
Minority Business Development Agency - Frequently Asked Questions - Print
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Located within Category: Login/Logoff, Account Editing or Registration Assistance

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I keep getting the above error message when I try to log on to the mbda website. I have checked my cookie setting and installed coldfusion and still can not seem to solve the problem. Advise?"
Our Answer...
That error can occurs when two or more users use the same computer at different times, both visit our portal at least once, but one or the other does not properly logoff when done. If this is the case, simply closing the browser window is the same as logging off. Two users cannot be logged in at the same time on the same computer (i.e. 2 browser windows opened).

If that doesn’t help either upgrade your browser to a new version if it’s outdated or try another browser – it’s possible an older or unsupported browser might produce that error.

You should also visit this link for browser requirements: http://www.mbda.gov/?action=browser_requirements

If all else fails:

If you are using MSIE please delete all cookies using Tools -> Internet Options -> Delete Cookies (note: this removes ALL cookies, not just ours, it’s always a last resort) then close all browser windows, re-launch MSIE and login. Remember, always logoff when done if 2+ users share the same computer.

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