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Senior Bush Administration Official Says Administration Remains Focus on Economy


President Bush's point man for minority business development Ronald N. Langston in Seattle today told minority business owners that the Bush Administration remains focused on the economy and committed to encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit where minority businesses can flourish.

Langston, National Director for the Minority Business Development Agency at the Commerce Department, addressed concerns of some of the business owners attending a business roundtable by announcing funding for two Minority Business Development Centers (BDCs). Both centers will service minority businesses statewide. The new grant will be awarded to the Seattle Business Assistance Center and a renewal grant will be awarded to the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development. The new Seattle center is expected to secure over $15 million in financial and procurement transactions for the minority business community.

“Minority-owned firms are growing faster than other businesses," Langston said. "However, the number and size of minority firms relative to the minority population is significantly lower than it should be. Support for these centers is one step towards addressing the opportunity gap that currently exists for minority-owned firms in Seattle."

The BDCs will empower minority entrepreneurs with expert one-on-one assistance in all areas of business, including administration, planning, marketing, accounting, bidding and financing.

Langston further stated that the minority business community would greatly benefit from the recommendations put forth in a comprehensive manufacturing report, Manufacturing In America, released recently by the Commerce Department. “The administration has made manufacturing in America a top national priority.” Langston referred to the report as a blueprint for growth that will help minority business owners expand their business, create new jobs and help both the local and national economy.

The recommendations include creating a “Presidential Manufacturing Council,” establishing conditions for economic growth and manufacturing investment and promoting open markets and a level playing field.

During the roundtable, Langston presented Purcell Johnson, President of Cassel, Inc. with a U.S. Department of Commerce Certificate of Appreciation for his achievement and support of minority business development.

Cassel, Inc., started in 1989, is a provider of shipping supplies. Since its inception, Cassel has increased its revenue by over 500 percent. The company is proud to be a trusted supplier to many national accounts, including, United Parcel Service, Washington Mutual Bank, Hallmark, Inc., Seattle Mariners, and Corporate Express Langston is in Seattle as part of a minority business outreach tour to explore opportunities to expand programs for minority businesses throughout the west coast. Langston will head to California for the second leg of his tour for more meetings and roundtables with minority entrepreneurs.


Areaka McFadden 202-482-1526

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