499-521 (1992).

P. I. Espina, "An Investigation of the Compressible Flow in a Supersonic Inert Gas Metal Atomizer", M.S. Thesis, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD (1991).

S. D. Ridder, S. A. Osella, P. I. Espina and F. S. Biancaniello, "Advanced Sensors and Process Control for Gas Atomization", Advances in Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 5, P/M Materials, (Princeton, NJ: MPIF), pp. 249-262 (1991).

S. A. Osella, S. D. Ridder, F. S. Biancaniello and P. I. Espina, "The Intelligent Control of an Inert Gas Atomization Process", JOM, 43, pp. 18-21 (1991).

S. D. Ridder, S. A. Osella, P. I. Espina and F. S. Biancaniello, "Development of Adaptive Control Strategies For Inert Gas Atomization", Intelligent Processing of Materials, ed. H. P. Wang, (New York, NY: ASME), pp. 79-88 (1990).

S. D. Ridder, S. A. Osella, P. I. Espina and F. S. Biancaniello, "Process Diagnostics, Modeling, and Control for Inert Gas Atomization", Intelligent Processing of Materials, ed. H. N. G. Wadley and W. E. Eckhart, Jr., (Warrendale, PA: TMS), pp. 41-53 (1990).

F. S. Biancaniello, J. J. Conway, P. I. Espina, G. E. Mattingly and S. D. Ridder, "Particle Size Measurement of Inert Gas Atomized Powder", Mat. Sci. Eng., A124, pp. 9-14 (1990).

S. D. Ridder, P. I. Espina and F. S. Biancaniello, "Optimization of Inert Gas Atomization", Physical Chemistry of Powder Metals Production and Processing, ed. W. M. Small, (Warrendale, PA: TMS), pp. 163-173 1989.

S. D. Ridder, F. S. Biancaniello, P. I. Espina and S. A. Miller, "Laser Holographic Imaging of the Two Fluid Atomization Process", Characterization & Diagnostics of Ceramics & Metal Particulate Processing, ed. E. J. Lavernia, H. Henein, and I. Anderson, (Warrendale, PA: TMS), pp. 73-86 (1989).

P. I. Espina, S. D. Ridder, F. S. Biancaniello and G. E. Mattingly, "Aerodynamic Analysis of the Aspiration Phenomena in a Close-Coupled Inert Gas Atomizer", Characterization & Diagnostics of Ceramics & Metal Particulate Processing, ed. E. J. Lavernia, H. Henein, and I. Anderson, (Warrendale, PA: TMS), pp. 49-62 (1989).

F. S. Biancaniello, P. I. Espina, G. E. Mattingly and S. D. Ridder, "A Flow Visualization Study of Supersonic Inert Gas Metal Atomization", Mat. Sci. Eng., A119, pp. 159-166 (1989).
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