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HEAsoft v6.6.1 Bug List

Last modified Monday, 12-Jan-2009 08:38:22 EST

If you are using HEASOFT v6.6 and don't want to upgrade to v6.6.1 just yet, see the HEASOFT 6.6 Bug List.

Please visit the HEASOFT Supported Platforms page for current information about supported operating systems and compilers.

Several packages track bugs separately from this page:

The following is a list of known bugs in v6.6.1 of HEAsoft not covered by the above pages.

  • FV - "Can't find a usable tk.tcl":

    The FV GUI may fail to start under newer operating systems/compilers, displaying the error "Application initialization failed: Can't find a usable tk.tcl". One solution is to edit the file
    to add these three lines after line 588:
      #ifdef GenericEvent
          /* GenericEvent */           0,
    If you do that and then
      cd heasoft-6.6/tcltk/BUILD_DIR/
      ./hmake all-tk
      ./hmake install-tk
    the FV GUI should then start up.

  • Fedora 7, 8, 9:

    We have received reports of mysterious memory errors in some software when using the default 4.x compilers (gcc, g++, gfortran) on the Fedora 7, 8, and 9 Linux operating systems. Currently it looks like switching to alternate compilers - typically installed in /usr/bin/ alongside the 4.x versions as, for example, gcc34, g++34, and g77 - will fix the problem. To use these alternate compilers,
          setenv CC gcc34
          setenv CXX g++34
          setenv FC g77
    prior to configuring a HEASOFT source code distribution.

    Fedora 7, 8, 9 on x86_64: We have also found that the FTOOLS Fortran dynamic memory allocation routine may be malfunctioning on 64-bit architectures running these recent Fedora operating systems, and we are currently testing a modified version of this routine. If you believe you may have hit this error, please contact us via the FTOOLS help desk.

  • Source builds on Mac OS X 10.3.x / Darwin 7.x (PANTHER):

    Panther users may hit a build error in the newmakefilter task, stating:
    ComplexData.hh:153: error: `isnan' undeclared (first use this function)
    To fix this problem, edit the file


    and remove lines 9 and 13, i.e. uncomment the #ifdef __APPLE_CC__ section:
    09: /*
    10: #ifdef __APPLE_CC__
    11: static long isnan(double value) { return __isnand(value); }
    12: #endif
    13: */
    This code is only necessary on Panther (and breaks builds with newer versions of the Xcode compilers). After making this edit, the build should hopefully go smoothly.

Help lines: FTOOLS or

Web page maintained by Bryan K. Irby

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Last modified: Monday, 12-Jan-2009 08:38:22 EST