E-print Network

E-print Network


Table of Contents

Database Collection Descriptions

From the E-print Network, users can Search e-prints on multiple Web sites and databases, browse e-prints by Disciplines, browse a list of Scientific Societies, and receive Alerts for new e-prints added to the E-print Network.

Technical Requirements

This site works best with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.

Viewers and an unzip utilities are also recommended for displaying documents. Listed below are viewers and utilities that may be downloaded for use with this site.

When utilizing the search options or links on this page, you may be directed to non-federal databases or Web sites. We are not responsible for the content, design, format, or maintenance of these pages. See Website Policies and Important Links for additional information.


E-prints on Web Sites search – The E-print Network Search searches indexed PDF documents residing on e-print Web sites. This search has been optimized to reduce the "noise" of irrelevant items and to minimize duplication.

Database search – The deep Web search offers full-text searching within and across database collections. This provides users the capability to pulse the search engines of selected e-print databases with a single query. A compiled search results list is returned. If a description is needed for a database, please refer to the Collection Description page.

The results of an E-print Network search may include full-text, bibliographic citations and other types of material. The searches are powered by Distributed Explorit from Deep Web Technologies. [exit federal site]

  1. Enter one or more search terms.  Search terms may be entered for creator/author, title, full text, and/or date.
  2. Select the number of records to retrieve from each collection.  The default is set at 10.
  3. Check the collections to search:
    • E-prints on Web Sites only:
      • Collection Descriptions provide details of each of the available collections.
      • Do not select any database box.
      • Text of PDF documents is searched on selected Web sites.
      • Select a subject for e-prints on Web sites:  selecting "All" which is the default setting searches all indexed e-prints on Web sites; selecting a specific subject area searches only indexed e-prints on Web sites within that specified subject area.
      • Search term(s) may not be on the retrieved results if found on a linked page or in the catalog record.
    • Databases only:
      • Select up to 10 databases from the list.
      • Collection Descriptions provide details of each of the available collections.
      • Databases are categorized by subjects.
      • Use hyperlinks on Collection Descriptions for more information on searching individual databases.
    • E-prints on Web Sites and Databases:
      • Select the "E-prints on Web Sites" box.
      • Select a subject for e-prints on Web sites:  selecting "All" which is the default setting searches all indexed e-prints on Web sites; selecting a specific subject area searches only indexed e-prints on Web sites within that specified subject area.
      • Select up to nine databases (maximum of 10 resources can be searched).
      • Collection Descriptions provide details of each of the available collections.
  4. Click "Search".
  5. Use "Clear" to start a new search.

Search Tips

Although resources may employ different options, the following are generally true for E-print Network searching:

Where Supported Note

Some collection search engines may not support field searching in some fields such as creator/author, title, and/or date.  However, users may enter search terms in these fields and the E-print Network's federated search attempts the search by performing a search on the collection in the most applicable field available.  For instance, if a collection does not support searching for an author/creator, the E-print Network's federated search may search that collection's full bibliographic record for the entered author's name.


Results Navigation

Marked List Navigation

About the Search Engine

Distributed Explorit and Explorit Focused Crawler

Explorit is the core product from which all other current Deep Web Technologies products are derived. Basically, Explorit is a highly configurable and easily customizable interface to commercially available, off-the-shelf (COTS) full-text search engines from Lextek International and Verity. Explorit provides the capability to deploy small to large-scale collections of information on the Web – fully searchable and easily navigable – to a wide range of user communities. Large organizations or information purveyors with many collections of heterogeneous information benefit from the consistency and usability of the Explorit user interface: whether they deploy one collection or one hundred, users quickly learn that all Explorit applications operate essentially the same way, and variances are determined by content rather than inconsistent design.


Disciplines contain links to e-print servers or e-prints provided by individual authors, which have been organized into subject-specific categories.

From the home page, select "Disciplines" to browse e-print sites categorized by discipline or subject areas. Resources may appear under one or more discipline areas.

  1. Choose the appropriate subject area by selecting a discipline link.
  2. Sites under discipline areas are alphabetized.
  3. Explore resources by scrolling through the alphabetical list.
  4. View actual Web resource by selecting a link.

Scientific Societies

As a service to our user community, a list of Scientific Societies and associations that focus on topics related to the Department of Energy's research and development initiatives is provided. Many of these societies provide electronic publications. While access to some publications may be free of charge, others may require subscriptions, pay-per-view arrangements, or access through libraries or commercial providers. Select "Scientific Societies" in the EPN menu to browse a list of scientific societies and associations.

  1. Societies are categorized geographically as Japanese or other.
  2. Sites are alphabetized within the two categories.
  3. Explore resources by scrolling through the alphabetical list.
  4. Click on a specific letter of the alphabet to jump to that part of the listing.
  5. View actual Web resource by clicking on a link.

Alert Service

The Alert Service will automatically notify you when new e-print information is indexed or added to databases in your specific areas of interest. Simply register for the service and then fill in your search criteria on the "Create an E-print Alert" page.


Alerts can be set up for any combination of the collections represented on the "Search" page. These collections currently include reports on computer science, mathematics, and physics.  To create a User Name and Password, follow these steps:

  1. Select NEW PATRON to register as a new user.
  2. Complete the Registration Form to create a user name and password.
  3. Click Register then click Login.
  4. Enter your user name and password in the login form.
  5. If you already have an account select EXISTING PATRON. Enter your user name and password and click Login. You can then view results for existing alerts, make changes to your alerts, or create new alerts.
  6. If you have forgotten your password, find an email message sent to you from eprints_help@osti.gov, there will be a URL listed in the email. Click on or paste the entire URL into your browser location input box and press enter. Your page allowing you to view and edit your alerts will be shown. You can then change your password by selecting the Change Password button at the bottom of the page.
  7. If you have forgotten your password and can't find an email with the URL for your alerts, send an email to eprints_help@osti.gov. We will provide you with the information to get to your individual account and create a new password.

Creating Your Search

  1. In the Alert Name provide the unique title of what you want your search to be called. You'll need the alert name to change or delete the alert or to view results.
  2. Enter the search term(s) you want included in this profile in the Full Record field. (You may wish to use the Search page to determine the best keywords and collections prior to creating your alert).
  3. Select the number of records to retrieve from each collection. This can be in increments of 10, 25, 50, or 100.
  4. Check the boxes of the e-print collections that you want your alert run against weekly (Please realize we have no control of how often these servers are updated so you may get zero results back with some servers).
  5. Click the submit button. This will complete the alert set up and it will be run with the next weekly batch process.
  6. The delete button will cancel this alert.
  7. There is a button on your individual alert page which will allow you to change your password.
  8. Each week you will get an email message telling you that your alert is ready. The email will contain a listing of the newest e-prints and the sources they are available from as well as a link to your personal alert page.
  9. The alert system will archive six weeks of search results on your personal alert page. Results older than six weeks will disappear from the page when the latest week's results appear. If you wish to keep those results you have to store them elsewhere before they vanish.


It is possible to edit and modify your alerts from your personal alert page. (If not already logged on, choose EXISTING PATRON, enter user name and password and click login.) Click on the name of the Alert you wish to edit. You may modify the search terms, select the number of records to retrieve, or add/delete e-print collections. When your changes have been made, click the Submit button, your changes will go into effect the next time the Alerts are processed. To delete an Alert, simply click on the Delete button.



Advanced Search

Browse by Discipline

Scientific Societies

E-print Alerts

Add E-prints


Advanced Search