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International Astronauts

International astronauts are those individuals from international space agencies who have trained at Johnson Space Center and serve as mission specialists with NASA. Active international astronauts are those international astronauts who are assigned to duties at the Johnson Space Center.  Those international astronauts who are not located at the Johnson Space Center and have been reassigned by their space agency to other duties in their space programs are also annotated accordingly below. Some of these reassignments are of rotational nature, and those international astronauts may, on a case by case basis, return to the active status with NASA in the future.  There are currently 13 international astronauts assigned to duties at the Johnson Space Center.

Astronaut Selection Year      Group      Status
Cheli, Maurizio (ESA) 1992 14 Former
Chrétien, Jean-Loup 1995 15 Former
Clervoy, Jean-François (ESA) 1992 14 Returned to home agency
De Winne, Frank (ESA) * * *
Doi, Takao (JAXA) 1995 15 Active, Mission Specialist
Duque, Pedro (ESA) 1996 16 Returned to home agency
Eyharts, Léopold (ESA) 1998 17 Active, Mission Specialist
Fuglesang, Christer (ESA) 1996 16 Active, Mission Specialist
Furukawa, Satoshi (JAXA) 2004 19 Active, Mission Specialist
Garneau, Marc (CSA) 1992 14 Returned to home agency
Guidoni, Umberto (ESA) 1996 16 Returned to home agency
Hadfield, Chris A. (CSA) 1992 14 Active, Mission Specialist
Hoshide, Akihiko (JAXA) 2004 19 Active, Mission Specialist
Kuipers, André (ESA) ** ** **
MacLean, Steven G. (CSA) 1996 16 Returned to home agency
Mohri, Mamoru (JAXA) 1996 16 Returned to home agency
Nespoli, Paolo (ESA) 1998 17 Active, Mission Specialist
Nicollier, Claude (ESA) 1980 9 Returned to home agency
Noguchi, Soichi (JAXA) 1996 16 Active, Mission Specialist
Payette, Julie (CSA) 1996 16 Active, Mission Specialist
Perrin, Philippe (CNES) 1996 16 Returned to home agency
Pontes, Marcos (Brazil) 1998 17 Returned to home agency
Reiter, Thomas (ESA) *** *** Former
Schlegel, Hans (ESA) 1998 17 Active, Mission Specialist
Thiele, Gerhard (ESA) 1996 16 Returned to home agency
Thirsk, Robert B. (CSA) 1998 17 Active, Mission Specialist
Tognini, Michel (ESA) 1995 15 Returned to home agency
Tryggvason, Bjarni V. (CSA) 1998 17 Returned to home agency
Vittori, Roberto (ESA) 1998 17 Returned to home agency
Wakata, Koichi (JAXA) 1992 14 Active, Mission Specialist
Williams, David R. (CSA) 1995 15 Former
Yamazaki, Naoko (JAXA) 2004 19 Active, Mission Specialist

* Frank De Winne is currently assigned as an Expedition 19 crew member.
** André Kuipers is currently assigned as a back-up Expedition 19 crew member.
*** Thomas Reiter launched on STS-121 as a Mission Specialist and remained on the space station, working with the station crew under a contract between the European Space Agency and the Russian Federal Space Agency. He returned to Earth aboard STS-116.

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Johnson Space Center
Biography Page Curator: Kim Dismukes
Responsible NASA Official: Bernadette Hajek, Technical Assistant to the Chief, Astronaut Office

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