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Preparing For Homeownership Quick Quiz

Tips to Remember
  • Homeownership has many benefits but also many responsibilities. Make sure you are ready for the responsibilities before you buy.
  • Make sure you don’t overspend. Your housing budget should be no more than 28% of your gross income.
  • Become familiar with your credit report and credit scores.
  • Fix any errors on your credit report immediately! Contact both the credit reporting company and the creditor that provided incorrect information. Both are responsible under the law for correcting errors.
  • Establish and protect your good credit – credit will affect the terms of your loans.

Now that you’ve completed the Preparing for Homeownership section, test your knowledge.

  1. Your debt-to-income ratio (the total debt you have including things like alimony, car loans and child care) should be what percentage of your monthly gross income?
    A. 30 – 40%
    B. 45 – 55%
    C. No more than 62%
    D. It doesn’t matter as long as you are able to pay your bills
  2. It is okay to buy a little more house than you can afford if:
    A. The market is hot and your house will increase in value
    B. You anticipate you will earn more soon
    C. It's never okay to buy more house than you can afford
  3. True or False: You won’t be able to get a mortgage if you’ve changed jobs a number of times in the last couple of years.
  4. Which of the following will positively affect your credit?
    A. Not paying your bills on time
    B. Paying off your credit card balance every month
    C. Maxing out your credit cards
    D. Applying for lots of credit cards
  5. True or False: A credit report is the same as a credit score.
  6. Which of the following is a good reason to see a credit counselor?
    A. You are using your credit card for purchases you used to make with cash
    B. You are having trouble paying your bills
    C. You are borrowing money to make loan payments
    D. All of the above

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