Torchlight Publishing

Jiaogulan - Nature's Powerful Adaptogenic and Antioxidant Herb


Jiaogulan - China's 'Immortality Herb'   


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Your very best source for  information on Jiaogulan China's 'Immortality Herb'


Jiaogulan (jow-goo-lawn) has such a long list of rejuvenating properties that in China they call it the ‘immortality’ herb.  It is in a rare class of herbs called ‘adaptogens’ that help your body without causing any harm or imbalance.  Jiaogulan is especially helpful in building your body’s natural resistance to stress. The amazing effect jiaogulan has on cardio-vascular health has earned it the title of “the herbal heart defender”. 

This is the first book to reveal the complete history and the traditional and modern uses of jiaogulan. The beneficial effects of this “miracle” herb on regulating blood pressure, strengthening the immune system, lowering cholesterol levels, and increasing endurance are described in detail. The authors have also included most of the known research on jiaogulan.

“Two years ago I began a 10,000-mile journey that took me to Asia to find out if the amazing claims about jiaogulan were true. I teamed up with Jialiu Liu, M.D., who led an eight-year research project on jiaogulan in China.

We found that over 20 years of scientific studies along with traditional Chinese medicine have shown jiaogulan to dramatically affect many life-threatening health conditions, particularly those that affect baby-boomers and seniors.” - Michael Blumert, Co-Author, Jiaogulan, China’s “Immortality” Herb

Praises for the Book

“This book is a well-written, user friendly presentation of a remarkable herb…Jiaogulan is a welcome addition to our medical bag, as this book is to our library.”
- Hyla Cass, M.D. Assistant Clincal Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine.
Author: St. John’s Wort: Nature’s Blues Buster, Kava: Nature’s Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia, and All About Herbs.

“This book remains an excellent reference for providing an overview of the scientific studies on this important Chinese herb and allows the reader to judge the potential of its medical benefits in a scientific manner.”
- Journal of Natural Products, 2000

The Major Benefits You’ll Experience Are:
Melts Stress
Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Helps Regulates Blood Pressure Naturally
Revs Up Endurance Levels
Reduces Fatigue
Boosts Your Immune System 
(Click here to read on)

What are the major health publications saying about jiaogulan?


Contact Information:
Telephone: (1) 559 337 2188  FAX: (1) 559 337 2354
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Postal address: PO Box 52, Badger, CA, 93603-0052, USA
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