The Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility (AODCJF) is a whole-of-government approach to ocean data management that is developing a national multi-agency data management system for the ocean data resources of the partner agencies.

The vision of the AODCJF is

"To be Australia’s ocean data centre renowned for comprehensive and integrated data management meeting national and international requirements for ocean data and products; underpinned by a whole of nation approach to the collegiate sharing of data and data management resources in Australia."

To achieve this vision, the AODCJF is developing a multi-agency distributed data management system to manage the ocean data resources of the partner agencies that will provide a national infrastructure flexible enough to permit on-line access to the distributed archives of data held in the partner institutions across Australia.

Annual Report AODCJF Annual Report 2006-07 (PDF, 2.6mb)


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