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MBDA Community Exchange (select this image as a shortcut to the Forum Index) 

Our free and interactive online discussion forum...  
Guest User, you must be logged in to MBDA.gov in order to post within our forum.

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Please login here if you are already a member.

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Visit here often and become a part of MBDA's Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and public forum community...

NEW! View our recently added MBDA "Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Initiative Forum" below. CRM is a new key initiative at MBDA. Detailed documentation is available for viewing or downloading under the Key Initiatives section on mbda.gov.

NOTE: This is a free/public B2B forum. Your target audience for the "Exchange" forum is other MBEs and businesspersons within the public community. Members, please read Our Rules for Posting - Moderation & Privacy Policies before posting.

• Add your business and/or personal profile within our Business Exchange forum below to seek business relationships, and inquire or seek help from other MBEs during your regular visits...
• All discussion topics are organized within our forums with messages displayed in newest to oldest order. Select any forum displayed below to list the discussion topics...
FAQFAQ   SearchSearch   MemberlistMemberlist   MembergroupsMembergroups

New Members: Tips & What to do first!
What exactly is a forum?
What is my profile and how do I change it?
Topics - reading, finding and posting
What are Membergroups?
What is the Private Mail Center?
What is a locked topic?
E-MAIL Notification of New Replies

User Preferences and settings
How do I change my settings?
The times are not correct!
I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong!
My language is not in the list!
How do I show an image below my username?
How do I change my rank?
When I click the E-Mail link for a user it asks me to log in.

Posting Issues
How do I post a topic in a forum?
How do I edit or delete a post?
How do I add a signature to my post?
How do I create a poll?
How do I edit or delete a poll?
Why can't I access a forum?
Why can't I vote in polls?

Formatting and Topic Types
What is BBCode?
Can I use HTML?
What are Smileys?
Can I post Images?
What are Announcements?
What are Sticky topics?
What are Locked topics?

User Levels and Groups
What are Administrators?
What are Moderators?
What are Membergroups?
How do I join a Membergroup?
How do I become a membergroup Moderator?

Private Messaging
What is 'Private Messaging'?
I cannot send private messages!
I keep getting unwanted private messages!
I have received a spamming or abusive E-Mail from someone on this forum!

phpBB 2 Issues
Who wrote this bulletin forum?
Why isn't X feature available?
Whom do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this forum?

Forum Administration
How to add a moderator
Moderator How-To Guide
Administrator How-To Guide


New Members: Tips & What to do first!
What exactly is a forum?
The MBDA Community Exchange is a forum... Forums are places where people discuss things. Back in the old days they used to call these things Bulletin Boards, i.e. like in a supermarket people stick notes on a bulletin board that the store setup near the front door so shoppers can communicate with each other. This is precisely like that, it's just handled electronically and over the Internet! A forum is a collection of messages organized by subject. The highest level is called the Forum Index. Everything starts here, it's where all the categories (groups of forums) and forums (groups of messages) are listed. Remember not every member sees the same listing of categories of forums, that depends on their privileges as determined by MBDA. The listing you see is categories and forums available to you. If you get lost on our forum, look for the words "MBDA Community Exchange Forum Index" near the top left, or click on the title graphic at the top center, and you will be sent to the forum index.
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What is my profile and how do I change it?
Your profile is what identifies you as a member of the MBDA Community Exchange Forum, and includes your personal settings.

Being a new member, we suggest you do the following BEFORE you post a new topic or reply to existing ones:

1) Select "Your Profile" from the commands near the top of the page
2) Select an avatar (help for avatar selection is on that page) - which is a small graphic that shows up in all your messages you post that uniquely identifies you. Select or upload one that matches your personality, or use a business logo, etc.
3) Define a signature - include any pertinent information about yourself or your business, bearing in mind it is public and everyone will be able to view it.
4) Configure all other options on that screen as applicable

Note: Your avatar and signature is updated in all messages if you make changes in the future.
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Topics - reading, finding and posting
Topics are the focus of this forum.

A post (also referred to as a topic) is defined as any message submitted by a member of the MBDA Community Exchange on any subject. A topic thread, also called a topic page or topic list by experienced members, is a collection of replies related to the same subject. The first post is where the subject is determined, and our guidelines state that all successive replies must be related. This helps keeps our forums, filled with numerous topic threads (commonly referred to as topics), organized and easy to follow.

Now that you know what a topic is, you're probably wondering how to read them. There are numerous methods.

First, remember all category names, all forum names and all topic titles are links, so selecting them is how you navigate the forum. Just follow the links, easily identifiable with their pale blue color.

Popular methods include:

1) Start at the Forum Index, find a category or forum you like, then start reading. New topics are always listed before older ones in the topic index (listing of topics within that forum).

2) Click on "Search" icon near the top of the page and use that convenient tool to find topics. It should be noted this method is best when researching, not casually browsing, because it's alot of extra steps and you might miss topics if members don't include descriptive subjects.

3) If you're a frequent visitor, click on the links at the top for checking new topics added since last visit, and your own topics (to quickly determine if any replies were added).

Be sure to browse the various forums and read a few topics. You will learn how the forum works by seeing what other members do, and also will see how conversations are organized. You will notice that on the Forum Index page you see descriptions below each forum in the list.


First, if you enter a forum and see an announcement or sticky topic listed at the top of the topic index (listing of all topics) with rules and guidelines listed, read carefully BEFORE posting.

If you wish to start a new topic in a forum, make sure it's in the most appropriate forum, and post one message only (no duplications or cross-posting permitted) by clicking on the "New Topic" button near the top of the screen within that forum. If this button is not available, you are not permitted to post there (some forums are "read only").

If you wish to reply within an existing topic, click on "New Reply" located near the top of that topic. Then add your reply. If you type in a subject in the optional field, you are not changing the original subject of the topic thread, merely identifying yours as unique. But remember, all replies must be related to the original subject of the topic, to keep things organized and easy to follow.

Remember, if you don't see it, post it!

Our forum is built on members like you contributing with new topics and replies, so jump right in and start posting!
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What are Membergroups?
Membergroups are pre-defined group names designated by the MBDA and associated with specific forums on the MBDA Community Exchange. Anyone not in a specific group is a Public Member with access to all the help and general forums and categories. Your group designation is the same as on MBDA.gov. You cannot unjoin a group but you can view the members of any groups to which you belong by selecting "Membergroups" located near the top of almost every page on the forum.
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What is the Private Mail Center?
There are more detailed FAQ's available in the FAQ section, but the Private Mail Center is a special mailbox that holds private correspondence sent between members of the MBDA Community Exchange. Think of it as E-Mail, but within the confines of the forum only. Your message status will be displayed near the top of almost every screen, then to enter the Private Mail Center simply select the icon or words displayed of the same name. New members are encouraged to post public (non-private) messages within our forums first, to get used to the forum, and as you make business contacts or friends online, feel free to also contact with them privately.

Please remember that contributing ideas and helping others in our public forums is the focus of the MBDA Community Exchange so please use the private mail feature sparingly.
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What is a locked topic?
If you read a topic and notice there is an icon that says the topic is LOCKED, it means the administrator or moderators have closed that topic to replying. It effectively makes the topic 'read only' so you can't add a new reply. This is often done on news announcements and important messages where feedback is not warranted. You may also see this on posts managed by moderators as well.
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If you are seeking help on a feature or application on MBDA.gov, please consider the following options:

Get help via the MBDA Community Exchange...
To do this, go to the Forum Index and select the forum named 'MBDA Help Desk - Technical Support'. If nobody else has asked the same questions, add a new topic and pose your question.

Get help via 'Contact Us'...
To do this, select 'Contact Us' on the very bottom of the page and follow instructions displayed there.

E-Mail the help desk directly at: support@mbda.gov

Please do not contact the administrator or moderators for issues unrelated to the MBDA Community Exchange forum. Thank you.
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If you are logged into the MBDA.gov web site but show up as a "Guest User" within the MBDA Community Exchange, it is likely due to one of two problems:

1) Your browser is unsupported or an old version. This forum supports all recent versions (6.0 or later) or Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape. If you use Opera, make sure it's version 7.54 or later, as previous versions may not login or render pages properly. If you use any recent version of Mozilla or Konquerer, versions 6.0 or later you might experience some style sheet irregularities that are optimized for Internet Explorer.

2) You have cookies disabled or set incorrectly. Please see the help section at bottom of this FAQ for instructions on proper settings

What are cookies?
Cookies are the tiny files exchanged between the MBDA web site and your computer and might be corrupted if you can't login.

If you need further assistance kindly contact our Help Desk by clicking on the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

How to change your browser's privacy settings

For Internet Explorer 6.x:

On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
Click the Privacy tab, and move the slider to select a setting.
Click OK.

For Internet Explorer 5.x:

On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
On the Security tab, click the Custom Level button.
Scroll down to Cookies.
Click Enable or Prompt.
Click OK, click Yes, and then click OK again.

For Internet Explorer 4.x:

On the View menu, click Internet Options.
Click the Advanced tab.
Scroll down to Security, and then to Cookies.
Click Always accept or Prompt before accepting.
Click OK.

For Netscape Navigator 6.x:

On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
Expand the Privacy and Security category by clicking the triangle sign.
Click Cookies, and select Enable all cookies.
Click OK.

For Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.x:

On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
In the left column, click Advanced.
On the right, under Cookies, click Accept all cookies.
Click OK.

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E-MAIL Notification of New Replies
If you wish to be informed, through E-Mail, that replies have been posted by others in one of the topics on the forum, you can very easily do this. First, make sure you're logged into the portal before accessing the forum because this feature is not available to guests. To subscribe to a topic (also called "watching" a topic) so you can receive E-Mail notifications, view any topic and select the text link on the bottom left of the topic that looks like this "Watch this topic for replies". That's all there is to it! Remember, E-Mail delivery is never gauranteed due to network issues on your side, on the Internet, or our own mail server. Also, you should only subscribe to important topics. If you wish to unsubscribe, the link on the bottom left of the topic page will change to "Stop watching this topic" and select that.
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Return to the Business Exchange Forum

What exactly is the Minority Busines Exchange forum?

A forum for minority business owners or interested parties to exchange information, make business contacts, and seek services and assistance. A place to meet people, like yourself, to create business opportunities and acheive success.

So can I post my business name/description here..?


Let's think of this forum as a place to not only promote your business, which we encourage, but as an interactive realm where business owners, like you, can meet and exchange ideas!

So this is much more than a mere classified section, this is all about PEOPLE like you.

Our rules here are very simple and apply to ALL members:

* No multiple or single postings seeking investments or promotions of specfic products or services
* No cross posting of one topic in more than one message area (forum)
* No blatant advertising for the sole purpose of sales or pyramid/get rich quick schemes
* No direct sales - our forum is a place to exchange ideas of selling, not just sell your products
* No illegal activity of any kind permitted

Only your username and profile information is posted publicly. You may edit your profile at any time by clicking on the 'Profile' link at the top of the page. All default profile settings come from your MBDA portal user account. View our complete privacy policy here.

We welcome you to post your business name and description and we encourage you to ask questions about business startup, funding, contracting and other issues pertinent to operating a successful minority business so don't hesitate to include background information on your company.

This is the forum where you can find help about minority business, and of course this is the place to help others.

Please be informed...
Members who do not conform to our forum rules stated above and/or our Privacy Policy (linked at the bottom of this page) are subject to having the topics they posted removed and their posting permissions disallowed on the entire forum, without notification.

Thank you for your cooperation


Return to the Business Exchange Forum

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Only your username and profile information is posted publicly. You may edit your profile at any time by clicking on the 'Profile' link at the top of the page. All default profile settings come from your MBDA portal user account. View our complete privacy policy here.
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User Preferences and settings
How do I change my settings?
All your settings (if you are registered) are stored in the database. To alter them click the Profile link (generally shown at the top of pages but this may not be the case). This will allow you to change all your settings. You may also, if desired, adjust your forum settings using the My MBDA link at the top right of the page if you are logged in to mbda.gov.
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The times are not correct!
Please read the FAQ just above this one. Beyond the information presented there, the times are almost certainly correct; however, what you may be seeing are times displayed in a timezone different from the one you are in. If this is the case, you should change your profile setting for the timezone to match your particular area, e.g. London, Paris, New York, Sydney, etc. Please note that changing the timezone, like most settings, can only be done by members who are logged in. The forum will attempt to determine your local time zone automatically but will default to EST (GMT-5) if no value can be determined. You might notice the time zone change automatically if you switch from one computer to another in a different time zone. If so, this is normal.
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I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong!
If you are sure you have set the timezone correctly and the time is still different, the most likely answer is daylight savings time (or summer time as it is known in the UK and other places). The forum is not designed to handle the changeovers between standard and daylight time so during summer months the time may be an hour different from the real local time.
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My language is not in the list!
Thus far, only English is the supported language if you see an option to select from multiple languages. The most likely reasons for this are either the administrator did not install your language or someone has not translated this forum into your language. Try asking the forum administrator if they can install the language pack you need or if it does not exist, please feel free to create a new translation. More information can be found at the phpBB Group website (see link at bottom of pages)
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How do I show an image below my username?
There may be two images below a username when viewing posts. The first is an image associated with your rank; generally these take the form of stars or blocks indicating how many posts you have made or your status on the forums. Below this may be a larger image known as an avatar; this is generally unique or personal to each user. It is up to the forum administrator to enable avatars and they have a choice over the way in which avatars can be made available. If you are unable to use avatars then this is the decision of the forum admin and you should ask them their reasons (we're sure they'll be good!)
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How do I change my rank?
In general you cannot directly change the wording of any rank (ranks appear below your username in topics and on your profile depending on the style used). Most forums use ranks to indicate the number of posts you have made and to identify certain users. For example, moderators and administrators may have a special rank. Please do not abuse the forum by posting unnecessarily just to increase your rank -- you will probably find the moderator or administrator will simply lower your post count.
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When I click the E-Mail link for a user it asks me to log in.
Sorry, but only members can send E-Mail to people via the built-in E-Mail form (if the admin has enabled this feature). This is to prevent malicious use of the E-Mail system by anonymous users.
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Posting Issues
How do I post a topic in a forum?
Easy -- click the relevant button on either the forum or topic screens. You may need to register before you can post a message. The facilities available to you are listed at the bottom of the forum and topic screens (the You can post new topics, You can vote in polls, etc. list)
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How do I edit or delete a post?
Unless you are the forum admin or forum moderator you can only edit or delete your own posts. You can edit a post (sometimes for only a limited time after it was made) by clicking the edit button for the relevant post. If someone has already replied to the post, you will find a small piece of text output below the post when you return to the topic that lists the number of times you edited it. This will only appear if no one has replied; it also will not appear if moderators or administrators edit the post (they should leave a message saying what they altered and why). Please note that normal users cannot delete a post once someone has replied.
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How do I add a signature to my post?
To add a signature to a post you must first create one; this is done via your profile. Once created you can check the Add Signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio box in your profile. You can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box on the posting form.
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How do I create a poll?
Creating a poll is easy -- when you post a new topic (or edit the first post of a topic, if you have permission) you should see a Add Poll form below the main posting box. If you cannot see this then you probably do not have rights to create polls. You should enter a title for the poll and then at least two options -- to set an option type in the poll question and click the Add option button. You can also set a time limit for the poll, 0 being an infinite amount. There will be a limit to the number of options you can list, which is set by the forum administrator
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How do I edit or delete a poll?
As with posts, polls can only be edited by the original poster, a moderator, or forum administrator. To edit a poll, click the first post in the topic, which always has the poll associated with it. If no one has cast a vote then users can delete the poll or edit any poll option. However, if people have already placed votes only moderators or administrators can edit or delete it; this is to prevent people rigging polls by changing options mid-way through a poll
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Why can't I access a forum?
Some forums may be limited to certain users or groups. To view, read, post, etc. you may need special authorization which only the forum moderator and forum administrator can grant, so you should contact them.
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Why can't I vote in polls?
Only members can vote in polls so as to prevent spoofing of results. If you have registered and still cannot vote then you probably do not have appropriate access rights.
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Formatting and Topic Types
What is BBCode?
BBCode is a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can use BBCode is determined by the administrator. You can also disable it on a per post basis from the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML: tags are enclosed in square braces [ and ] rather than < and > and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. For more information on BBCode see the guide which can be accessed from the posting page.
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Can I use HTML?
That depends on whether the administrator allows you to; they have complete control over it. If you are allowed to use it, you will probably find only certain tags work. This is a safety feature to prevent people from abusing the forum by using tags which may destroy the layout or cause other problems. If HTML is enabled you can disable it on a per post basis from the posting form.
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What are Smileys?
Smileys, or Emoticons, are small graphical images which can be used to express some feeling using a short code, e.g. :) means happy, :( means sad. The full list of emoticons can be seen via the posting form. Try not to overuse smileys, though, as they can quickly render a post unreadable and a moderator may decide to edit them out or remove the post altogether.
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Can I post Images?
Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this forum. Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. http://www.some-unknown-place.net/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor to images stored behind authentication mechanisms such as Hotmail or Yahoo mailboxes, password-protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode [img] tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed).
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What are Announcements?
Announcements often contain important information and you should read them as soon as possible. Announcements appear at the top of every page in the forum to which they are posted. Whether or not you can post an announcement depends on the permissions required, which are set by the administrator.
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What are Sticky topics?
Sticky topics appear below any announcements in viewforum and only on the first page. They are often quite important so you should read them where possible. As with announcements the forum administrator determines what permissions are required to post sticky topics in each forum.
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What are Locked topics?
Locked topics are set this way by either the forum moderator or forum administrator. You cannot reply to locked topics and any poll contained inside is automatically ended. Topics may be locked for many reasons.
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User Levels and Groups
What are Administrators?
Administrators are people assigned the highest level of control over the entire forum. These people can control all facets of forum operation which include setting permissions, banning users, creating membergroups or moderators, etc. They also have full moderator capabilities in all the forums.
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What are Moderators?
Moderators (MBDA Staff) are individuals (or groups of individuals) whose job it is to look after the running of the forums from day to day. They have the power to edit or delete posts and lock, unlock, move, delete and split topics in the forum they moderate. Generally moderators are there to prevent people going off-topic or posting abusive or offensive material.
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What are Membergroups?
Membergroups are a way in which forum administrators can group users. Each user can belong to several groups (this differs from most other forums) and each group can be assigned individual access rights. This makes it easy for administrators to set up several users as moderators of a forum, or to give them access to a private forum, etc.
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How do I join a Membergroup?
To join a membergroup click the membergroup link on the page header (dependent on template design) and you can then view all membergroups. Not all groups are open access -- some are closed and some may even have hidden memberships. If the forum is open then you can request to join it by clicking the appropriate button. The user group moderator will need to approve your request; they may ask why you want to join the group. Please do not pester a group moderator if they turn your request down -- they will have their reasons.
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How do I become a membergroup Moderator?
membergroups are initially created by the forum administrator who also assigns a forum moderator. If you are interested in creating a membergroup then your first point of contact should be the administrator, so try dropping them a private message.
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Private Messaging
What is 'Private Messaging'?
Our forum supports messages to be sent privately between two members of the forum, so only the receipient and the sender can view those messages. Think of it like E-Mail between forum members exclusively.
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I cannot send private messages!
There are three reasons for this; you are not registered and/or not logged on, the forum administrator has disabled private messaging for the entire forum, or the forum administrator has prevented you individually from sending messages. If it is the latter case you should try asking the administrator why.
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I keep getting unwanted private messages!
In the future we will be adding an ignore list to the private messaging system. For now, though, if you keep receiving unwanted private messages from someone, inform the forum administrator -- they have the power to prevent a user from sending private messages at all.
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I have received a spamming or abusive E-Mail from someone on this forum!
We are sorry to hear that. The E-Mail form feature of this forum includes safeguards to try to track users who send such posts. You should E-Mail the forum administrator with a full copy of the E-Mail you received and it is very important this include the headers (these list details of the user that sent the E-Mail). They can then take action.
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phpBB 2 Issues
Who wrote this bulletin forum?
This software (in its unmodified form) is produced, released and is copyrighted phpBB Group. It is made available under the GNU General Public License and may be freely distributed; see link for more details
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Why isn't X feature available?
This software was written by and licensed through phpBB Group. If you believe a feature needs to be added then please visit the phpbb.com website and see what the phpBB Group has to say. Please do not post feature requests to the forum at phpbb.com, as the Group uses sourceforge to handle tasking of new features. Please read through the forums and see what, if any, our position may already be for features and then follow the procedure given there.
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Whom do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this forum?
You should contact the administrator of this forum. If you cannot find who that is, you should first contact one of the forum moderators and ask them who you should in turn contact. If still get no response you should contact the owner of the domain (do a whois lookup) or, if this is running on a free service (e.g. yahoo, free.fr, f2s.com, etc.), the management or abuse department of that service. Please note that phpBB Group has absolutely no control and cannot in any way be held liable over how, where or by whom this forum is used. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal (cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.) matter not directly related to the phpbb.com website or the discrete software of phpBB itself. If you do E-Mail phpBB Group about any third party use of this software then you should expect a terse response or no response at all.
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Forum Administration
How to add a moderator
[b]HOW TO ADD A MODERATOR (ONLY ADMINISTRATORS CAN DO THIS)[/b] Step 1: The moderator must have visited the forum already and be listed as a member here Step 2: Determine if they will be a Global Moderator or a standard moderator Definitions: Global Moderator = Can manage topics in ALL forums users can post Standard Moderator = Can manage topics in one or more specified forums (you decide) Step 3: Set them up... If a Global Moderator: a) Go to the "Membergroups" option near the top of the Forum Index page, select it b) In the pulldown menu select "Global Moderators" group then select the "View Information" button on the right c) Type in their portal login name in the input area to the left of "Add Member" then select the "Add Member" button d) Select "Go to the Administration Control Panel" on the bottom of the page e) Look for "User Admin" on the bottom (left panel) and select the "Management" link f) In the input area type in the members's login name and then select the "Look up user" button g) Look for "Rank Ttitle" at the bottom of their profile and pick "Global Moderator" h) Select the "Submit" button to save, you're all done If a standard moderator: a) Select "Go to the Administration Control Panel" on the bottom of the page b) Look for "User Admin" on the bottom and select the "Permissions" link c) In the input area type in the members's login name and then select the "Look up user" button d) For any forum you wish them to moderate, set it's "Moderator Status" pulldown menu to "Is Moderator" on the far right (in either simple mode or advanced mode, does not matter) e) Select the "Submit" button when done, on the bottom f) Look for "User Admin" on the bottom (left panel) and select the "Management" link g) In the input area type in the members's login name and then select the "Look up user" button h) Look for "Rank Ttitle" at the bottom of their profile and pick "Moderator" i) Select the "Submit" button to save, you're all done That's all there is to it! -jim
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Moderator How-To Guide
[b]FOR GLOBAL OR STANDARD MODERATORS[/b] A forum administrator or your supervisor will instruct you on which forum or forums you manage. This topic assumes you know which forum(s) to manage. Your primary objectives: * Help members if they ask questions * Post replies and new topics to keep your forum(s) fresh and lively * Edit or delete topics that don't conform to our Privacy Policy rules or AUP * Move topics if posted in your forum(s) but they should be somewhere else * Plus any other directives as per your supervisor or Administrator How do you accomplish these tasks? For individual topics or posts within topics use the numerous icons above, below and within each reply or topic screen to edit, move or delete topics or posts. For groups of topics within a forum select the "moderate this forum" link on the bottom right of any topic page. Then select which topics to delete, move, lock or unlock using the checkboxes then select the appropriate button function to process the selected topic(s). Things to Remember... * Once a post or topic is deleted, it cannot be recovered * It might be nice to send a private message to the member if you deleted their post * Please try not to delete sticky topics or announcements if moderating many topics at once * Auto-pruning (deletion of old topics) is set on most forums by the Administrators already If you have any questions, please ask one of the Administrators in this forum by posting a new topic here. Please do not ask Help Desk, that's for portal help only for public members, not staff. Thank you. -jim
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Administrator How-To Guide
This is just a quick note from me, as the web developer and forum admin... I posted some sticky topics in this forum to assist future administrators on how to set up moderators, and also help for moderators so they know how to manage the forums. Please note these are guides and I encourage future Administrators to edit them and update them as they see fit. I just got it started for you. Attention Administrators: If you need help figuring out how the Administration Control Panel works, please be sure to examine this online documentation courtesy of PHPBB, the company that produced this forum software: http://www.phpbb.com/support/guide/ Please note I designed this forum to fully, transparently and automatically integrate our portal members and their user type codes as membergroups. This means if you add or remove forums, in addition to managing the forums be sure to adjust ALL membergroup permissions and the pertinent forum permissions so everything synchronized properly. The permissions setup drives the entire software. Read the support guide in the link above for explanations about permissions in general. Remember anything set to "PRIVATE" means the membergroup permissions are used for that feature. -jim
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