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MBDA Recognizes Lunar New Year


The global Asian community will celebrate the Lunar New Year. Recently, The New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) recently spoke with MBDA National Director Ronald N. Langston about the global Asian community.


National Director Ronald N. Langston sends best wishes for the Lunar New Year

To the Asian Global Community:

Hello, my name is Ronald N. Langston, National Director of the United States Department of Commerce's Minority Business Development Agency. On behalf of President George W. Bush, and U.S. Commerce Secretary Don Evans, I wish the Asian community worldwide a very Happy Lunar New Year. With all the indicators showing economic growth, I am confident that you will continue to be prosperous in the growth and expansion of your business enterprises in the United States and globally. We at MBDA hope that 2004 will bring the blessing of joy to your families.

Again, I thank the Asian Global Community for their continued interest and support of the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) vision of empowerment through enterprise.


Ronald N. Langston

National Director

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