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HEASARC: Calibration Database

The CALDB E-Mail Exploders


The HEASARC CALDB operates e-mail exploders to distribute information regarding HEASARC-supported missions. The primary purpose is to announce additions of new datasets and calibration files, or other changes to CALDB "managers" .

The information on these e-mail exploders is not intended to replace the information distributed by the individual mission guest observer facilities, which are the primary source of official, mission-specific calibration news.

Available E-mail lists

Currently there are 3 e-mail lists available. The links below will take you to the archive of e-mails on each list.

Subscription information

These exploders makes use of the HEASARC Automated Mailing List Handler, and on-line help on subscribing and a number of other features is available.
  • To subscribe to this list, send e-mail to with the text of the message consisting of:
              subscribe < listname > < your_name >
    < listname > is either rosatcaldb, ascacaldb, or xtecaldb
    < your_name > is your real name (eg Ian George).

  • To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to with the text of the message consisting of
    unsubscribe < listname >

Page author: Michael F. Corcoran
Last updated: Thursday, 26-Oct-2006 11:46:05 EDT.